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LEVITICUS XX[fl, 1 ;9 6 7 ( with the Niddui, ) i /'be be not forged. For the four- teenth day of Nifan (or Abib,) » not like the other e- venings of fRival! dayes : becaufe in it , are the fop, and the kiging ofthefzcrifice. Lt the 14. ofNifan, it is not unlawful! to doe work, fave after the midft of the day, andforward ; for that is the time ofllilling ( the ft- rifice.) Maimony in Ito fob. chap.8.fè &. 17, 18. the Paiover]Targum Ionathan explaineth it , the time of ki/lin; the Popover to the name of the Lord. The Paffover was a yeerely feall in remem- brance of their deliverance out of Egypt , when God paffed over the houfes of Ifrael , and killed not their firlt borne:fee Exo.I2.It figured our re- demption by Chrifi, who is oar Paffover ( or Paf- chal lambe) facrificedfar us: in remembrance wher- of we are commanded alto fpiritúally, to depe the feajl, with the unlevened-cakesof ftncerity arid troth, t Cor.5.7,8. Verf.6. of unlevened-cakes] a feaf} adjoyned to the Pa(feover , Exod. 12.15. and 13.6. the kites hereof are opened there : the facritices peculiar to this feaft,are fet down in Num. 28. r 9:25. The fignification was to teach us holineffe oflife,from thetime of our redemption, unto the end of our dayes; which fven bias myftically figured; as is (hewed on Exod. t 2. t 5 . Chazkuni (on Levit.23) faith ; T he eveningof the frfl good day , and that night, is called the Poff:over; according as they imploy them - felves about the oblation tuba » called the Paffaver. But the refthee of the feaft , from the frrf night and for- ward,» called the feaf! ofunlevened-eakes. Vera 7. fervilework) Hebr. work of rvice, or offervileneff : or laborious; as ploughing, lowing, weaving,or any the like:but worke about meat or drinkewhich they (hould ufe the fame day ,might be done,Exod. r 2.16.And the like law was for all other feftivall dayes, verf.8.21.25 35,36. fave on atonement day,uerfe 28 then, noworke mightbe done.So befides the Sabbath, which was every fe- venth day, there were feven holy dayes in the yeere; in fixe whereof; theymight doe no fertile worke,and in the feventh, noworke at all. Thofe fixe were, the firft and the feventh of the fealt of unlevened- cakes; the day of Pentecoft, or of Ora fruits,verfe 17.21 .the firlt day of the feventh mo- nth, which was the feafl of Blowing trumpets, verfe 24,2 5.and the firft and eight day,ofthe teafl of Boothes,verfe 35,36. The .feventh was Atone - ment(or expiation) day;whersinthey might doe no worke at all, verfe z8. Of there, the Hebrewes give there rules. Thefixe dayes where in the Scripture forbiddetb work , which are the frfl and feventh of the Pafeoven; the firfl andeight of thefaff of Botbes; the day of the feaf, of Weeks (or Penteco i,) and the fife day oftbe feventh mmeth : are called good dayes : and the Belling is alike in them oil ; f n it is tmlawfull is de any ferode worke in them ; fave the worke which it need- All aboutfood, Exod.12. t 6. Who fo relied, from fir- vile word in them ; obfrveth a commandement ; and who JO dotlo in any of them, worke which is not tteceff iry f r fold, as ifhe buildup, or pull dowse or weave, oe the ltd; he breadth a corn mandem :nt, andtranfgref fztb a- gainft this probibition,Y a S n e t t. NOT Do ANY SIKVILE Woxxs: and ifbedoe, and there bewrtne (er and evident proof«; bee it by the law, to be beateri.[Bat for working on the Sabbath, he is to be (toned to death , um.e5.32.35.] All marker needfull about meat is laevfitll ; as billing (of'beaf s) and balling (of bread,) and leading ( of dough,) andtbe like. But fuch works as may be date in the evening of b f sff day they doe not on the f aft day: ar they may not reape nor thre fh, nor ninon, norgrinde the corn, or the like. For all theft and fuck line may be done on the eve - ningof tbefeaff, and there is tberebÿ tit corruption, or minifhing (of the raft;) But they (knead, and hake, and kill , and boile (orrofl) on the feafi day ;bèecaufesfthey doe theft on the evening., there is thereby corruption, or minifhingof the taff. For warms bread, or meat Idled this day, » not like the bread that was baked, or the meat that was boiledyeflerday; nor the meatßaine to day, lid that which wasClaire y fierday; and fo alb' be likeunto theft. They may not bad, or dreg on a Atli day, that which they will eat on the common working day :no work¢ » permitted, which is needful about meats, fave about chafe which are to be used on the feaf, day. If behave male it to eat on the feaf day, and there remain« fame; be may eat that which is left on the working day. Bathing and anointing , are contained under the general! ofmeat and drinks and may be done on thefeaft day. Mai.. . Molly in Ion, tob. chap.I.1511. r. &c. Verf.8. a Fire - aping] that is, burnt - frings,as the 8 Greeke tranflateth, and fo Moles explainèth it in Numb.28.19.though it implieth alto other facri- fices offered up in fire to the Lord.Targum Iona- than expoundeth it , an oblation to the name of the Lsrd. ' feven daye') all the dayes of the feafl, feeme to be called generally convocation oftolineff, verfe z. and in every of them , an extraordinary number of facrifices were to be offred, Numb. a 8. 24.and 29.17.20,23.26. &c. thou the firft and laitwere the great dayes of thefeaft, in which they might dons fervile worke.Ofthele other daies the Hebrewes fay ; The dayes which are between the firff and the feventh of the Paffeover, and the fill. and the eight of the feaf of boother ; are called the prophane ( or common working) dayes of the /s/emne feaff, and they are called the Solemn-feaf,. And although it is not fail of any of them, itfhall bee a Sabbatifine; yet frafmueh as it » called a eonvo:atiattof helineffè, and it » the time offeaffing in the fanfíuari e , it is unlawful! to doe work in them ; that they be not like other prophane dayes, wherein there it noholineff at all. And rebaf doch unlawfull work in them, he »,feourgcd, becaufe it » forbidden him , by the dolyrine of the Scribes. Teo all fervile wot« it not f rbidden : oc any worke. , which ifa min doe it not in the flenne -raff much hurt (or cor- ruption) followers, they may doe it. Asa man may ga- ther hit fruits and the grapes of his vineyard; in the feaff , if they be ripe. But it is tnlawfe/l f p man pats- pofely to defence flub wsrker until the feaf. If a man have fruits on theground and bath nothing to care in the feall, but of them, t&,ugh there be tos danger oit/edn foe. sits ng ; they lay no nerefty upon biro to boy food in the m erket , till he reape after the fraff ; but he mayreal *, and binde, and t hrefh, and farme , andgrinds what him needeth. Alf, they may judge matey matte's, and m ut- ters of lit and death, in the folemne fe aft ; and may write the matters of the judgement hall (or Court,) and all fah