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LEVITICLIS X YIIír ar 2,:zAlf;,rweaBirkg for f orifice. Sea Exod. 10.25. atf:hjtfrikpere] Hebr. _fawnNF b.a} that is, not above, a ycere old: -fee Exod. 12.5..This L.uu'x was to be, brought with the Iheafe (or O- met) of Mk fruits, betides all other facrilices for the feaft, mentioned ii Numb, 28.x9.24. SoS -,l. I -chi faith , I, came as a bounden duly with the 0mer. And it figured Ghrifl(our perfeßunblcmifhed Lanmb, s Pet 1. 19.) by whom thotè tiifl fruits, and in them all the other fruits were faneciled, and made acceptable to God., '13 VerC13. two tenth dealer] to weet, of an Ephah: that is two Omers. This was twife fo much, as by the Law was appointed fora Lambe, which ordinarily was but one tenth deale, Num.15.4. neither was it doubled for any other, fate for this Lambe- offred with the wave fhcafe. See the Annotations on Numb. s 5. x 2. ßonee] of wheat,as was for all ordinary meat- otfrinvs,Lev. 2. Ex. 29.2. oi'e] toWeet, vile Olive : and a.lag.(or halte pinte) ofoile, was the flint for every. tenth deale (or Omer)of5owte. MaimonyirhNa nafeh hakortenth,ch.t 2. feß.y., afrefl] in Gv ciffreet- fineh: the.Ghaldee expQtmds_it, to be acripiedwieb favour. fan H`n] o nleafure containing twelve logs, every log being fo much as -fax cgges. See the notes on Exod. 2 9.4o. atad 3p.24. Atha here the quantity of wine is not doubled (as was before in the fioar;e) but is a forth part only, which was the mealUre prefcribed for the drinke-offring of every ordinary Lambe, Nuns. r5.5. So Iarchi here noteth, Though the meat -ofvzg thereofwas doubled, yet the drinke- ol;ing was not doublod. 14 Ver:.s 4, not eat bread, &c.] God hereby taught them, that-they had no right to eats of any of the fruit o( the Land (which was his, Levit. 25.25.) untill by offring the firlt fruitswith a Lambe fa. çrifice, they had made publike profeflion both of thek faith- inChriittocome,andoftheirthank- ftthlf(fe to God for his mercies. The Hebrewes fay , le was tuulawfoll to reape in the land of Ifrael, any of the five kinds ofcorne , befits they had reaped thefecafe (' (wave-offing,) Lev. 23. s o. 7hey brotught no meat- ing, demkg-vffring,or fìrl/fnitsof nem (fruit a) be- fare they brought the fheafr; and if they brought any, it was not alowab.le. Maimony in 7amidin, ch.7. feß. 13.17. After theoffribtvof the /h af,newcoruewaslaw- full (to be eaten) out cfhand;'and14eey that dwelt fare off (fen JerttCalens) might est thereof after mid-doj, [she s6. of Nifzn;] for they knew that the Synedriosi would not be negligent heron Lin offring the fheafe.] Thai- mndBa.'e.:inMenachoth,ch so. greene -ear es] or, fell -Bares : f èe Levit.2. 24. The Hebrewes fay, this is meant of the live kinds of grain only; which are Whear, fhye, Oetes,and two kinds of Barley: whofoever did eat of any of thefe five kinds,new, fo much as an olive, before the offring of the fheafe in the 16. of Nifan , was by the Law to be beaten. And who fo did eat of bread, and of parched - come, and of green- Bares, of any of thofc five, he was to beaten three times : for thefe are three prohibitions, diftinß one from a I not her, bread,andparched- corn,andgreen,eanes.Maim. toin.2. treat.ofFothidden neat,, chap.2. feß,2,3. t. e oblation of your God] in Greeke, thegifte untoyour God. Fie mcaneth thole fore- 1pokcn oft for as it was nnlawftal for men to eat;fo the Hebrews fay,. 7hey Aright bringno meat- fang (to God) of the new - fruits, before the fheafe. Mainsony, tom.3. in Ifrnei mizbeacb, chap. 6.1eß.9. Verb i 5. ye fhall. number] This commandement is 15 unto everyman of Ili'acl, and in eve y place : but women and fervanis are fivef,omcrushing; faith Maimony in 7amidià, chap.: íèß. 24. film be morrow] or, on the mirror; the Chaldee faith ,aftter the frail day; as in V. 11. and 2borg. lonashan, faith afier the frill goodday lithe PafJeorgr.And by the Hebrew canons, .7 hey recksn froníshe beginning of the day e therefore they reckon in the night , from the night of the frxteenthofNi- fa: Maimony ibidem, chap. 7. féß. 22. fezen Sabbaths] that is, as the Greeke aqd Chaldee ex- pound it, Mien weeket. So in Lùke 18. 12. I fuji trrife in the Sabbath, that is,, :wife in the n erke : (tor the Jewes uled, and kill doe, to fact v is the .e- cond, and on the fift day of every stecke, as is te- Itfhed by T. ladeb in Mtsfär, chap. 4:) Li cwffe in Match, 28. 1. the fivlloftbe Sabbath, t hat is, the fink day of the weeks. And hereupon tisiswas ralled.the feafl of Weeks, becaufe of the exaét nunf- bring, Exod. 34. 22. complete] or, perfeb/, inure: that is, wanting sothis,g,as the word importeth, James s. 4. But Sob Imchi here faith It teacheth, that they were to begin to number from the evening (the morrow after the Sabbath,) for elfe they were not complete. Verb. s li. the morrow after the feventh Sabbath] the Ghaldee faith, till after the fzenth wecke; the Greek, till the morrow rf the lafi woke ,of the Ibsen. ffie cities] Hereupon the Hebrewes obferve, that it was commanded to number the dales , with the creeks. And they held it needful!, to bile' God every night, which fanlfifred them by hiscommandments , and com- manded the n rnbring of the /lteafe that is, 'of fitly dales front the waving, of' thefheafe. 114aimonc iu 7amidin; chap. 7. feil, 22, 25. And of this word fifüe, in Greeke Fenteeoita; the frail is called in the new Teflament, Penierofle, Aßs 2. s : 1 Gor. 16. 8, a new meat- offring] of the fish fruits of the wheat harveff , as the former was of barley har- vefl: therefore this was called, the dy of the fir it fruits, Numb. 28, 26. Verf.17. your habitations] in the land of Canaan. They bring not the two loaves, but from the land, and of newfrsdts, faith Maimony in Tamidira, ch.8. tea. 2. for a wave - offing] Hebr. bread of waving, that is,to bewaved before the Lord. This was bought ,the Churches charge : the manner is noted on Levit. 24.8. two loan es] or cakes; which word is added both by the Greeks and Ghaldee: the manner of this fervice; is Paid to be thus e They brought. three Seats (that is, an Ephah orBufhell) of new wheat: and did beat and treat them after the manner ofall meat-offrings, and ground them to Rowse; and reavednf them two tenth deales, (that is, two 0- mers,) and the ref,-due was redeemed , and might be ear teat by any man. Theft two cakes <or loaves) of new corn , a tenth dial snuff be taken from each Scab and an halfe. Then they teaig the two tenthdealer, and kneaded them 16 17