I.EVITICUS.1nAV, fmiteth en his eye, pay,tb the five things ; fir his dom- mage, fir bit-pain , fir bit hewing, fir his refiing, and for his fbame. If be finite hire on the band , and it frod- letb, and after is prove well agame, he payeth four things, for his paine for his healing , for his refling (/2 m bit morke)' and fir his fbame. If be fmite him :31 the bead, and it fwelleth; bz payeth three things, for the paint, far the healing, andfor the fhame. If be finite him on a place which ii not feerne, as on his bock, be pleb two things, fir the paine, and fir the healing. If he fmite him with a cloth that is bi bit hand, or the like thing; he pay - ethone thing, for the fhame only. So her that fhaveth /the noire of his neighbours head payeth but fir the frame only ;far it will grow again ; Maimony in Cho - bel,'e.2. f. 2,4. upon a nian]T he Hebrew Adam, fi nifieth man and wdman, Gen.5.2. all mankinde, of what fort foever; and fo this law extendeth to all; even the meanef. He that burtetb bit owte He- brew fervant, is bound to pay all five things (b fore men- tioned) fave for his refling. He that burteth hisneigh- bours Canaanitifb (or heathmifb) feevant ; payeth to his mafier, all the five things. He that hurts his neighbours Hebrew fervant , it bound to pay all five, &c. He that burteth another mans wf, payeth fir ber refling, and fir her healing, to her husband ; and far the paine, to ber felfe : andfor the /home , andfor the dommage if it be to beferne, a, if it be onber face ,neckg or band; a third part is payed to her filfi , and two thirds to her husband : if the dommage be on a ferret place , a thirdpart is payed to the husband, and two thirds to the wif. If an huf- band hurt his owne wife, he is bound to pay unto her out of band, all the dammagge , and all the fbame , and the game ; andall is bers, her husband bath no fruit thereof. And if Thee will, fie may give the price to another. And her husband is to beak her , as all freee perfant are wont to be healed It is unlatrfullfor a manta burl either him - felfe, or bit neighbour : and not be that barteth only, bist whefdever fmiteth a righteous man oflfrael, either fmaU or great, man or woman, by way f fir /, be tranfgreff th againft a prohibition; for it is fail (in Deuterononiie 2.5. 3.) he fhahl not adds (or exceed) to finite him : if the Law firbiddeth to add¢ infmiting of a fumer, much more (it forbiddeth) to finite a jail man. Though he doe but lift up his band againft bis neighbour, it is nnlawfull: and whofeever lifteth up his hand againft his neighbour, though be finite him not, he is a wickedman. Maimony in Cbobel, íc. chap. 4. felt. so. &c. and chap. 5. fefì.1, 2. 21 Verf. 21. that fmitetb] the Chaldee tranflateth, that killed; a beafi: but it extendeth further , even to the hurting or maiming of his neighbours beak, and confequently any other of his goods, according to the Law, Exod.22.5,6. So the He- brewes expound this Law , Paying : He that dash dommage eo bisneighbours goods , is bound to recompence the whole dommage, whether he doe it of ignorance , or a- gainftbit will , it is at if he did it prefumptuou fly : as if he fall from the top of an boufe , or fdnmbk as he gueeb, and falletb on a vela and breaketh it be is bound to pay the whole dammage ; as it it written , A H n Han THAT S M I T e T H A B e A ST, S H A LL R B C O M P e NC e (or PAY FOR) I T; the Scripture putteth no dill rem :e whether be doe it igno- rant!, or preftempts oußy. And whether be ell bit neigh- 151 blurs delft or break his veffili , or rent his clothes , or clot d one his plants ; there is one lawfor all. But that is to beomderflood, ifit be within the power (or liberties) ofbimthat fuffreth the dammage : for ifit be toiabbte the liberties of him that cloth the dammage, lee is net bound to recompettce , unkfli be tae the dommage p;efumptu- oufly : but if be.doe it of ignorance , or being jarred; he it difrharged. Likewife , if they be both of them within their liberties, orboth of tlxm out of their liberties ; and the one doth dommage againft his will , to bis neighbours goods , be is difcba,ged He that thrufletb his neigh- boursbeep into the water ;or it is fallen in and be will not fifer it to ante up tut of the water , till it dye there ; he it bound to reeompence it : and fo in alliig cafes. 0 ho- foever is the caufi of doing dommage w his neighbours goods, be is bound to recompenoe the whole dommage , with the bell afbiefubflame, at others that doe dammages. Al- though be dodo not this dommage himfelfe at haft ; foraf- much as he was the caffe there fat firflehe is bound to pay. Maimony imChobel,&r c. t.6.f. í,2,3.12. and c.7.C7, fmitsehaman] that is,killeth him,as ver.17.to the Chaldeetrantlateth it, kileth; and the Greekc, addeth, he that fmiteth a man , and he dye , /hall be put Id death. VerC 22. One judgement] that is, one manner of 22 law,and punishment. ¡hall ye have] or,/haftbe tops. ar well the firanger] or as the ftranger (the Profelyte) fi fball the home -borne be. Verti23. and floodhim] the Greeke addeth, and all the mngregatott Honed him: as vet.; 4. Of the man- ner of htoning, which,they ufed afterward in .jf- rael, it is recorded in Thalm. Bab.in Sanbedrin,c'.6. and by Maimony in Sashed,in,c.15. that when they came within fume cubits of the place of executi- on, they ftripe him that was to be phoned, out of his clothes, and covered his naked-shamebefore him; and a woman was not (toned naked,but in one linen garment. The place of ftoning, was high, whither he and the witnetïes went up, and his hands were tied,&one of the witnesfes stroke him behinde on the loins ; If he died not with that hlow,therewas a great ttone,fo much as two men could beare which the witnetfes calt upon his heart ; and ifywith that he died not, all Ifrael threw (tones upon him,as it is written,The bandof the witnefs fhaUbe fir fl upon him, to pat him to death; and ofterword, the band ofall thepeople, Deut. 17.7. AMMAdtAMA AAAMAd>ffi z3 %f', C HA P. XXV. a, Gad commandetb that evey feventb yeere fhould be a Sabbath, and ayeere ofreft to the land ofCanaan, 4, in which it might neither be tilled nor reaped; 6, and the fruits that grew of their ottone accord that yeere, were to be common for all. 8, The Law fir the labile in the fiftieth yeere; for libertie to the inhabitants of the land returning to their families and poJfiirns, and refi unto the land lay Oppreffon may not be in felling of pof- fffone. 18, AhielfingofObedience. 23, The manner of filling and redeemjeo lands. 29,0 f houles in oval- led Cities, 31, and ofloufesin villages. 32, Of the buffet and fuiserbo of the Levites , and the redemption of