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I/ /.Iall1~114,00~W.< i. am_ ._ LEV I TIC IIS XX![l, Hereby we may fee thereafon , why at Chrifts comming into Ierufalem, (though at another time oftheyeere)the people and children ftrowed the way with branches of trees , and tooke branches of Patine- trees, and went forth to meet him, and cry - edHofanna ,Matth.2t.8,g. &c.Ioh.t2,12,13. For all the legali Feafts had their accomplifhment in him,and to him the honour and folemnity of eve- ry [feafi, did by right appertaine. yee (hall re- joice] with fpirituall joy, in remembrance of for- mer deliverances,ver.43.and for theprefent blef- fings of God, Dent. 16. z 5. and in expe&ation of future good things to be actomplifhed in Ghrilt: Zach. x 4. t 6. &c The Hebrewes fay,Althougb we are to rejoyce in all the flemne feafis , yet at the feaft f Soothes, there watin the Santluáry a day of more ex- deeding jy : and thud they did. In the ezening of the firfl good day, thy prepared in the Santïuarie a place fir the women abase, and for themen beneath , that thy might not be together ; and they began to rejoice at the end of the fill good d-y ; andfa in every other day of the common ¿ayes of the folemnity; they began, after they had offied the daily evening filer; ee , to rejyee the refi of the day and all the night. T hey firookte, up the pipe, and played cn Herpes ; and Pfalteries, and Cymbals; and eaey one with infirumentsof mufeke , which had skill to play with his hand, and he that coulding, fling with bit mouth. And ,hey okipped, and clapped bands, and leaped, and danced, every man ai he could, and fling ngs and hymnes. But obis mirth, war not on the Sabbath , or an the And it was not the com- monpeople that did this , orwho f mould: but the great wife men of Ifrael, the heads of the Seffrons and Syne- drions, and Elders, &c. theft were they that leaped, and danced, endplayed and rejoyced in the Saniluarie, in the ¿ayes of the fear of Soothes; and all the people, men and women, came to fee and beare. Thejy which a man rejyeeth in doing a tommandement , and in the love of God which commanded it, id a great ferrite, ' &e. But whi fa bath a proud minde, and glorifreth him - felfe, and is honourable in hid own, yes , in the a places ; he is a fetter and a foole ; and of this Soloman warneth faying, Set not out dyglory in the preferiteof the King, (Prov.2 5.6.) But who fi humbleth himfelfe and ma- kéthhitnfelfe vile in theftplaces bee n great , and ho- naurable, and firvethof love; and foDazid the King of Ifrael fold, And I will yet bee more vile then thus, and will be bafi in mime owne eyes, (2 Sam.6. 2 2.) And there is no greatneff or honour fave to rejsyce beere the Lord , as it is written , And David the King, leaping and dancing lrfrethe Lord,( Sam.6.1 6.) Maintony in Shophar, chap.8. feEt. i 2:15. The lewes had alto other traditions at this feaft, which they fay came from Mofes recorded in Thalmud Bab: in Succab, chap.4. and by Alaimony Tami- din, chap. io,fèf.6. &c. how all the fevers ¿ayes of thisfeafi , they powred water uponthe alter.Therewas a golden veffe l containingthree Logs, that was filled at Shiloah (a well whofe waters ran foftly into the brooke Kedron, Efa 8.6. Nehem.3.15.) they brought it to the Water gate,and there they founded and lhowted. Then they caned it to the Altar, where it was powred out with thewine of the daily facrifice, &c. Upon this occafion it is thought that our Saviour in the left day (of this feaft) thegreat day of the feafl flood tip and cried, faying, If any man thirfi , let him come unto mee and drink, , he that beleezith in mee at the fcripture-hatb fail, out of his i ell ey fhall flow rivers of living water? Ioh.7. 37,38. fo calling, the people from their carnal! pompous obfervations , to the true fpiri- tuall retrefhing of their foules. . Verf.42. dwell in Soother) or, fit in tabernacles; which after in Ierufalem, they made on the tops of their houles, and in their courtyards, and in the ftreets, &c.Neh.8.16. They were made of the branchesof trees, as there appeareth,ver. t 5.And by the Hebrewcanons, theBoothes might not be covered with any cloth,or other thing,which had not growne out of the earth, or was not cut off from thence, or with any thing that might re- ceive nucleanes or that had an evill favour,or that was faded, or fallen -off alone : if they covered it with any of thele,it was unlawfull. Thaimud Bab. in Suteab, chap.'. and Maimony in Shophar, chap. 5.feEt.1,2. Moreover they let the meafure ota boothe, to be not leffe inheight, then tenne hand bredthes, nor more then twentie cubits: but it might be as wide as they would. If it had not three fides(or walls,) or ifit had not a flat roofe, it was unlawful'. Maimmy ibidem, c!sap.4. The dwelling (or fitting) itsthefe boothes, was, that they fhorild eat and drinke and dwell in them all the form dayes, both day and night, as they tired to dwell in their homes, other dayes of the yeere. And all thofe leven dayes,they made their houles empty,and furnifhed their booths;with all come- ly veffels , and bedding, drinking veffels , cups, &c. but cauldrons , kettels and filch like, were without theboothc. If the raine fell, they might goe out of theboothes into their houses, till the raine was over. At all times when they came to fit downe in the Boothes, all the (even dayes,they blet %d (God) before they fate downe, who fan - Etified them by his commandements , and com- manded them to fit in Boothes. Maimenyibidem. chap.6. feftion.6. &c. every hintebome] all bon the land of Ifrael: the Hebrewes except, warren, and fervanos, and children, and ficke men. But children of five or fix yeeres old and upward, were bound hereto , that they might be trained up in the commandements. Such as were watch- men of the city by day were difcltarged for the day, but bound to lye in boothes by night ; and filch as watched by night,were difcharged for the night,but bound by day. Maimony in Shophar, ch. 6.fe&ion 1.-4. Vert 43.your generations] your pofterity. to dwell in boothes] fothat the firft place where If- racl camped , after they came out of Egypt, was called Succoth, that is, Soothes, Exod.12.37. At the end of every feventhyeere, the Law was commanded to be fòlemnly read beforeall the people at this feaft;that they might learn to fear the Lord theirGod: Dent.; 1. 0: 3.See the per- formance hereof,in Nehcns.8.18. And whereas at this time of the yeere, the people had gathered their fruits into their homes, & filled them with all 42 43