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LEVITIClIS XX I. gent one by one , and baked them oneebyone. And the rn king art might not be on the f of day, nor an the Sabbath: if the eveningofthis fafi (ofPgnteeaff) were a Sabbath , they bard them in the evening of the Sab- bath, and they were eaten in the tbi,dday after their ba- lk:, which was the feat day. And it it expreffid in the Law , that they fbeuld be levened : and thus they did it ; they brought ¡eaten from fame piece, and put it into the meafere of the tenth- deale, and filled that tenth - deale with fowre, and IL keened it with thai.leven. T hey made the length of each cake Peen hand-bredthes; and the bredth , foure handbredtber; and the height, foure fingers. Maim. inTamiditt, chap.8. fe &.3: t o. with /even] in Grecke, keened: fo Leviticus z.11. and 7.13. 18 Verf. t 8. perfea] inGreeke, ueeblemifhed. tftbefirfiyeere] Hebr. fomesefayeere: fee Exod.z z. 5. one ba /locke] in Num.28.2y. there are two bullocks , and one ram ; here is one bullocke , and two some$: thole were an addition, in refpe& of the feat day;thefe are a furtheraddition,in refpe& of the two loaves,& therfore to be offred with them, as before he faith.The Hebrewes explaine it thus: In the fiftieth day fern the numbring of the fhea e , is the feaffofWeeks [Exod.34.zz. or of Penteeoft, A &. 2.1.] andit is a Retention [or flenme of mblie; ] and this day they offer more (than other dales) two bisllockes, and a ram, and liven lambs all of them burnt offrings ; and a goat foe a fin-offing , and thefe are the offrings fa- ken ofinn Nutu.28.26.2y.3o. and they are the addi- ttott of the d y. And yet they bring more for this day , a meat-offring of new (wheat) in two loaves: And they oferwith the bates, a bullock , and two roomer, and [even lambs , all burnt offerings; and a goat for a fin -of- f ittg; and two lambs for Peace- diings; and theft are the oblations fßokenof in Levit.23. So there are to be eked this day, over and befnde the two daily faerifires, three bullocks , and three rammes, andfaurteenelambs, twenty bears in all, foc burnt offrings; and twogoais for fin , which ace eaten; and two lambs for peace-of- f 'ings, which are eaten. Marmon) in Tamidin,chap. 8.le &.1.Thclè facrifices figured Chrilt untothem, by whore death their Mines ihould be pardoned, their perfonsfan&ified, and theirthanklgiving unto God made acceptable : by whom alto the fruits of the land were bleffed tinto them ; and as the wheat is better then barley,fo their fint fruits which they brought in figne of homage to the Lord, wasmore of the wheat, than of the barley, and with many moe facrifices. drink- ofrings] which wereulually given with all facrifices : the tueafure of let, in Num,28,5.7.12,13,14. of ref] in Grecke, offivect finell:.inChaldee, wbieb (hall be accepted withfavour. ; q Verf 19. Pall :fee] Hebr. fball doe, as verfe 12. a Sin- offring] whereby they acknowledged their unworthiueflè to appeare before God,or to injoy the fruits of his Lind, otherwife then by Chrift their facrificeofAtonement. ofPeace- ffrings]ar,ofpayments, whereby they payed thanks and praifès unto God for his mercies; which be- ing done alto with facrifices, [hewed that by Chrift, we mu(t offer praife to God continually, Heb.i3.i5.It is obfèrvedby the Hebrews,that the Church ( or Congregation ) never offered any Peace- offrings,but thefe.Maimony treat of Offing facrif es,chap.l.le &.4. See the notes on Leviti cues 4c.14. Verf.zo. wave them with the laavel] The manner is recorded to be thus ; Thy brougho the two Ian0 (thePeace- offrings ) and waved them whiles they Were yet alive; and afterward killed them,' and flayed them, and Cooke the bref and thefhordder of each q them. both, (as in Lcvit. 7.3o.32.)andlaid them downeby the two loaves , and (the prie f) put both his hands tinder them, andwaved them all together, in the eafi fide, the place of all wave- offrings. Afterward, be burned thefats of bosh the lambs , and the ref of the flefh, war eaten by the Preefs. Likewife the two loaves , -the highgrief rool¿e the one of them; and the other war divided to all the ea- f:dies (thePriefs in their charges) and both of them were eaten the fame day , and halfe the night , theft", ofthemnfi holythings. Maimony ìnTamidm, chap.8. fe&. t 1. belinef ] that is , molt holy. The Peace- offrings of particular perlons were light holy things , but the peace - offrings of the Con- gregation, were holy of holies, that is, molt holy ; as Sol.Iarehi here oblerveth. for the grief ] that be may cat them, as before is thewed.The Greeke addeth, for the Prier that offrerh them. The. Law for the Prlefts toeat thereand other holy things, fee in Numb.18.8,9,1o. &c. Verfzi.' fba llprodaime] or, fhall aim-tale , that is, call together the people : in Greeke,ye fhallcall this day. this frf fame day] Hebr. she firengtb (orbodie) ofthisbody: fo inverler4. and z8.and 29. See Gen.7.13. a convocation of holineff ] an holy convocation, and meeting together of all the people:partly in remembrance oftheir Gemming out of Egypt, who came thence to keepe a feaft to the Lord in the wilderneffe, Exo. 5.1.3. which they keepe at mount Sinai, Exo.24. where silo the Law was given at this time the yeere;Exod.r9.r. r.thememoriallwhereowas celebrated by this yeerely feaft;and partlyto fan- &ifie the lint fruits cf their wheat harvell, and to celebrate Gods mercies for the fruirfulneffe of their land;as this place fheweth.The chiefe thing figured hcreby,was the folemne giving of the law of Christ, which after was performed in Ierafa- lem,at this feaft of Penteeof,when he fent his Apo- files the gifts of his fpirit,in ficrie tongues,A &.z. 1,2,3. whereupon they went forth to reape that which thll Prophets had Towne, gathering fruit tinto life eternall,and bringing the wheat ofGod into his garner; unto the everlaling praire of the glory of his grace.Ioh4.3 5: 38.Luk.3,1 y.Eph.1. 3. -6.And this Feats we nowcelebrate,whileswith joy and thankfulneffeunto God,we receive tbelaw of the #irit of life in Chrìf Iefur, which bath made us free fromthe law offin= anddeath,Rotii.8.2. i 5. Galath.3.2. Verlz 2. not wholly-rid] not cut downe all1 but leave Come in the corner ofthy field for the poor. This law was given before,in Levit.r 9.9. in there very words;fee the annotations there,God,lpea- king here of the Feafts which were in harveft, which they celebrated to the honour of him; repeateth 20 21 52