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LEVITICUS XXV. 159 kinfìaati. fhadowed the dutie of love which all in a chie compafed with a mall he may redeeme it all a Christians fhould [hew one to another, by fpiri- tuall alliance ; in helping to recover them that are occafion.illy fallen , and reforing them with the fpirit of meekneffe, Ga1.6.I,2. I Joh.5.16. 26 VerC z6. bath attained] in Greeke, aboundeth, or li able; which word is ufed in Alts et. 29. Every mm according to his abilitic. From hence the He-. brews conclude, that a man mart redeeme it with his owner for ifhe borroweth (of another) to redeeme it withal! , they heart toe unto him, Maim. in label, ch. a 1. felt. t 7. found fuft iencie for] or, even the fitfr ftciencie of the'redemptìcn. This the Hebrews under- hand to be of fuch things as he hath gotten after the fete; wherefore they lay, He that felleeh a fieldof bitpaffilfion, and bath other fields , and filled, of them fields, enongh to redeeme the field which he fold; they hearken not unto him : fie it is written, A ND Fo u ND SuFFI C I HNC Y FOR THE RE DEMP- T I o N ; that is , when be bath found fmething, Which woe not foundwith him, at the time of thefide. Maim. ibid. chap. i i .felt. 17. 27 Verf. 27. refiere the overpluc] The Hebrews ex- plaine it thus ; At if theca remaine unto the labile ten yeeces, and he felleth bins his fieldfor an hundred crown es, and he that bought it,h1th eases of (the fruits )of it three yeere, and then thefeller would redeeme it ,he is to give fee - venty crowns , and the other is to reflore him his field. And fi if he have eaten of it fixyeeres, he it to give him forty (cravens) and the other reftorcth him the field. If he redeeme it not ,tit leave it in the hand of him that bought it, rrntill the yeere of labile; then it reteerneth to the (lira) owner, without price. Maimony in Lobel, chap. it. fe&. 5. 23 Verf. 28. the Labile] inGreeke, the P.emifiion. whirpofffion] that is,to his land,bnt trees and the like, are by the Hebrewes excepted. If a Han Jell trees, be cantor redeeme them before twoyeeres, [a s is be- forenoted on ver.15.] and if be doe not redeme them, they return not to the owner in the labile: far it is written, HE SHALL RuTuRNE to bit poffon;hefaitb not, to the trees. Maimony in lobe!, ch. 11. felt. 14. See more in Lev.27. This returning of the poore to their poffelfìons, figured the grace of God to- ward us in Chrilt, whereby we are refored into his favour, and thall be to his heavenly m iseri- tance, Col.I.12,13,14. and 3.24.. Eph. r !; 0,11. 18. , Pet.,.4. compared with Efa.6o.2 e. and 61. 7. & 65.9. Contrariwife it was a figne of wrath, when God threatned,the feller (hall not retorne to that which isfold, Ezek. 7. 13. 29 Verf.29. a walledcitie]Hebr. dole of wall, which the Gr. explaineth, walled; the Chaldee , compafd with a wall. the end] or, the perfeiion, the whole accompli)hmentofthe yee ; l; in Greeke till the yeere be fullled; meaning, that it might be redeemed by the owner any time within the yeere; but not af- ter. dayes] undcrfand, ayeere ofdayes : and the Hebrew fometinie expreffeth,Gen.41. t. meaning an whole or perfeCl yeere, (as the next verfe (hew - eth,) which confifeth of 365, dayes and fixe honres. Thus the Cale and redemption of houles differed from lands; which in the Hebrew ca- nons is explained thus: He that felleth an ;mule with- twelve months (face) from the day that he A's it , at any time that be p.4afèth , yea though it be the fame dayy that be fold it. And when bepleafeth to redeeme it , he giveth all the price which he took e, and abateeb nothing to him that bought it. And his neere keen may not re- deeme it, [as they might doe his land, ver.2 5.] but the feller himfelfë , if his band can attain¢ to it ; and be may fell his goods to redeeme it ; but be may not borrow, and redeeme it therewith. If he that bought it , be dead, he may redeeme it out of the hand of bit forme : fo if he that fold it, be dead ; bit forme may redeeme it all the twelve months. If the twelve months be eut, and is is not redeemed : then it is abfolutely confirmed in the hand of !rim that boughs it. And f, if be gave hit houfe for agift, and redeemed it not within twelve months , it is abf /utely bis to whom he gave it. If it be Leape-yeere, [that is, a yeere of thirteene months, as the Hebrews had two Adars or Februariet,by reafon ofodde dales:] it is not abfölutely made away till the end thereof; at it is written, TILL A WHOLE YE ERE Be Fu L F t L L E D, Lev.2 5.30. to impy the month that is overplus. If the twelvemuncth day become,, and he cannot be friend that bought it that it may be redeemed from him : then (the owner) leaveth the money with the Silted ion , and brealtet open the doere , and goeth intohis houfe ; and when he comes that bought it, begoeth (to the Synedtion) and eahteth bit money. Maimony in Iote?, chap. 12. felt. 1, -7. Ver.3o. bath toot a wall] this,becaufe it feemeth contrarie to the former, is written and noted in the HebrewMargine to he read,hatb a wall; there being in the letters a difference, but not in the pronunciation ; as the like hath been before in Ex.21.8.Lev.1 i.21. The Greek and Chaldee also tranflate, batha wall ; and that the meaning is fo, the words fore -going (hew. Yet is not the text corrupted , (as is obferved from the Hebrews in Exodus 21. 8.) but it feemeth, may thus he reconciled ; that if it were in a chie which fometimes had a wall, but for the pre(enthad none, or very ruinous (as was the cafe of Ien e- fa /em, 2 King. 25. io.) then the order here litt, should fand for the Cale of the hocele. And here I will adde what the Hebrews write concerning this : The citie which le not compafed With a wall, at the time when Jofua conquered the land; though it be walled now, yet it is like the hoofer of the villages : and the citie -wieids woe compaf d with a wall in. Jofiia's daies, though it be not walled now, yet it is at if it were walled. And when they went into captivity , at the fira definition (of the Temple, 2 Kings 25.) the holi- ner of the walled cities which bad heme in Jolsia's time, ceafed : when Ezra came up ; at the fecond comming into the land , (Ezra 1.) all the walled ci. ties were fantlifiedat that time ; beeaufe their comming in, in the dales of Ezra , which was the fecsnd commie, was as their comming in, in the dales of Jofuá, &c. Maimony in lobe!, chapter 12. feftion 15. for ever] or, to the éuteing of of all redemption; the Greeke tranflateth firmy, the Chaldee, flutely fee verle 21. And as this is expefly fpoken of the houle ; fo the Hebrewes fay , that Gardens; and Bathes to wafh in, and Dove- Ooo z huts. 1 39