1¢i- LEVITI CUS 27 Verf.27,adayof Atonements] or, of expiation and reconciliation to God,that they might have for - giveneffc ofall theirlianes. Of this day , and the rites about it , the Law is more largely given be- fore in ch. t 6. Betweene this and new yeeres day before, were eight whole daycs,which ipacc t hey had to prepare them (elves, after the found of-the trumpet, unto humiliation for their fins, and re- conciliation unto God in Chrift. affülyour foales]huntble your felvcsin falling , prayer, &c. fee the notes on Levit.16.29. where fire things are (hewed to belong unto this aflli &ion of thent- felvcs;which things arc al Co mentioned by Targ. Jonathan in this place. a fe- fling] many burnt - offrings and Cacti flees , defcribedinLevit. 16.and Neu11b.29.7. 11. Vert :29.stetyfoule] in the Chaldee, everyman: 29 fo in ver. 3o. cet- f] in the Greek and Chal- dee, de frged; and Targuut tonafhan addethde- ffroyed by death: meaning Vale), did it prefumptu- oufly.Butfront this falling and aflli &ing of dun h- felvès,they exempted ficke folkes and children,as is fhewed on Levit.16.29. Verf 3 o. I rain en de/troy that futil e] or, mill rn ds 3 a himpray, : in Greeke that foxle /hall pe,ifh from the people &treof. The flebrcwes explaiue this law. thus ; It is commanded to reff tom mark., on the tenth of the'eventh monetb , Look.16.31 and who fa do ;h roorke tleaain, omitteth the keepingof acomma;dement, and tr.anf rdJetb againfi a Imbibition Numb 29 7. And if he doe it millingly of p, fumption , he is guilty of cutting off: if ignorantly, bee is to bring tie fin tc fnng appointed for the fame. All worke for which they are to be ffoned, they doe it on the Sabbath; if they doe it on this day, they are to be cut -of And wbatfzer is wt- lanofull to be doti an the faibath , ethic. is not woke; is unlamftll to be done on this dy; and fhe doe it, heists be fcourged, at hen to be fcourged far doing it on the fab- bath. There is no difference betmeayse the fabbatb, and this day, fir theft matters, faze this, that fir prefsamp- tkout doing it on the fabbath , he is to be ffored and for doing it an this d), he is tole cut off Maimony treat. of the Ref of the tenth day chap. l.feEt.1,2. Verf.32dtsthe ninth] the Greek tranflateth,f.-om 32 the ninth of the maned, feten the evening, until( thetenth of the monet/s at eveninsye (hall fabbatize (or refl) your fabbatber.Froto there words the Hebrewes gather, that their fall began a little before the tenth day began , and continued a little after it was ended. See the notes on Levit.16.29. VerI.34. ofBaothes] or, of Tabernacles, made of 34 boughes of greene trees ; as verf.4o. In the new Telláment this feaft is called in Greeke Skenopegia, that is, the pitchingof tents , orfeo/ssg sap of fittin u q bootbes, Ioh.7.2.and fo the Lxx. tranflated it in Deut.16. 16.This feaft they kept, in remembranceof Gods favours to them in the wilderneffe, where they dwelt in boothes,ver.43.and to thew their thank- fumes unto God, for the fruits which in this mo- neth they reaped ; Deut.16.s3,04. and to figure out the twinning ofChrilt into the world at this time of the yeere, to dwell in the Tabernacle of our fielh,who was made fefb;and dwelt (or yacht his tuft) among us, .5 4. At this feat, Solonsons XXII I. Temple, (a figure ofChrifls body,Ioh.2.19.2i.) was dedicated with great Colemnitie, and the Ark brought into it,z Gist.5.2,3.- 7.This feaft we alfo are to kecpc, Zach.14.16: 1 g. which thing we doe,by beliefe in Chrifl,that his grace is fufh- eient for us ; and that in all our infirmities,thepo- rrer of Chriff ;Verb upon tot ( or proteð us as a Tabernacle ) as Paul faith,2.Cor.1 2.9. Likewife knowing that when our earthly bouf of Tabernacle, wherin we are,fhal be diffolved,we have a building of Godeternal/ in the heavens , with which we defire to be cloathed; and therefore being ftr.uteers and pilgrims on earth, we have our cone. fnion in bea- zen,untifl we put off this our taberuacie;2 Cor.5. 1,2. Heb. 11.13 14 Phil 3.20. 2 Pet.1.13i14. feien dayes] a complete number, figuring our whole life time in this frailtabernadc,to be holy unto the Lord:as did the (even dales of unlevened bread;whereof fee thenotes on Exod,12.0 5. VerC.35. cgtxocatiomofholineffè] an holy affem- bly of the people to fèrve God,and learn his law; Dent.31, 10.1 I. Nehcm.8.18. fry ile marke] Hebr.worlgof f rzice : fee verfe 7. Verf.36.afire- offring] in Greeke, burnt-off-rings. There were many facritices offred all the dales of this fcaft,the chiefeft wherofwere burnt offrings: their manner and order is dgfcribedat large in Num.; 9.1 3.-38. the eight daya which was the 2.ofTifri, or September aflemne afmblie] or, generall-afmb/ie called in Hebrew Gnatfrctb, (or Atfereth) which bath the fignification of re- fraining or retaining becaule this day , the people were reftrained from woike , and retained toge- ther in a publike affembly. The Chaldee tranfla- tech it,yefhall he ambled togetber : and fo the word is in other cafes ufed for an affemblie, Ier 9.2. The Greeke here and oftenturneth it Exodion,as being the day of the Out oingorendofthefeas:anditis called the laff and great day of the feaft, Ioh.7.37. The law day of the Paffeover, is called alit)by this na me,Deu.16.8.And the Hebrewdollars ap- p/ the name abfolute to the feaft of Pentecoft, often in their writings, whereupon Iofepbtn faith (in b.5.chap.s o.) at Pentewt , which the Hebremer call As A R TA, and that fignii ieth Pentecoff. In Amos 5.21. it is tranflated in Greeke Pmreguris , which word Paul ufeth in Heb./ 2.23. lcr a generallaf- femblie. Verf37. a facriflce] this may mean the Sin-of- fring, which daily was to be offred with the Burnt - offrings, by the law, Num.z8.15.22. and 29.5.11. &c. alfo the Peace - offrings , (and fo the Chaldee here explaineth it,)which the people of- fred at the fealts,2 Ch.3o.22. thething]Heb. sloe word ofa day in bis day ; whereby ismeant, every thing in his due time. This phrafe is alfo ufed of God his admiuiftration to his people, for their help in due time daily,/ Kin.8.5 9.A like fpeech is of the yeere, the thing of ayeerein tbejeere, that is, a yeerely rate, 1 King. 0.25. Verf.38. pour gifts] hereby may bee meant the firfiborne cattell, and firs fruits,which they gave unto the Lords Prielis, Numb.18. or fuch other burnt -offrings, and peace - offrings as the people would 35 36 37 38