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1+8 LEVITICUS XXI V. Verf.6. find the Greeke addeth, frxecakes; and 6 Tbargum Ionathan, fxecn ore row, and frxeonanother row. The were not fet one by another, (for fo the Table could not well centaine them, but one upon another, as Mainton, fheweth, ibidem, fea.9. 2. and as is noted on Exo.25. 29. pure Table] which was of Shittim wood,but overlaid witbpure gold, Exod. 25.24. 3 VerC7.fbal pm] Hebr. fhalt give upon (or by)tlx row,which the Greek tranflatcth, fha /t put upontbe one row : implying the other alfo. upon the row] or, by the row, that is, by each of them. The He- brew ghnal, fignifieth opon, or by, as in Gen. 14. 6. and 16.7. Exod. 14.9. and in many other places. The Hebrews alto iày this was by the bread up- on the Table : They let by the fide of each row, a will wherein war an bandfitllof frowkinrenfi, andthezefell wan called Bezik (a Cup or Vial.) So there were ovo handiitlrof frankincenfe, in two miss : and the asps bad verges , that thy might refi. upon the Table. Maim. in Tamidin,.ch.5. feEt. 2. pore frankincenfe] the Gr. verton addeth, and falt. By the Law in Lev.2.13. every Meat -offring was to have fait ; fee the An- notations there. So of this, the Hebrew canons fay, thefrankincenfe was to have falo ar the other offringr. Maintony in Tamidir,, chap. 4. feat. r o. for the tread] or to the bread, for a memoriaU : that ls,the in- cenfe (hall be burned on the Altar, (and not the bread) which (hall bea memorial! for the bread; as the handful! of the Meat - offring, with the oile and incenfe thereof, is called the me noriaii thereof Levit. 2.2. bringing to Gods remembrance, his covenant with his people. The Greek tran(lateth thus ; And the cakes fh all be for a remembrance , fit be- fore the Lord. a Fire - ffring] in Chaldee, anob- lation : for there cups of incenfe were by the Prielts burned on the Altar unto God ; to teach, that the twelve Tribes of Ifrael (reprefented by there twelve cakes of Shew bread) were by faith in Chrift;a Tweet odour unto him. Wherfore the Church is laid to beperfumedwith myrrhe, andfian- kimenfe, Song 3.6. And the prayers of the Saints, (likened to incenfe, Reve1.5.$.) are as a memorial!: and a tweet fmelling odour unto God, Ants io. 4. Palm. 141.4. Ver.8. 'tithe Sabbath day in the Sabbath day] that 8 is, In every Sabbath : theGreeke tran(latetb, in the day oftheSabbaths. he] that is, the Priff,meaning the Prie(ts in their courfes, as they miniftred. The Levites affifted the Prielts inthe making and preparing of the Shew bread, I Chronic. 9.32. and 23.28,29. But the Prieits onely might come into the Santuarie, to let it on, and take it off the Table. And they when they were many, al- waies miniftred by courfe, Luke 1.5,9. (laving at the fealts) and they entred upon their fervice, on the Sabbath, 2 Chron. 23.4. They did this fer- vice, thus; Poore Prieffswnnin , two of them hadih their hando , the two rower (of bread) and two bad in their hands , the two raps (of frankimenfe.) And le- fore them, went in feure (Priefli) two wake, of the two rower (of bread) and two to take If the two cops (of docent) which woe there upon the? able. Thy that carried in, food on the North fide, with their facer towards tvarl`Fg day. This Law (hewed, the ordinary duty of the Church, to provide oile for the Lampe. In times of dillreffepie Prophet £iw a vifion of two olive trees on each fide of the candleficke, emp. tying out ofthemfelves golden oile,through two golden pipes. God teaching , that the worke of grace, is not by humane power or might, but by h;s Spirit, Zac h.4.2,3,6,11I2. Vcr.3. without the veilejmeaniug,without thefecund veile, (as it is called in Heb. 9. 3.) which parted betweene the moltholy place, and the holy. eftbe Teflimonie] which is before the T flimonie, Exod. 27.21. meaning,the Tables within the Arke, cal- led theTeflimonie,Exod.z5.aI. before which the neile did hang, Exo. 40.2 I . Aaron] and hoc four, Exod. 27.21. figuring Chrill, who by his feven fpiritr,with the oile of his grace,caufeth his word to thine in the Sanítuary of his Churck,Rev.4.5. from evening unto morning] that is, putting in fo touch oile as may carte it to burne from evening to morning,all the night: the ntealrsre (they f:.y) was balfe a Log, (about a quarter of a pinte) ofoik for every Lampe, Sol. Jarchi. See Exod. 27. 2 0,2 1. And that the Lamp went out in the nwrning, ap- pcareth by s Sam. 3.3. 4 Verf. 4. the pure candteficke] made all ofpuregold; a figure of Gods Law. Sec Exo.2 5.3 t. Or, it may be called the pure candleftick, becaufe it was dai- ly to be purified, and made cleape by the Prielts. before Iebovah] there in the holy placewere the lamps to be trimmed ; and fo might not be trimmedwithout, and afterward brought in ; as Cbazkuni here obferveth. 5 Ver.5. fine ftitwre]of wheat. The staking of the thew -bread is raid to be thus ; by brought flare and twentie Scabs [or Pecker, which areeight E- phahs , or Bu(he s] of wheat for the Meat- oi.ngs; out of which, being beaten and ground, hey boulted flare and twentie tendrdeales, (or Polder) of fine-j1 here: and made thereof twelve unleaveasedcales. They were kneaded and motelcl d without the cotas , but baked within the courtyard, at other Meat- ofrvtgs. And they bad three former (or moulds) ofgold one where- in tiny put the cake , when it was dngh ; and thefecund, wherein they baked it ; and the third, wherein any put it, after it was taken out of the aten. Every cake mat' frquare, ten hand- bredtba long, and five broad ; and fven fingers high. And the Table , war twelve hand-bredtbs long, and fixe broad : they" f t the length of the cake,, on the bredth of the Table , fa that the cake was two and- bredths over the one fide, and two over the other, be. Maimoty in Tanrzdin (or Dai) facrifices) chap. 5. fea.5, 9. See alto the notes on Exod.25.29. bake it] not in the Sabbath day nor on a feaft day , but in the evening of the Sabbath , they baked it, and fit it in order on the morrow. Maim. ibidem , fe `ft. r o. twelve cakes] anlwerable to the number of the twelve tribes of Ifrael, reprefented by the(è cakes, and in them all Gods clef, (called his If- rael,Ga1.6 i6.)which are asunlevenedcakes,iCon. 5.7. prcfented unto him in Chrift,as upon a pure Table in his Sanftuary; where his favourable face is alwaies upon them. There arc called the Sbew- bo earl, whereoffee Exod. 25.30. 7