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t 5 VIT ICUS X.XV,, 'owners. Maimony in Lb.!, chap. to. fe&. 14. I 0 Verf. 10. the yeere of fiftie yeeres] an Hebrew phrafe, meaning theyeere even the ffiethyeere: fo that they mitre, which count every nine and for- tieth yc:re to be the Jubile: that was the feventh fèvcn, the ordinarie Sabbath and yeere of fteft, and the yeere following was the Jubile, even the fiftieth, fo two holy yeeres cause together. Thus the Hebrew canons declare it ; 7heyeereof labile comnte.b not in the count of tinyeerei of the feven ; but the nine andfortieth yeere is the Releaf , and the fiftieth yeere the labile; and the me and fiftieth yeere beginneth the fixeyeeres of the Seven (followinngg:) and fo in every labile. Maimony in label,ch.' o.C.7. And again,' The nine and f rtieth yeere it felfe,se the(yeere af)Releafe: and of er it is the Labile, in thefiftiethyeere. R. Mena - chem on Levit. 25. proclaime libertie] for Hebrew fervants, from their natters, Jer.34.8,9. Such ai went,00t out at the feventh yeere of their fervi- tude, but were bored through the Bare to ferve fir ever, went 'out at the Jubile; for then their e- ver was at an end, as is noted on Exod. 21. 2. 6. and as after followeth inthis chap. v. 39, 40,41 Wherfore the other legali ordinances which are commanded to be kept for ever, had alto their end at the Jubile of the Gofpel , as the Apoftle fhew- eth, Heb.9.g , io i1.Colof..2.14,16,1y. And the Jewes which urge the obfervation of them, may be anfw.ered from their owne Writers. It h,a ínowne thing, that this word (Legnolam.) For ever, it finetime fpo!,en of a time determined, as Flee fball ferve him for ever , (Exod. 21.6.) that it to fy , unto the ever of the labile. And fometime it isJfolm of length ofdaies, without ksoeeledgeoftheir limit , but yet obey heve a limit and an end; at , Let King David live for ever , (1 King. r. 31.) And fametime it it f even of a time which hath none end, as , The Lardfba eigne for ever and aye , (Prat. 10. 16.) faith R. Menaehem on Levit.25. This yeere of liberty,figured the yeere of grace by Chaift, who dying in the lafl Jubile that ever the land had, did deliver them who through fare of death, were all their life time fubjeti to bondage, Heb. z. 14, 15. fifth as were the fervants f fmte, whom the Some making free , they are free in deed, John 4.34,36. Of this time of grace,Chrift pro - phecying, calleth It theyeere of his redeemed, Efa. 63.4. and, the areeptableyeereof the Loan, Efa. 6,. 2. And the Apoftle exhorting us, that, wee receive not the grace of God in vaine , faith, Behold, now is the accepted time ; Leh ld now it theday of falvation, 2 Cor. 6. 1,2. a labile] inHebrew, lobe!, which the Chaldee calleth Iobela; the Greeke here in- terpreteth it , ayeere of remifJion of fignifteation. In Eze:ï.46. 17. it is called, theyeere of li ertie. The Hebrews , force of them thinke it hath the name (from the Arabicke) of a rammes borne, whereof the Cornets founded this yeere, were made : fo the Trumpets of labelim, in Jof.6,4. are in Chaldee expounded, Trampeo: of rammer borne. But the Hebrew word-bgnibeth neither ramme, nor borne, but bath the name of carrying, or leading- along, Job 1 0.19. and 21.32. Pfal. 60.11. whereupon Jabal! is a fireame , or water roterfe, that runneth along, and carrieth things with it, Jer.17. 8. Efa. 44.4. And thus R. Memo/gm, (on Levit. 25.)'and the Zobar,derive the name Lobel, From lubal,a ftreame, or water- courfe, according to that phrafe in Jer. 17.8. It feemeth alto to have the naine of the long-found of the trumpet; as in Exod, i 9.13 Lobel is the found of the trumpet : and becaufe this yeere was joyfull to fervants and oor people; of the joyful! front which they made, and found of trumpets, the Latines have borrowed theword Íabilo, which is to make ajyftdlfhout, Andin my. Iterie, the Jubile is fo named, as carrying men to Chrift , by whole redemption all the faithful) have cattfe to fhout and rejoyce. When he foun- ded the trumpet of his Gofpel,(as God bathfeat him to preach the Gofpel to the pore, to preach diliverano to the captiver , and recovering of fight to the blinde, te fit at libertie them that are bruifed, to preach the aroep- tableyeere oftbe Lord.) Then he laid,Thia day it this Seri are fulfilled Mine cares ; and all bare him ton- ne and wondred at the gradate words which proceeded out f bit month Luke4.18, -22. bitpafjon] his Tenement , meaning lands and honks which had been fold , and now nttlft be returned to the firft owners : a figure of our reftoring by Chrift, into Paradif r the poffeflìon whereof, Adam loft by fin, Gen. 3. Luke 23. 43. So there were three things efpeciall unto this yeere; the founding of trumpets, the freedome of fervants , and the re- ftoring of lairds or Tenements: but the ceiling of the land was one with the feventh yeeres reft verf4.11. And here note the accord and the dif- ference between the Sabbath (or feventh) yyeerc, and the Jubile, which the Hebrewes lay down thus : Tite Law of the labile, fir the refling of the land, and the Lawof theyeere of Releaf, is one in every re(felJ. Wbatfosver is forbidden in the feventh yeere, concerningthe tilling of the land, is f rbidden in theyeere of labile : and wbatfoerer is lawful in the feventh yeere , it lawful! in the labile : and that worlgfor which thy are beaten if' they doe itin the feventhytere, they are beaten for the fame in the Jubile. And the Law fr the fruits of theyeere oflabile, cementing eating, or felling, or putting them away is as the Law fir the fruits ofthe feventh yeere in every reffetl. The feventh yeere is a- bove the labile in that the f ventb yeere releaffctb (debts of) money , (Deuteronornie 15. 1, z.) rebid" the labile dash trot : and the labile is above the feventh yeere, in that the labile lettethfervamsgee ont (free,) and releaf th lands , [which the feventh yeere doth not,] Levit. 25. 24. The labile releafeth land., in the beginning of the fame : but the feventhyeerereleafeth not monies, till the end of the fame; (Deuteronomie 15.1.) Maimony in label , chap. to. fe &.15,16. Further, from thefe words, ye Thal retarenevery man, 6-c. they gather, that be which gave his fieldfur agift, (though he fold it not)yet it was refforedanto him in theyeere of labile : Maim. ibid. ch. a. f. 19. his fancily] from which bee was departed whiles through povertie he was fold unto ano- ther family, vert. 39, 40, 41.) It' figured our re- turning unto God the Father, through our Lord Jefins Chrift ; of whom the whole fortify in heaven and earth is named, Ephef: 3. 15. Verf. i t,A labile (hall it be] er, T hat !able,(hall be