LEV I T I C U S X X V. ; hew bread. 147 all good things:left their profperity fhould caufe them to forget both God and themfelves , this Law was given , that they fhould then dwell in boothes; to remember their miferies part, and to expe& a fide redamption of their bodies and foules, by Chrift Jelbs our Lord. tAAMAAAAMMAIAAAMM CHAP. XXIV. 1, The If aelites are commanded to bring oile for the Lunges , which Aaron muff order. 5, The Shew- bread, withfranqncenfe , to be fit on the Table every Sabbath, and eaten by the Priefls. 10, 23, Shelomiohs fin blafphe- meth , and is floned to death. 15,T he like law is iven for all blaf(ohemers. 17, Doeth is appointedfir murderers. 18 Satisfallion for dammages and blemes. 1 N D Jehovah fpake unto Mofes , fay- 2 A ing ; Command the fonnes of Ifrael; that they take unto thee , pure oile 1 olive, beaten, for the Light: to caufe the 3 lampe to afcend lip , continually. Without the veile of the Teftimonie , in the Tent of the congregation; (hall Aaron order it,from evening unto morning,before Jehovah,con- tinually: it fhall be a ftatute for ever,through- 4 out your generations.Vpon the pure candle - fticke,fhall he orderthe lamps: before Jeho- vah, continually. 5 And thin (halt take fine- flowre,and take it,twelve cakes: two tenth.deales,fhall be in 6 one cake. And thou fhalt let them, in two rowes, fix on a row : upon the pure Table, 7 before Jehovah. And thou (halt put upon each row, pure frank,ncenfe: that it may be for the bread, for ámemoriaf 1, a Fire-4 'ring 8 unto Jehovah. In the fabbathday in the fab- bath day, he (hall let -in- order, before Jeho- vah, continually : from the fops of Ifrael,an 9 everlafting covenant. And it (hail be,for Aa- ron, and for his foes, and they (hall eat it, in the holy place : for it is holy of holies to him, of the Fire-oft-ills of Jehovah, by an everlafling ftatute. 10 And there went out, the fonne ofanlfra- elitifh woman ; and he was, the fonne of an Egyptian man, amongft the fons of Ifrael: and the fon of the Ifraeliteffe, and aman an 1 I Ifraelite, (trove - together in the campe.And the Ifraelitifh womans fon, blafphemed the Name, and curled ; and they brought him, unto Mofes: and his mothers tìame,we She - lomith the daughter of Dibri, of the tribe of 12 Dan. And they put him in ward : that hee might declare unto them , by the mouth of i 3 Jehovah. And Jehovah fpake unto Mofes, 14 faving; Bring - forth himthat hath curfed,out of the campe; and let all that heard him, lay their hands upon his head : and let all the congregation ftone him. And thou ¡halt"' 15 fpeake, unto the Ions ofIfrael, laying : Any man, when hee (hall curie his God, then hee (hall beare his fin. And he that blafphemeth 16 the Nome of Jehovah, fhall Curdy be put to death; all the congregation , flonfng fhall i ftone him : as well the ftranger,as the home - borne; when he blafphemeth the name,ihall be put to death. And a man,when he (hail fmite,any foule 17 of man: fh furely be put to death. And he 18 that fmiteth the foule of a beaft,fhall recom- pence it;foule for foule. And a man when he 19 (hall give a blemi6h upon his neighbour: as he hath-done , fo (hall it be done unto him. Breach for breach, eye for eye, tooth for tooth : as he hath given a blemdh , upon a man, fo (hall it be given upon him. And he 21 that fmiteth a beaft,fhall recompence it: and he that fmiteth a man, fhall be pm-to-death. One judgement, (hall ye have ; as well the 22 f ranger as the home-borne,fhall have it: for I am Jehovah, your God. And Mofes fpake, 23 to the Cons of Ifrael: and they brought -forth himthat had curled, out of the campe ; and (toned him, with (tones : and the Cons of If- rael did, as Jehovah commanded Mofes, 2 t.4'nnatations. THat they take] or,as the Greektranflateth,and z let them tale unto thee; that is, take andg!ve (or bring) unto thee; fee the like phrafe in Gen. 15 9. Exod. 27.2. Numb.19.2. As the former lawes in chap.23.taught Ifrael the profeffìon of their obe- dience to God,in the holy times fan&ified for his worfhip:fo there here,taught thesis the like,iu re- fpe& of the holy things which concerned Gods fervice in his San &varie. alive] or, tf the olive- tree : the oile whereof; figured the graces of Gods fpirit;and the beating of the oile,6gnified the la- bours' & afi &ions of Gods people in preaching theword ofgrace.This law is here repeated from Exo.27. 20. &c. where it was before given : fee 'the Annotations there. the Lampe] in Chaldee, the Lampe', meaning the f ven lamps, as is explained in Numb. 8.2. which are interpreted, the fever fpiritsof God, Rev.4.5. that is, the manifold graces of the Spirit: now there are dizerfrties ofgraciourgifts, but one and the fame Spirir, I Cor. t 2.5.i 1. fo the Le- ven lampes are here as one Lamp.Likewife in Ex. 27.20. and 1 Sant. 3.3. :oafcend -up] that is, to horny as the Greek and Chaldee expound it : for the flame alwaies afcendeth. continually] this the Hebrewes expound , from night to night , ar she continuall Burnt- offring , which was not but from day to day. Sollarchi on Lev.24. And its Thargnm Iena- than it is explained, in the Sabbath day and in the N n n 2 w orling.