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32 33 34 Redemptions in L E V I T I C U S XX V. the f ubtle. 153 the houles of the villages which have no wall, round.about; (hall he every -one coun- ted , as a field of the coúntrie : redemption (hall be for it; in the Jubile it (hall goe -out. And the cities of the Levites; the houles of the cities of their po(leifron : a redemption ever, (hall be to the Levites. And hewhich (hall redeeme, (/hall be) of the Levites; and the fate of the houfe,and the citie of his pof- feffion , (hall goe-out in the Jubile: for the houles of the cities of the Levines , that is their polfeffion ; among the forts of Ifrael. And the field, of the fuburbs of their cities, flail not be fold : for it is to them , a po(lcf- fronfa 35 And if thy bfdther be waxen poore ; and his hand faileth, with thee: then thou (halt Orengthen him; even the Granger and the 36 fojourner, that he may live with thee. Take not thou of him, biting- ufttrie or increafe ; but feare thy God : and let thy brother live with thee. Thy money, thou (halt not give unto him , upon biting- 16urie : nor give him 3g thy meat, upon increafe. I,am Jehovah your God ; which brotightyou forth, out of the land of Egypt : to give unto you,the land of Canaan, to be unto you , a God. 39 And if thy brother be waxen poore, with thee , and be fold unto thee : thou (halt not ferve thy (elfe with him,with the fervice of a fervant. As an hired fervent as a fojourner,he (hall bewith thee : unto the yeare of Jubile, 4t he 'hal with thee; he, and his fonnes with him : and (hall returne, unto his family; and unto the poffeffion of his fathers, (hall he rem 4z turne. For they are my fervants; whom I brought,out ofthe land ofEgypt: they fltall 43 not be fold, with the fate of á fervant: Thou !halt not rule over him,with rigour:but (halt 44 feare thy God. Both thy man fervant and thy woman - fervant, which thou (halt have: ((hall le) of the heathens , that are round-a- bout you; of them (hall ye buy, man- fervant 45 and woman-fervant. And alío, of the fons of the' fojourners , that doe fojourne with you, ofthem ye (hall buy; and oftheir fami- ly,which are with you;which they beget,in your land : and they (hall be to you, for a 46 poffeffion And ye (hall take them- as- an -in- heritance for yotir Eons after you, to inherit for a polfetTon; for ever, with them ye (hall ferve your ¡'elves : but over your brethren, the fons of Ifrael,any -man over his brother; thou (halt not rule over him,with rigour. 47 And if the hand of the Ornger and fo- journer with thee, doe att.tine; and thy bro- ther be waxen - poore, by him : and be fold, unto the Oranger the fojourner,with thee;or to the (tocke,ofthe (rangers family. After 4,8 that he is fold,a redemption (hall be for him: one of his brethren, (hall redeeme him. Ei- 49 ther his uncle, or his uncles Tonne, !ball re- deeme him ; or any of the neere kin of his fie (1-15 of his family, (ball 'redeeme him : or if his hand hath attained, then helhall redeem himfeife. And he !hall count;witla him that 50 bought him ; from the yeere, that he was , fold ro him, unto the ye.-re of Jubile : and the money of his fate, fuall be according to Í' the number of yeeres : as the daies of an hi -' ,red fervant , !hall he be with him. If there 51 be yet many, of the yeeres : according unto them, fl all he refore his redemption; out of the money that he was bought for. And if 52 there remaine but a few Of the yeeres, unto theyeere of Jubile, when lice hath counted with him :According to his yeeres, hee'fha.l reurre his redemption. As an hired -fer_ 53 vant of the yeere, by the yeere , (hall he be with him: hee (hall not ruleover him with rigour, before thine eyes. And if he be not 54 redeemed, by thefe : then he (ball goe-our, I in the yeere of Jubile, he , and his f ms with ; him. For unto me, the Tonnes of Ifrael are 55 fervants; they are my fervants, whom 1, brought- forth, our of the land of Egppt : I am Jehovah your God. vinnotations. t9M There letters liignifie the beginning of the two and thirtieth Section , or Le&ure of the Law: fee Gen.6.0. IN mount Sinai] or, by the mount; that is, in the i r plaine about it, where /Pad camped Itill,Nnm. r o. 11, 12. So ILlanaf: is laid tò be buried in hit heufe, 2 Chron. 33.20. when it was but in the gar- den ofiieboufe,2 King. 21. 18. And here God be- ginned' to teach his people the profeTon and pra&ife of their obedience unto him, in their land and po(le(fions, Gan &ified by the Sabbaths and Jnbilees.Which were a fhadom ofthings to rune, but t eboJyírofChri ,Cololi:2.1y.12. Therefore there were the ordinances of mount Sinai, which brought forth children unto bondage : but wee are conte unto niotuit Sion, where the Lambe (Chri(t)ltandethwith his 144. thonband,that have his Fathers name written in their fore= heads. and by faith doe enter into his reft,Ga1.4. 25. Rev.' 4.,. Heb.12.2 2. and 4.3. Verl a. ref!] or, bcepe Sabbath. a Sabbath! or, a ref( : the Chaldee calleth it a relear orrrnúf /inn; Which word Mori, ufeth in bent. 15. i'his Law 2 7