-LEV'ITI CUS, XXV, be IMO 'OIL , theyeoreof'fiftieJeerer ; that is, coca in the fifueth yeere. The Greeke tranflateth it , (A yeere) of rem Jion of fgmf catioá (ball it be rmto ynu; the Jiftieth yeere (hall theyeere be metayou. of the fe para- tioas the;eof] which the Greeke calleth , the fanCii- fiert fruits thereof. They were feparated from the owners, and fanfried of God to be common for all; like the fruits of the feventh yeere , as before is noted. See verC 4,5,7. Verf, 12. it is the Iubi /e] inGreeke, it is the fgni- I2 fication of Remiffion. holineffe] that is, a moll holy yeere; to bee hallowed or fanfried unto the Lord, by the obedience of thefe his precepts and meditation of a beteer reft,freedome and holines which thould be obtained by Chrift,in theaccepta- bleyeere ofthe Lerd,Luk.4.18,19,2I. out of the field] and not out of the barn; fee the notes on v.5.and on Exo.23.1 e. By this, God alto led them to de- pend upon him for their daily bread, and not to care for the morrow, Mat.6.3 a.34. and to weane them from the world, that they that buy, may be a though theypi fe d not; and they that ufi that world, as though thgyufedUwe, a Cor.7.30,3!. 14 Verf. 14. if ye fell] that is, if any of you : the Greek for more plainneffe,changeth the number, ifthoufell : fo after, the Greeke faith, oppref i (or wring) not thou. not oppreffe] or, not vexe , not make a prey. This Mops here, and in the next verfe fheweth to concerne both buyer and feller : fo that if a man fold too deere, the buyer was op- preffed; and if a man bought a thing too cheape, the feller was opprefl'ed. Ver. 15. According to] or, By the number ofyeeres t 15 which two phrafcs doe explaine one another,attd en are uthd fornetime indifferently: as *Is (or bs)the Word of Gad, Chron. 21. 19. is by another Pro- . 7 phet Pet down,* Ara ding to the word ofGod,2 Sam. 24. 19. And fo the Greeke tranflateth it'here, According to. So after in teri. 5o, and in Nuns. 14. 34. Jeerer of the revenuer] that is , of the faits : fo that the landproperly was not fold , but the fruits thereof, verf. 16. See after on vert 23. 25. From this wordyeeres the Hebrews gather, that Who fo felleth his field, becalms rèdeeme it till after two yecres , beanie it it faid , according to the .slumber of the yeerer ofthe revenues, he fliall fell unto thee. 'Tea, though in that boughs it , would conform , he may not 1411 after twoJeerer fan the Pale thereof. And the buyer mutt eat two revenues of twoyeeres, and afterward it may be redeermd. Therefire if the fetenthyeere be one of the twoyeeres, or if it be a yeereofblafiing, or'meldew , it is not reckmxed in the member.. And if he buy it one ymere before the Iubile, beeatetb of it the fecondyeere after the Iubile; for it is written, THE YEERE$ On THE RevEatlaS. Maimony-in lobe!, chapter u. fe- &ion 9, 10, 12. 16 Verf. 16. the umber of the revenues], that is , according to the number ofyeeres of the recommits.: as verf :l 5. 57 Verf. '17. feare thy God] by ab(laining from this evill,anddoing the contrary good; for,by the feare of the Lord, men depart from evil!, Prov. 16.6. and whereas it is laid, in 1 Kin.8.4o. that they mty fare tbeearlongas they five: another Prophetopeueth it thus, that they may feare thee, and walke in thy mates as long as they lice, 2 Chronic. 6, 31. But the want of the feare ofGod, is the fountaine of evil( deeds, Dent. 2 5. t 8. Pfal. 36.2. Ron1.3. I S. So Nehemiar, blaming truckle in the Jewes towards their bre- thren , laid Ought ÿe not to mange in the feare of our God? Neh. 5.9. V.18. my fiatutes] the Gr. addeth, all my fiatutes, and all ay judgements : which addition is here im- plied , as elfewhere the holy Ghoft explaineth himfelfe: for,to ftabl ilh the words of the Law,lDeu. 27. 26. meaneth all things written in the booke óf the Law, Gal. 3. 1co. and, They did eat, Luke 9,17. Mar.7.8. isexpounded ,Theydidalleat,M.it.14.2o. & 5.37. & many the like. See the notes on Exo, 25.40. in confident fafety]or,wishboldnes, &fecurity. The original! word Ggnifieth both the confidence, or holdnes which men that trult in God , and walk in his waies,have within thenifelves,and the fafety and ficure eftate, wherein God fet tech then(,from danger of evill.This promife is often renewed,as in Lev.26.5. Deut., 2.28, & 23.12,28. Prov.r.33. Ezek.28.26. & 34.27,28.and under this promife, eternal( life is figured; as is (hewed on Gen.' z.5. Verf 19. give] or yeeld her fiait : which was a I3gne of Gods Welling, Levit,26.3,4. Pfa1.67.2,7. and a figure of heavenly bleffings in Ghrift Efa. 45:8. Pf l.85.11,12,13. Ezek. 34. 26,27, eat to the fib] or, eat unto facietie : fee the notes on Le: vit. 26. 5. Vert:20. /ehaldwe(hall not few] the Greeke tran- flateth it,iftre f w not,norgatber,&c. This faying,or thought of theirs, God approvntls not of: for he teacheth inen,by the fowles of the ayre,and lilies Of the fiejd, to take no thought, what to eat or drinker or wherewith to be clothed, Mat. 6.2 5, 26. &c. Bet preventeth the obje&ion of humane infirmitie, by promìfe of extraordiharie blef ling, to them that obey Isis Law. The like he loth in Exodus 34. 23, 24. about their go- ing up to' this foleinne feall; and in Mat- thew 6.33. to all that feeke his kingdome and righteoufnefle. Verfc 21. will command] that is, will powerfully fend: as the Greeke interpreteth, .1 frill fend: but it noteth the power and efhcacie of Gods word, who finder(; his Edt7upon earth, and his Word ruined very fcviftly, PLii. 147. 15. So Mofes againe fpeaketh of commanding the blefng, Deuteronomie 28.8. and David, in pain, 133. 3. and of commanding falvation, Praline 44. 5. and 71. 3. of commanding ftrength, Piàlme 68. 29. and other things, which hce cffe&ually procsreth and caufcth to come tolpaffe, 2 S.i- mad 17. 14. Verf. 22. ye fball eat] This promife of Weil' fings, and the fuition of theist, was to encou- rage then( in obedience to Gods Law; for, Godlinef is profitable unto all things ; hazing pro- mife of the life which now is, and of that which is to come, 1 Timothie 4.8. And God is able to mssg all grace abound towards us, that wee alwaies ha- ving all fufficciencie in all things, may abound to eve- rte good worke. And , he that minif(reth feed to the 0 o o ¡,iwer; 157 18 19 20 2I Z