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I52, Sabbathyeere. LEVITICUS XXV,. of them. 3% Compafon of die poore. 392 7' be poore Hcb, ewes ,migbt not be f;d for bond-men : 43, nor ruled o.e; with rigour. 44, Bwdmeu were to be ofrbe beatben. 47, 7 be redemption of Hebren , firvants out of (bangers bands. 54i7heir f eedome at the labile. 1 D Jehovah fpake unto Moles , in 2 mount Sinai , faying; Speake unto the fons of Ifrael, and fayunto them: When yee come into the land, which I give unto you; then ((hall the land ref}, a fabbath, 3 unto Jehovah. Six yeeres , thou fhalt fow thy field ; and fix yeeres, thou (halt prune thy vineyard : and (halt gather, the revenue 4 thereof. And in the feventh yeere, Shall be á Sabbath of fabbatifine, unto the land; a Sabbath, for Jehovah : thou fhalt not fow, thy field ; nor prune , thy vineyard. That which groweth.of- it- owne.accord, of thy harvelt, thou (halt not reape; and the grapes of thy feparation, thou (halt not gather: it flail be unto the land,a yeere offahbatifine. 6 And the Sabbath of the land, (hall be unto you for meat; unto thee, and unto thy man - fervant , and unto thy woman-fervant: and unto thy hired fervant, and unto thy fojour- ner ; the {rangers, that are with thee. And unto thy carrell; and unto the heaff, that are in thy land; fhall all the revenue thereof be, for to ear. And thou (halt number unto thee , (even 8 Sabbaths of yeers; Leven yeers,feven times: and the dales of the (even fabbaths of yeers, (hall be untothee,nine and forty yeers. And 9 thou (halt caule -to-found , the trumpet of- loud- found , in the feventh month.: in the tenth day of the moneth : in the day of At- onements, (hall yee caufe the trumpet to found , throughout all your land. And yee (hall fan6tifie,the yeere offiftie yeeres; and proclaime liberty,throughout the land,unto all the inhabitants thereof aJubile it Mall be unto you ; and ye (hall return, every -man unto his poffeffion ; and every -man unto his family, fhall return. A Jubile JhaIl it be, a yeere of fifty yeeres,fhall it be untoyou : ye (hall not fow ; neither (hall yereape , that which groweth- of-it-felfe in it;neither (halt ye gather thegrapes,of the feparation ther- rz of. For, it is the Jubile; holinefle, (hail it be unto you : out of the field, ye (hall eatethe 13 revenue thereof. In this yeere of Jubile, ye Thal] returne, every-man unto his potfeffion. 14 And if ye fell a fate, unto thy neighbour : or buy of thy neighbours hand: doe not ye op.. 1 5 preffe, any man his brother. According to II lUliile. the number of yeeres, after the Jubile; tthou fhalt buy, of thy neighbour : according to the number of the yeeres of the revenues he (bait fell unto thee. According to the 16 multitude of yeeres , thou (halt multiply the price thereof; and according to the diminu- tion of yeeres , thou (halt diminilh the price thereof: for, (according ta) the number of the revenues, doth he fell unto thee. And ye (hall not oppreffe , any man his neighbour; but thou fhalt feare thy God : for,I am Jeho- vah , your God. And yee (hall doe my fa- tutes; and keep my judgments,and do them: and ye (hall dwell on the land, in confident. fafety. And the land,fhall give her fruit; and ye fhaI! Bate, to thefull; and dwell thereon, in confident- fafety.And if ye (hall fay,what (hall we eat , in the feventh yeere r behold we 111a11 not fow ; neither (hall we gather Our revenue. Then I will command my blef- fing upon you, in the fixt yeere : and it (hall bring forth revenue, for three yeeres. And ye (hall low, the eight yeere : and (hall eat, of the old revenue , until! the ninth yeere, until! her revenuecome in,yefhall eat of the old. And the land,fhal l not be fold for ever; for the land ü mine : for ye are Urangers and fojourners, with me. And in all the land of your pòfleffion; ye (hall grant a redemption, for the land. If thy brother be waxen poore; and hath fold , fame of his poffef(ion : then the redee- mer thereof, he that is neere untohim, (ball come;and fhall redeeme, the faleof his bro- ther. And a man, if he have nota redeemer: and his hand hath attained,and found fuffici- encie for the redemption thereof. Then he (hall count the yeeres of the Pale thereof; and reftore the overplus, unto the man to whom he fold it: and he Mall returne, unto his pofìeflion. And if his hand finde not fufficiencie to reftore unto him; then his fate Out! be,in the hand ofthebuyer thereof,un- till the yeere ofJubile: and it (hall goe-out, in the Jubile : and he fhall returne, unto his po(fef lion. And a man, if he fell a dwelling houfe, ist 29 a walled citie ; then the redemption thereof fhal be, until the end ofthe yeere of the tale thereof: a yeereof daies,fhall be the redemp- tion thereof. And ifit be not redeemed,un- till a whole yeere be fnlfilied thereto ; then the houle, which is in the chie that a bath not a wall , fhall be confirmed .for ever , to him that bought it, throughout his generati- ons : it Olaf! not goe -out, in the Jubile. But the 17 18 19 20 2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 or, loath aal. 31