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3 4 LEVITIClIS XXV. L.av tooke place when they had poffeffion of the Iand,whichwas conquered by hfua in 7.yeares: fo theeight yearc after M f s death, was the firlt to be reckoned towards the Sabbath yearc, and yeare of Jnhile; as appeareth by Jof, i 4.1,2,7,1 o. &c. For Caleb was 4o.ycars old when he was lent to view the land , in the fecond yearc after their con ming out of Ægypt, Numb. r 3. Deut..t. and they were 38. yeares under Mafia in the wilder - netfe, Dent. 2. 4. and when Cakb was 85. yeares old,the land.wal given them for inheritance,Jot: 4.7,r o. and in t 8. yeare of *tea, they began the count ; and the feventh yeare after , was the fish Sabbath yeare , and the fiftieth yeare after, the firft jubile. Ver.3, the revenue] or in- come,that is, the fruit,as the Grecke tranflateth. And under tholè princi- pals, all other worke belonging to husbandry, is implied. ' Ver.4.Sabbath offabbathifine]thatis,ofrefl:which two words lignifie anexaétreft, as is noted on Exod.16.23. unto the land] which fhould have relt every feventh yeare, from being ploughed, digged,dunged, or manured; fth, being reaped or mowen, or the like. As the Sabbath day (wherin men refIed)was to teach If ael,that they themfelves were the Lords : fo the Sabbath yeare was to teach, that the land was the Lords; there- fore he added' , a Sabbath unto lehovab; meaning, "unto his honour , and in figne of homage tinto him; which the Chaldee tranllateth,a rekafe before the Lord The Sabbath day was a rein from their labours,laid upon man for fin,Gen.3.1 9. the Sab- bath yeare was a refs for the ground, which for mans fin, God had curled , Efen. 3.17. In this yeare,at the feaft of boothes, there was a folemne reading of Gods Law, before all Ifrsel,Dent. 31. 10,-13. and at the end of this yeare, a releafe of debts,Deut.i 5.1,2. &c. It was a figure of the Sab- bath or reti, which Chrift was to give unto his Church; of the underftanding,which they fhould have in his Law ; and the remiffion of their fins, (which were their debts,Matth.6.I2.Luke 114.) when the time of grace , the acceptable yeare of the Lord fitould be proclaimed,Efa.61.1,2. Luke 4.18,19. &c.2 Cor.6.2, Thus every feventh yeare, was for them t6 meditate o , and in faith to ex- pe& Christ; who is the true Noah that giveth us comfort and reff from our worke, and from the furrow of our hands; becaufe of the ground which the Lord bath curfed,Gen.5.29. prune] or, out thy vineyard; meaning,the füpet'fluous bran- ches of the vines, which the husbandman cutteth off, to make the treesmore fruitful!. Therefore, to lignifie that God would leave the vine of his Church waft, hefaith,Is (ball not be pruned,Efa.5.6. And under thefe,all other worke of husbandry is forbidden. The Hebrew canons Thew it thus; It is commanded to ref/ from tiding of the land , and dreffing oftreea, in the feventbyesre, Levit.2 5: And who fe Both wort, oftillage of land or scream thatyeare,he fruftrateth a Commandement, and tranfgre f eth aga osf a prohibition Levi t. z5. 4. ?ey may not plant in thefeventh ()eare) tlwafh they he trees that Beare na fruit ; nor cut off lambs fr'on the trees , nor brufh off withered leaves or bough nor binde up thebranches , nor make a fmoake under them to bill the wormer!,, nor cover theplayas with any thing wherein dung is, that the finales might not eat them when they are tender , nor cover the unripe fruits, &c, and fo all other culture (or husbandingg) of echo. For fowing,or pruning, or reaping,orgathering fruits this yeare, a man was to be beaten ; whether they were the fruits of the vineyard, or ofather trees ; for other workes not cxpreflèd in theLaw , he was not bea- ten, but chaffifed (or feourged.) He that planted in the fezenth yeare, either of Ignorance , or pr femptuoufy; (that which he planted) warp/sicked-up-by the roots. He that ploughed , er dunged his in the fezenth yeare ; that it might be the fitter to Jew, when thefeventh yeare was out , they amearfed, and he might not Ps it, at thegoing out of the fezenthyeare. If he removed thamet, or gathered out flow , to fit it againff thefeventhyeare went out; frafmuch, as he didthat whichwas not lawfull, he was amearfed : but be might fowit,at the going out of theyeare, &c. Maimony , tons. 3. hi Iobel (on treat. of the Intermifonandlübile,)ch.i. The outward reff of If ael from therelaborious works, figured a better ref /, which all the people of God fhould have by- Chriff, ceding from their ovine workes, and doing the worke of God believing in his Sonne, by whom they /hall finde reft unto their fou leg, Hcb.4.9,10. John 6.29. Matth.11.28,29. 'Unleffe they did thus, the land injoyed not her Sabbaths, Lev. 26.34,35. V er.5. That which growth 'fit scan accord] called inHebrew, by one word,Saphiach : which is Paid to be, All that the earthbrirrgeth forth in the feventh yeare, either ofthe feed rabid: fell imo it before thefevetub yeare; or of the roots whichwere reaped, and did growand beare again. Maimony in lebe!, ch. 4. C 1, find not rcape, to weet,afier the manner that they reaped eve- rieotheryeare; he that fo reaped it, wo. tobe beason, but he reaped a little at once, and did threfb it out, and eat it. Maimony ibidem, ch.4. f:r. ofthy feparation] which were feparated and exempted from the owners , from felt and merchandilè, and by the Word of God, made free and common for all. TheGr. tranflateth, of thy fanîfifiration ; the Chal- dee, of leaving, that is, which thou art to leave incontrnon.Or they may be fo called,becaufe the land and trees were to be left unmanured and tindreffed, and fo after a fort feparated fromthe owners care and husbandry. The Hebrews fay, The fezenthyeare it ofmore weight than the holy thing: for he that redeemeth an holy thing , it goeth out among the common things , and they take the pricefor it. But the fe- zenthyeare, notfo : for if one fell the fruits of the fezenth yeare, they take the price , and make it as the fruits of the feventh yeare: and the fruits themfelzes (which were fold)are not profaned,or made as the f uits ofitber yeares. Maim. in Lobel, ch. 6. fe&. 6. Vert 6. the Sabbath] that is; the fruits of the Sab- 6 bath, to weet,of the feventh yeare. for meat] and for drinke,and for anointing,and for filch other tiles as the creatures naturally (erred, unto men and braits. But that which was for mans meat, the Hebrewes fay , might not be imployed to o- ther ales, nor fold as merchandife : fee the notes on 5