.11,,..37..,, ,,,,_ _ r 4+0 LEVITICLiS XXII). fuch like. And they may write private letters, to friends, and reckonings, be. and may doe all things reedfaull a- bout she dead, [as did they that imbalmed our Sa- viour, Luk. 2 3.56. and 24.1.] and may make him a coffin, "c. But tlhyloe4not uponn plagues (of lopraf:e, Levit.i3.)in thefe:tff, leafibebefoanulundeane, and A feafling he turned into mourning. Neither doe they marrie wives, c. leaff the joy of the feaff be frggtten thraatgh the jay of tie wedding. They make, no merchan- dife in the Taft, either felling or birying. But they may fell frrits, clothes , orinflruments, needfull frthefeeff. It is not lawful! to meanie orfait,- inthefe dayes , but a man ought to rejoyce in them , and have a merry heart, he and his children, and hie wi, and bit children chil- dren, and all that are joymdunto him, (Deus,16.4.) Although the rejoyciog poke of there, is. the Peace of- frings; yet under it is comprehended, that he and his children and his houfhold fhouldrejoyee , every one as is meet for him : &c. Maimony in Iomtob. chap. 6.feEt. 22. and chap.7.fe&tion.I. &c. and chap.6.fe&.i 7. See after on verfe 40.and Deut.t 6. io Verf.i o. reape theharvef] the originall words arethe fame, reape the reaping, or, harveft the har- zeft. This law appertained to the Paffeover, at what time,harveft in Canaan began to be ripe;and was to be done inthe feaft,namely on the r 6.day ofAbib, the morrow after the Sabbath, v. s r. that by fanï'tifying the firft fruits unto the Lord, the whole harveft might be fan&tified unto them. Rom. tr.t6.Pro.3.9.to.Eze4¢ 30. yefhall bring] to weer , at the publike charges of the Church: the manner is (hewed in the notes upon Leva 4.8. afheafe] or an Omer, which is the tenth part of an Ephab(or Btdhell) Exod:16. 36,The Hebrew word lignifieth both,and for the matter in hand both are true , fave that if we Englifh it fheaf,it is put for fbeaf,onefor many;as the Greek here tranfateth it fheef,(or handfult.)But Sol. Iar- chi exponndeth this Omer,ehetenth part of an Ephah. This was not to be brought by every particular man, but by the wholecongregation, one Omer {'or all the church: the mannerwhereof,ín.the He- brewrecords, isfaid.to be thus: In the Pafove,' theyoffer an oblation more then the daily facrifice, from the firfl day until[ thefeventh day, according to the Ad- dition at the new moons ; two bullocks and one ramme, andliven lambs , all burnt-offrings ; and a goat-bucks fns, a fin -ofing : which is eaten in the fecond day of the Pafjiozer , which is the Hxteentb day of Nifan, [ or March : ] Numb.z8 It./ 9 ;24. They oir morethen another dayes a lamb for a burnt offering, with thefheafi (or Omer) ofwave-offring; (Levit.23.12.) And that is the meat -r fring of the congregation. And the time of it is appointed, therefore it driveth away the fabbath, (that is,it is to be done, though it be the fabbath day.] Theybring not this Meat- offritg, butfrom the land of Iliad, Levita3.1 o. Audit into bereaped in thenight, in the flxtecnth night (of Nifan,) whether it be working day, or, fabbath. Andall the night is lawful to reape the fheafe in, or, if they reape it by day, it is lawful!. Iris tote takenfom the fanding corn, , or (if they finde none Handing) of the fheaves. It is to bee brought of green corm, and if they finde none furls , of the el y. This fheafe was brought of barley. In the eve- nitg of the feaff deg , the mefìngers of the Synedrian [the high muncellin Ierufalem] went out ; and all the cities neere thereabout came together, that it might be reaped with great folemnieie. And they reaped three Seahs of barley [which make an Ephah or Bufhel,as is noted on Gen.18.6.] by three men; when it was darks ; &c.When it was reaped, thy brought it into the courtyard (ofthe Sanlïuarie,) and threfhed it, andfan- ned it, and purged it clean. And they tookatenth part [that is, an Omer , Exod.16 36.] and put it in the fire, &v. as it is writen ( in Levit.2.i 4. ) - Greene eares-of corne parched in the fire , cornebeatenoutefthe fur! -care. Wee have . bean taught that this it fpakenof the meat- offring of the fheafe only. .Andafter that they have parched it , they fpreadit in the courtyard, and the winde bloweth on it. Then they grinde the three Scabs (or Bufhel of barley,) and tab`s out of all , a tenth part (or Omer, ) and that is waved: and the refat ne is redee- med , and may be eaten by any man. But this tenth part ofbarleyflowre, they. take, , and mixeit with a log [an harepirate] of ryle, on the frxteenth day of Nifiaa. And they put upon it an bandfull of feankincenfe, (Levit. 2. r5.) at upon other Meat- orirgs : and wave it , and hurtle fineofiton the altar , (asLevit.2.t6.) and the refrdue it eaten by the Priefis , as all other Meat -of flings are. Maimony in Tam/din, dre. chap.7. and Talmud Bab. inMecaehath, chap.to. The reafon why this oblation was of barley, was for that it was firft ripe in theland of Canaan,to weer at the feaft of the Paffeover;but wheat harveft was after, at Pcntecofl or the feaft of Weekes, Exod.3 4.2 2. Therefore in Ruth 2.23. barley harvefi , is fet be- fore wheat harvefi : to in Egypt, the barley was ea- red, before the wheat, or rye, Exod.9.3 t.32. And in Ruthi.22.when Ruth came to Bethelem in the beginning of barly harvefi, there the. Chaldee gi- veth this paraphtafe,inthe begimri»gofthePafJiover; and in that day, the louses of Ifreel began to reape the fheafe of tee wave -offi ing , which was ofba'1 y : having reference to this Law. Ver.I i. foryourfavourable acceptation] in Greeke, acceptablefveyou : that is, that you and your obla- tion may be accepted in favour. Ifyon offer it accor- ding to this right, it fhall be acceptable foryou; faith Iarchi, on Levit.23. the morrow after the fab- bath] Hebr.on the morrow of the fabbath; that is, the day after the Sabbath:meaning not the drdinary Sabbath, which was every feventh day of the weeke , but the Sabbathof the Paffeover, which was alwaies the ffaeentbday ofNifan, (or March,) the firft day of unlevened bread, called theFeaft, Numb.2,8.17. on which dayes were Sabbatifines, Levit.23.32.39 fo the morrow after, was al- waies the fixteenth day ofNifan, as is beforeno- ted. And fo the Chaldee here tranflatethit, after the good day, that is, the flail : and the Greek faith, On the morrow of ale firft of the Sabbathes becaufe the flrft day,andthe feventh day., were both Sab bathes : verfe 7.8. And Targumlonathan explai- neth ;it , After the good day, the firft (day) of the Pafèover, thePriieft fhall wave it. wave it] in Greeke, offer it.How this waving was performed, fee the notes on Exod. z 9.24.Levir.3.5. Veti I z.fhall r] Nebr. and Greeke,fha /doe, or II I2