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LEVITICUS XXIW I+9 ,to rands the South : and tbey that carried art (the bread) j fond on the South fide, with their faces to the North. Thtfe tooke away, (the old bread,) and the other fit on (the new:) and the hank of the one, were amidlfi the bands tfthe other; [that is when the one Cooke off, the otherfèt on,] as it it written, BEFORE ME E CONS I NuA L L v, (Exod. 25.30.) They went mu, and fit Ike bread which they brought out , arpon another golden T able which was in the porch of Salomons T ern- pie ) and burned the cups (offrankncenfe) and afterward divided the caber. Maimony inTam din, ch.5.1..4,5. from the fins] underftand,r,edvhg it; or ,it being tape» from the fan of Ifrael: for many filch imperfe& fpeeches are to be found, which fometime the holy Gholt fitpplieth; as in a void pleee,1 King.22. r o. where is to be underltood, fitting in void place, as 2 Chro. 18.9. So, beerden,z Chron.2.18. impli- eth men that bare burden, i Kin.5.I 5. and many the like. See the notes on Exod.4.5. and 13.8. Now this was received from the Cons of Ifraed , in that it was bought with the money which the people gave, Nehem.32 33. And it is the Hebrews opi- nion, thatwith the hadfe fhekels, which all the peo- ple gave yeerly , for the Cervice of the Sanauarie, Exod. 3o. 13,16. they provided the daily facrifi- ces and offrings for the congregation, falt for the facrifices, wood,incenfe, the Shew-bread,the waved fheafe,(or Omer,Levit.23.10,1 r.) the two wave loaves, Levit. 23.17. the red heiffer, Numb. 19. the fcape -goat, Levit.16. and the like. Maim. treat. of Shekels, C. 4. C. t. Verf. 9. ter Aaron and fir his fns] that is, for the 9 high Prieft, and for the other Priefts, filch as did the fervice, that is,both the Priefts that went out, and theft that came in on.the Sabbath, as before is noted on veri 8. And the Hebrew canons de- clare it thus; In the Sabbath when there are the daily ficrifices, and the additions, (Numb. 28. 9, 10.) and the two cups of frankneenfi, (Levitic. 24. y.) to be burned; inthemorning,the men of that fa-bees drmfe, (t Chron.z3.6. 11.24.) of the charge (or torte fe) that went-out, they offredsix daily facrifiee of the morning, land the two lambs of Burnt- offring , which were the ad- ditions , éc. and the other eaurfe that came in an the Sabbath (fed the daily facrificeof the eveodre ; and both theft and the other, had their part in the Shew- bread. And they did not eat the bread, rmtill the two caps of franl(eenfe were burned on the fire; and the frankancenfe was to have fall , a, the other oblations. Andafter that they had tired the additions (of the Sab- Ibash,) they burned the two crept of franh)vncenfe. Anal every Sabbath throughout the yeere , they parted the .Shaw -bread thus ; The courf (of Priefts) that came in, h ad fexe c tits; and they which went o'er :bad fxr. They which came in, parted the. bread ammg them, on the Nmefrftde (of the taunt) becaufe they were prepared to ferve; and they that went out, parted on the Sovth -lode. But when there was a feof day, of any of the three f^.- lenéne fiats, on the Sabbath; bkewfi on the Sib .nth that war in the midffof the fear', all the cut ffis (ofthe Priers) had theirparrs e,yu fly in the Shew- bread, &e. The high Prier' he afro ales toils from every éottrfc, hadfe the calate , which were his due ; ar it id written, AND IT SHALL BE Fou. AARON Alen FóR HIS BONNE S, (Levit.24.9.)halfforAa- ron and hadfe for his fremes. Mail-wily in Tamidin, chap. 4. fèa.9, t o, t 1, I 2, 14, in the inlyplace] within the court ache Sancituarie, but without, they might not eat it. The Hebrews obferve, that there were Foxy and twentic gifts given unto the Prier's , all of them expreJd in the Law ; andcaneer- ning them all was the covenant made with Aaron. find whofaever did eat of a gift wherein holinefre wan, they blefred (God) who fantlifed them with the fanJii- tie of Aaron , and commanded them to eat fir and f. Eight of tholeegifts , the Priers might not eat of, bait in the Sanîftearie, within the walls of the Conrtyard; and fivegifts they might not eat,but in Jerusalem, within the wads of the chie. The eight which might tart be eaten, bur in the Sanáuarie , were the fleflo of the Sin -ffring,were it 'Moyle or bear'', (Levit. 6. 26.) acidthe fiefü of ;ÿe Trefßaf- orfring, ( Levit. 7. 6.) and thePraee- offrtngt 'the congregation , (Levit. 23. 19,,20.) and the re- mainder of the Sheaf or Omer, (Levit. 23. to, I I.) and the remnant of the Ifraelites Meat- rofring, (Le- vit.2. 3.10.) andthe two loaves, (Levit.23. 20.) and the Skew- bread, (Levit. 24. 9.) and the Lepers log of Ole, (Leek. 14. 10,12 ,13.) T heft might not be eaten, but in the Sanauarie. Maimony, treat: ofFirf pairs, ch.i.C.1,2,3,4.Of all thofe gifts, fee the Annota- tions on Numb. 18. Verf. lo.Ifraelit ]Hebr.anIfraelitefe which to the Chaldeeexpoundeth, a daughter bfpael: her name was Shelomith veri. sr. Verf. s u. blafpbemed] the Greeke here'tranfla- teth ic,named; the Chaldee, expred.The Hebrew Nakao, properly fgnifieth, topierce; or, 'nib thragh,Efa.36.6. Hxbbak.3.14. Whereupon it is figuratively ufed for turfing or llafbeming, Numb.` 23. 13.25. which is a ftriking throùgh with c- vill words. It is alto ufed for expref- naming of a thing,fometimein the good part,as Efà.6z.2.and fometime in the evil!, as the Greeke and Chaldze interp 'Petit, in this place. the Nante)pnder- ftand, of Iehovah as verf. 16. which is here om ir- ted for the more reverence , and becanfe filch wicltedneffe as this; it is even afhameto feake,as Eph.5.I2.3. So ellwhere the Scripture fometime omitteth the name of God, for reverence ; as, the the right hand ofthe power, Mark.14.62. for, the right hand of the power of God, Luke 22.69. and in com- mon fpeech among the Jewes, they ulcd to Gay, the Bluffed; for, (the hlef ed) God, Mark. t 4.61. (VIat. 26.63. And when the High Prieft heard words, which hue thought to be Blafpbemie, hee rent his clothes, Mat. 26.65. according to a Canon which ' they lave, (recorded by Maintany , in his treat. of Idolatrie, chap. 2. left. 1o.) thus; Whatever he àrerh blafplxmie of the Name , hell bound to rend (his cloth+es;) whether hee himfelft heareth it,, or'braretb from the mouth of him that heard it, he is bound to rend (his clothes.) But he that hearethit from the mouth of an heathen , is not bound to rend (his clothes :) and Elia kim andShebna bad not rent.(their clothes ) but fi that Rabfhakelt warmn Apolate from the faith , (Et's. 36. 22:;) they brought] either the witneffes which heard him,or the inferior judges,who not know- ing how to punilh this man; brought hiostoMg- Nun 3 fs,