Lar V I T I CUS XXIiI. repeateth that law concrning the poore, whore reliefe, he joyneth with his own Cervice; as in rc- peatingthefè fcafts , he maketh expre(fe mention of fuch alto, to be made partakers of their joy, Deut. t 6.11.14. See al to Dart.2 4.19. _ 2 2. whe re this law is inlarged. 24 Verl24. theßventh month] called of the He- brewes Tifi ; o us now, September ; in fcripture it is named Etbanfm, I King.8.2. which the Chal- dee there expotmdeth the m,methof the Ancients; which they Called the firfl méneth, &e. and now it is the feventh month. SoTargum'Ionathan here explai- neth it , In? ifri which is the feventh morneth. In this moneth,Solomons Temple was dedicated. the firff day] which was at the new moon : for all their moneths in Ifrael , were counted by the Momie. afabbatifine]that is, a reff, or reff.ìti- an"from your labours : TargumIonathan calleth it agood day. 6/owing-of-trumpets] or, of cor- nets ; the Greeke tranflateth a memori Uoftrrtmpetk the Ghaldee, amemoriall of fhowting: The Hebrew Trugnah here ufed, is generally a lowd ihowting noilè, commonly for joy,as Ezra 3.11,1'2.1 Ciar. I 5.2 .fometimefor foiTow, asIer.zo.tó.Mich. 4.9. and is either with mans voice,or ivith found of trumpet, 8c then k i3 that broken found called an alarme, Nuntb. t 0.5.7. Againe, Trumpets were of two lòrts;forge of metahI,as the filver trumpets in the San&narie, Numb. ï 0.2. tome of horse, tallied cornett., 2 Chron.t 5.1 4.Pfal.98.6.That this was with blowing of trumpets and cornets , ap- peareth byÌ . yourfolemnedayeo, and;'n the beginnings of your mount/., , yet fhsll blow with the trumpets over your burnt- offrings, &c. and in Pial. 8 t.3. Now up the cornet (or trumpet) in the new moose, d`e. At every new -noon they had a Colen- nitie in Ifrael,and offred(befides the daily facrifi. ces)twobuUocket, one ram, feten lambs , forburnt- offrings,with their meat and drinke-offrings,and agoat for a fin- offring, Nunab.z8.i 1: t 5. and at this new moone, which was the beginning of the yeere, they offred all the forelàid facrifices, and over and befides them , one bnllocke, one ram, and liven lambs for burnt- offrings, and a goat for afin- offring,Num.29.t. -6. The trumpet which they proclaimed the newyeer with,was the fame that they proclaimed thejubilee with , which was 'a cornet (called in Hebrew Shopper) Lev.z5.9 The Hebrew doftors write hereof thus; It it commanded by the law to heave the fund of the trumpet (or cornet,) in the beginning of the yeere, Numb. 29.1. and the trumpet which they blew with , either in the beginning of theyeere , or at the Iubilee, ruai ofa rams borne crooked ; and all cornet, , fave of ramme: borne , were unlawful. And although it bee not exprefJèd m the law, that the blowing at the newyee e fhouldbe with the cornet (Le- VIC.2 3.24.)y'et of the Imbibe it Lo fail, SHOP HA R TRY GNAH (the cornet of loud found) Levit.25.9. whereupon we have beene taught, the found (or blow- ing) at she lobi/ce woo with the cruet (Shophar;) alfo the f cord at the beginning of theyeere mat with the cor- net. In the Smlluarie thy did blot in the beginning of theyetre, with one cornet and two trumpets; becaufe it it written (in Pfa1.98.6.) with trumpet: andforradof cornet, fhoat triam shantly before the Lost n the King e but in other places they did not blow in the beginning of the yeere fave with the cornet only. All are bound to beam the /exnd of the cornet, Prieffs, andLetites, and If zeliter, mid Proflytes, and fervants that are made free : but women , and and drildren , are not bound. ThejoinuiT rugnab (or alarme) Jtokn of in the lam, it not certainey known ofui , by rea fan of the length of yeeres and our many captftitfe: , fo that we know not how it was. Maimony in Shaphar, &c. chap. [.(eft. 1,2. and chap.2.féft. i. and chap.3.feft.2. How- beit by the fame author , and by Thalm. Bab. in Roth ba f:hanah, chap. j..and 4. it appeareth , that they ufed to blow with thefe cornets, both in le- rufalem and in all other cities in the Synagogues, (for the fealts were proclaimed in all their csties,and not onely in Ierufalem, Nehem.8.a5.) and with it, they ofed prayers and blefings,and reading of fose fcriptures, fitting the matter in hand. This blowing of trumpets by the Priefts in the Sanftn- arie, and Minillers in the Synagogues, which all the people were bound to heate,(whereupon the Prophet faith, Bll]ed it the people that 1paw the found, PC11.89.I 5.) fignified the preaching dale' word by Gods meffengers , who fhould lift up their vóice /ike a trucoppet,and thew his people their tranf- grelfion, E1a.58. i . denouncing Gods judgments for tre(paffingagainll his law, Hof.8.t. that they may tremble,and repent with fitting and prayer, that they may finde mercie with the Lordloel 2. IA t 5,I 6, t 7.that awakingout of fleep,and ariling from the dead, Chrift might give then, light, E- phef.5. s 4. And as trumpets werenaoft folemnly blowne every new yeeres day, and every yeere of Iubilee; fo againll Chrift comming to preach the acceptable yeere of the Lord,(Luk.4. i 9.2 I.)Iohn the Baptift blew the trumpet in I rael, preparing the way before hisn,preaching the baptilàte of re- pentance for remiffion offins, Mar. t .1,2,3,4. of whole mini(tery, this tesil of blowing of truns- pets. feemeth to he a ¡pedal! figure. Sce more od Noma o.The Hebrewcs had alike undo ritanding in this myfterie, for they fay that the blowing of trumpet: at the begvtuing oftheyaere,had .r miffiesll fgni- fieátion, as if it had beene Paid, Areakeyce fl ape's ofyourßeepe; andye deepefleepers, make -up outofy'our deepe fleepe; and make inquirie into your tes,k5, and turne by repentance , and remember your Creator: be- bold they that forget the truth, through the vanities of sloe time , and that gee of ray all their yeere in tannic and emptimf which will not profit nor delizer ; looke tayour foules , and amend your wages andyaur aliiwts, and /et every one of you forfake, 1,sevill may, andhit ca- gitation which it not good Maimony in trcat.of Repen- tance, chap.3.fe&.4. And to the end he might the more ferioufly convert unto the Lord, all the haste of Ifrael, were want (as he faith) ta doe many almef- deeds, and good workes, and to exercife themfelzes in the commandement, from the beginning of theyeere un- to the day of atonement ( which was the tenth day of this month,) more then all the dayes of the yeere : and thy ufed all,, so rife in the night, there ten dyes , and to pray in the Synagogues with words of fupplicatbn for grace, &c. Ibidem,feft 4. Verfe