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LEVITICUS XXIV. fens according to the order let in Exod./ 8.22.26. She /emit,] in Greeke, Salomith, daughter of Da- brei: the being an Hebreweffe, had married an/E- gyptian whiles the dwelt in /Egypt; whole fonnc now blasphemed God. Verf. i 2. in ward] .or, in psi fn. that he might 12 declare] meaning,thatMofs might declare,or,that it might be &clewed unto them. The Hebrew phrafc to declare (or expound) may be expreffed both there wales, .s is noted on Gen. 6. 19, 20. TheChal- dec explaineth it thus, utuill it war declared (or ex- ptef id) unto them , by the decree of the wordof the Lord; to weet, what punifhment the blasphemer should have : therefore the Greeke tranflateth , to judge him , ley the commandement of the Lord For as men judge not fir man, but for the Lord, 2 Chron. i 9: 6. fo arc they to judge, according to his judgements, Ezek 44.24. which if they be not manifest, are to be inquired; the cattle being brought unto Go¢, Exod. 18. i 9. So MOP, did in other hard cafes, Numb. 27. 1,-5. and i 5.34. /4 Verf 14. out of the campe] or, to (a place) without the campe : becaufe the campe of Ifrael was holy, and all unclean perlons were to be putout of it, Nmn.5.2,3. much more the flagitious, lay their hands] both to lignifie the truth of their teEinio- nie, and that his blood !horrid be on his owne head. We finde not this rite of inipofing hands, commanded Eby any other malefaftors ; and the Hebrewes hold it to be peculiar unto this lion. All the witnefli, and the ludges, every one lay their hands on the blafhemers head, and fay unto him, Tby blood (be) upon thine bead, for thou haft occafoned it Milo thy felfe. Andof all that are killed by the Synedrion, there m none upon whom they impofe hands, fave the blaf- pbemer only y (Levit. 24. r4..) Maimony treat. of Idolatrie,chap.2. left. io. 15 Verf. 15. Any man] or, Every man : Hebr. Man man: which Thargum Ionatban expoundeth, yang man , or o/d man. Upon this particular occafion, a general! Law is here given for punilhing of blaf- phemers. bear bùfinne] that is, the puniJhmmt due for his finne. a 6 Verf r 6. blafpbemeth] in Chaldec, expref th; in Greeke, nametb: fee verf. n. name of Jehovah] Hereupon louse of the Hebrews gather, that the blafphemer is not to be floned,pnkffe be expreffe that facred name J s n o v E.14: but the wirer of them julily mittakethat reflraint, though them- felves doe overmuch refiraine it. There be fame that expound it, that he is not guibie (of death) fave for the name j n y H, (that is , Jehovah:) but I fay for Adonai alfa (that is, L o R. D,) he is to be fluted : faith lilaimony, treat. cf Idolatrie, ch.2. feft.7.And they are long Encecome unto this,that they hold the name of lebuvab unlawful! to be pronounced in reading of the Scripture, or otherwife ; ex- cept in the Sanetuariewhen the Friel] bleffed the people, according to the Law in Numb. 6. 23, -27. there (they fay) he pronounced the name, at it u written with J u v e, but out ofihe Sarlixarie they pronounced it Adunai : for they mentioned nest the name, at it it written , but in the Sarfixarie emf. And after that Simeon the ja11,w as dead3 the Frief s cwiled front blefftng by the name, at it it written (Java,) tboxgh it were in the Santlnare , to the end that no man fhould leante it, which was not of good ell eeme, and meet ( for to leame it.) Andaxr fiill mofé men, did not learn it their Difenples, or their children , that were meet, (or honeft;) Pave once in fevenyeere. Maimony , treat. of Prayer, chap./ 4. feet: r o. By this it appeareth, that this cuftome was taken up of thenrlèlves, not com- manded of God : the fanftifyingof whore name, flandeth not in letters and syllables, but in faith and obed"tence,Numb._o. i 2. and See the Annotations on Exod. 6.3. and Numb.6. blof phemetb the name] fee verf. r I . the Greeke tran- flateth, named, the name of the Lord : meaning, with blafphemie and curling , as did this Egyp- tians forme. Veri y.fhall fmite] that is,as the Chaldee trot flateth,fháli hill. See the notes onGen. i 4.17. foul:] that is, life : fee Gen. i 9. 17. and 37.2 I. and for putting nmrtherers to death, fee Exo.2 i.12. fhall frtrely be pm to death] or, fhallle put to die the death: and Thargum Ionathan explained/ it, /.tall be billed with thefevord. Verf i 8. the foule ofa beafi] that Is, the life of it : which the Greeke explaineththus , he that fmitèth a beauu, andit die. , fulefor fotde] or,lh far Life: that is, one living beat] for another; as oxe for oxe, lhee a for fheepe, and the like. Verf ./ 9. Alkali it be done] by the Maglftrate, ac- 19 cording to the rigour of Jultice : except he buy it off with money. For unleffe it were nmrther, (which God forbade to be bought off with any ranfome, Numb. 35.31.) the Hebrewes hold all blemishes and hurts might, be redeemed with money. Which feemeth alto to be warrantable by the Law, in Exod. or. 18,í 9. And for that in force cafes it could hardly be done, or not at all. For if a man had fmitten his neighbour on the eye, and made hintlofe halfe , or a fourth part of his fight;or ifa blinde man had fmitten out ano- thee mans eye, how should the like be done again unto hint? The Hebrew canons fay, He that hxrt- eth his neighbour, it bournd to pay untohimfive things ; to meet, far hie dammage, ands r the paine,andfor his heal- ing and forhit reflirg (from bit of faire:,) and far the Pone : and tlefe five things muff t all be recompenfed with the befi!of bus goods. Flow for thedammage? If he bave cut If his neighbours hand, or his foot ;they !Oahe on him, m ifbc were a feruant to be faldin the market bowmath be war worth, and how much he /i worth now ; and what is abatedofbit price,he mxfi pay; at it it tai Er s Fort Ex ; which we have berm taught, tobe meant fpayiug for it vii ob bit goods. 7/ago which islaidin the Law,(Le- vit. 24. 2 o) As he bath giten a blemish upon a man, fa (ball it be given wpm: him is not meant that he fhmldbe hurt, as his neighbour is hurt, era Maimony, tom. 4. in Cholel, ch.r.feft.1,2,3. See the Annotations on Exod. 21. V.20. Breach fir breach] 7bargum Ionathan faith, 50 The price of breach for breach, the price ofan eye for an eye, be. As there are feverafl forts and degreesof hurts and blemishes, fo were the penalties rated; which the Hebrewes lay dowse thus; He that tutted, off his neighbours baud or fiat , or f nger, or fm tetl 17 18 411111111111111WWWW