158 LEVIT ICUS XXVI. timer; will both minJ1 er breadfor your food, andmulti- ply our f ed fowen,amd incre{fe the fruits ofeur rigbteoa f- nef, z Cor. 9. 8, 1o. 23 Verf23. forever] or abfolutey, precifly: Hebrews to binding fail; meaning unto the buYer, as ver.3o. and this the Gr. verlion favoureth , eradiating, umo confirmation ; that is , to be firme and fah unto him that bought it, as his owne for ever. And as the originall word is fometinte ufed for cutting off, fo it may here be englilhed ; and then it mea- neth, it fhould'not be fold fo, as to be cut off from redemption, (as verfe 24.) or to be abfo- lately cut-off from the firft owner. The Chaldee tranilateth, abfolntely or pro Ito, for the propriety of him that buyeth the fame. Hereupon Naboth would not fell his inheritance to the King,' Kin. 21.3. See alto Ezck.48.14. where the oblation of land given to the Prieles and Levites, they might not fell it , neither exchange nor alienate the Roll fruits ofthe land: becaufe it war holy unto the LORD. is mine] Though the whole earth be the Lards, and the plentiethereof, Pfal. 24. I. yet the land of Canaan was his in more fpeciall manner, (even as Ifrael to whom he gave it, was his peculiar people above others, Exod.19.5.) becaufe hehad fanttificd it, to be the inheritance of his Church here on earth, Genefis 12. y. and a figure of the inheritance of his Saints in heaven, Hebr. n. 9, Io. Therefore it is called TM e L o R D s land, Hofea g: 3. and Immanuel: (that is, Chrifis) land, Efa.8.8.and the holy land, Zach. 2.1 2, and fo being Gods, men had no right to fell it; and it taught them, that the gift of God may not be purdsafed with money, Aas 8.20. and that the heavenly heritage which hee hath prepared for his in Chríft, cannot be alienated from them; but is lhrely confirmed in his blood, and referved in heaven foe them ; unto which theythall returne at the great Jubile of his fecond appearing, when the trumpet of God fhall found,"Rom.8.38,39. Joh. 10.28,29.1 Pet.1.4i5. t Thef:4.16,17. fifers), new with me] that is, as the Greekeand Chaldee expound it, before me. Thus Davidprofeffed, I am a firanger with thee, a f journer ar all my fathers, Pfal. 39.13. and fo he fpeaketh of all Ifrael, in r Chro. 29.15. (where in Read of, with thee, he faith, be- fore thee. ) So that as the heathens that became Profelytes, had no inheritance in the land, but dwelt therein as fojourners, fo was Ifrarl ist the fight of God. Hereby he taught them, to defire and feeke a better countrey, that is, an heavenly; where there remaineth a ref fur the people of God, Hebr.'1.13,14,16,9,5o. and 4.8,9. See the An- notations on Gencfss 12.5. and 13. 15. Some understand this, with me , as if the Lord himfelfe were but as a fojourner in this world, and his people with him; whereupon R.Menacbem (on this place) bringeth an expedition of more an- cient Do &ors, thus: For ye are flrangers and fo- jammers with-me; it it enough for the fervant , that he be as his mailer. This may have ale , if it be referred unto Chriff, and his fojourning here in our flefh; who alto hinsfelfe, ufed this proverbe unto his, laying It is enough fir the Difciple, that be be at bir Mather; and the frvant, ai hir Lord, &o. Mat., o.25. Verf. 24. grant] or give a redemption, that is, fuf- z fer it to be redeemed; (for giving,is often ufed for 4 fi ff ring, as is noted on Gen.2o.6.) And this re- demption is by the yeere of Jubile , when every man was to let the land. return to the owner, as being redeemed for him by the Lord. Of mens redeeming their lands by money, &c. he fpeaketh afterward.Hereupon the Hebrew canons fay The landof ICrael, which mar parted among theTriber, may not be fold for ever, Lev. 25. 23. find if a man felletb for ever both of them [the feller and the buyer] doe tranfgrepagainfl a prohibition : and it availeth them nothing; fir in the labile, the land returnetb to the owner thereof. The Jubile it above the feventbyeere, fir that the Iubile !meal frvants goe out free; and releafeth land: and this it the right of the fale of fteldr , fßoltm of in the Law, and it a thing commanded, ar it is written, Ys SHALL GRANT A Rana a SION FOR THE LAND. Maimony in lobe!, chap. It. feet. s. and chap. so.fett.,6. This figured the land and Rate of grace, which all Gods peo. people by the Jubile of the Gofpel doe returne unto by repentance and faith in Chrift, though by their former finites, they have for a time de- prived themfelves of their inheritance in his Church, 2 Cor.2.7,8. I Joh,1.9. V.25. waxen-podre] or brought kw, as the Greeke tranflateth it in ver.39.though here both the Ge. and Chaldee expound it, waxen-pore. Hereupon the Hebrew canons fay, A man may not fell hie boufe, or field ofhis ppooffifon , (although :bey returne againeun- to himafter the time,)unleSi be be a poste man , Levit. 25.25 But fill them ter to put the money in bit purfi, or to malt mercbandife with it , or to get ve [s, or fir- wank , or beef : therewith , he may not, fave for food enely. Yet if he tranfref and fell, the fale natwith- fianding it confirmed. Maim. vi label, ci.t 1.1 3. the redeemer] the Hebrew Gael, is allo a kjnfman, Numb.5.8.Ruth 3.9. unto whorl the right of re- deeming lands,houfes or perCons,doth belong, & allo the avenging of their blood (if they be flair) Nusn.35. 1 0. Which kinfman, in this work of re- demption,was often a figure ofChrift,who being necee unto us, and allied in the flefh (in that bee coolie part of the fame flefh and blood with us, Heb.2.t 4.) is called our Goel, that is, Redeemer or Deliverer : as , the Redeemer (hall come to (and no of) Sion,Efa.59.20. Rom.26. And he it is, that bath redeemed us, and our heavenly inheritance unto tos inour low depreffed and poore eftate, Hof, t 3. 14. ThefI.zo. 2 Cor.8.9. Romans 5.6,8, o. The Hebrews in Tanchuma upon this place, fay, The Redeemer thereof, this it the holy bled (God) ar it io[aid, (in Jerem. 30. 34.) their redeemer is flreng, the Lord of hop it his none , be. he that is netre mot. bim, this is the holy bkf fed (God) as it itfaid (in Pfal. t48. 14.) a eopleneere unto him. Thus they law fomewhat a far off; though their eyes are dark - ned, that they cannot perceive how God was in Chrilt our redeemer, whom they crucified. aeere unto bim]or next,to weet,in blood: as Lev.21. 2,3.Nums7. I I . the fa/e of hit brotber]that which his brother hath fold. This duty of the natural! kinf- z5