¡Co LEV(TICUS houfes, which were within the teals of the catie, there were at the boufes : butfield!, ifany were within the citie,were to be redeemed at fiddr that were withaut the eitie. So for Ierufalem, they fay, 5ohoufè might be abfbttely f ld in it : likewife, that at boufe budded upon the wall, [as was Fababs, Jof. 2. 25.] was not al the (other) hortf s of a walledcitie. Maim. in Iobel, c.1 z. Ext. in the Iubile] Greeke, in the remilion. Likewife, ifone fold an houfe in a walled title , and the Itebile came within tbeyee, e of the fale, it war not retttrnedvt the Iubile; but rema'nedin the hand ofhim that purehafed it; till it plea - fed the feller to redeeme it all the yeere ofthefale,or that the yeere was ful fill ed , and f it was abfolutelygone. Maim. in lobe!, chap. t 2. feEt.9. 31 Verf. 3i. tillages] or, open -places; theword is elfewhere tiled for Courtyards. no wall- round- about] meaning a wall properly , of earth, (tone or tise like. For, acitie that had the gardens thereoffoor a wall or that had the Sea for a wall, was rot (coun- ted) a walledcitie. No place wept called a walled dole, till it bad in it three tillages (or Courtyards) or moo; and in every of /bofe villages , two hoofer or moo; and it were eompajd with a wall at frfi, and afterward 'they buildd villages within it. But a place that was fail inhabited, and afterward walled about ; or wherein there were not three villager with two haute: m every of them, it was not a walledcitie; boat the houfes.therein , were at the banfes ofthe villages ; Maim. in lobe!, ch.' 2. felt. 13,14. redemption (hall be to it] that is, it may be redeemed at any time, as the fields before menti- oned; or it may be redeemed, as the !mules fore- mentioned. Both arc (hewed by the Hebrewes thus He [bat flleth any haute in the villages, or in a ri- sk a hieb bath no wall,ae is meet for it; it maybe redeemed at liltetb him befi, according to the Law of the field, or ac- cording to the Law fthebeufe in a walledciter. As, ifbe will redeeme it out ofband , he may redeeme it according to the Law for heufes: [that is, without abating any thing to him that bought it.], Ifthe 12. months be expired, and be loath not redeemed it; loe he may redeeme it till the leere of Iubile, according to the Law for fields. And rohen he redeemed; , he is to count with him abut bought it , and abate unto him , far the time that he injoyed it. If the Iubile come, and be bath not redeemed it ; the boufe returneth (to the owner) without price, after the manner ¡bat field; doe. Maimony in Lobel, chap. 12 . feLtion to. Ver.32. ofthe Levites] which were the fix cities of Refuge, and 4.2. cities moo, (48. in all) given them to dwell in, and the fuburbs of them,for to feed their cattell, Num. 3 5. Jof. 21. a redemp- tion ever] that is, they may ever, (or at any tiene) be redeemed by the Levites : lò the Greeke explaineth it. And the Hebrewes fly , The Friefts and Levites may redeeme their houft in walled cities, at any tiene when they plea fee , though it be after many yeerer. Mai- colony in Iobçl, chap. s y. fe&.7. (hall bete the Le- vites]] This caution reîherteth the pofleffions which the Levites injoyed in their cities; and to doth that which followeth in veri. 33. that the redeemer nitt(t beef the Levite,. Wherefore the He- brewes have this rude: Ase Ifraclite which is hyre to his mothers father , a Levite , be redeemeth as the Le- vites doe though he be not a Levite ; yet feeing the cities 32 XXV. or fields are the Levites, he may redeeme (at anytime) for ever. For this rightdependetb upon tbofe places , and not upon the owners. And a Levite which is heyre to his mothers father an Ifraelite ; he redeemeth ae an If- raelite, and not of the Levites doe : for it ?Snot fail that the Levite, may redeeme at any time for ever , but in the cities of the Levites. Maimony in Lobel, chapter 13. fertion 8, 9. Verf. 33. redeeme, fthe Levites] underltood, bee flral be fthe Levites and it (hall not be redeemed by other Ilraelites.Some take redeeming here,for buy- ing or purcbafrng : though I finde not the word lo to income, any other where. the faleof the bottle] that is the hotife which is fold, as verf.28. and the citie] the Greeketranflateth, and thefaleoftbehou.. fen of the citie oftheir po fJton, /ball gee out : and fo it agreeth with the realon following. fhallgoema], unto the fir[t owner, as v. 28. out of the hands of any Ifraelite that had bought it, or efany other Levite that had redeemed it. their pog;on] whereas the Levites might have no part in the fpoiles of the heathens that were conquered, nor inheritance in the houles and lands which were di- vided to the other Ilraelitès,Deut.18,I.God gave theta cities and fuburbs, for then and their cat - tell,which was all the poffeulion they had : there- fore hoe confirmed this gift cinto them, with a ((sillier law both for Pale and redemption then the Ifraelites had for their paffellions. Ver.34.the field] that is the ells: as the Greeke tranflateth. of the fuburbs] which were three thoufand cubits everyway, from the wall of the cite and outward; fee Num.3 5.4,5with the An- ndtations. not be fold]this feemeth to be an able - lute prohibition , that though the Levites might fell their houlès,yet their lauds not at all: which yet was but a figurative reftraint(as the other le- gall ordinances,) untili the Jubile of the Gofpel; for then Barnabas a Levite, fold his field, that hee might in'loy a better inheritance among the Saints, Arts 4.36, 37. Howbeit the HebrewDo- Etors under(tand this Law otherwife,and fay; 7be Prief,'s and the Levites, which fell any field oftheir cities, or any houfef'e. doe redeeme them after this manner : they fill fields , though it be etere to the labile , and redeeme them out of hand; and they redeeme buffet in the walled cities, at anytime when they pleafe,though it be after ma- t ryJeerer, Lev.2 5.3 2. Maim. in Iobel,chap.s3.fe&t.7. And this Law againit fe ping, they expoundof al- teration or changing, thus : In the Leviter cities, they may not make o fa eitie the fuburbs; nor of the fuburbs a catie, [tor ofthe fuburbs a field ; nor fa fieldfuburbs, ar it is rrritten, the field of thi fuburbs oftheir cities fhall not be fa, Levit. 25.34. We haze beene taught, that Ilan w h i c h í a fail SHALL. NOT BE S o l D ,meat verb, (hall not be altered:; but the field , and the *irk, arrdtbe title fhall all three of theme bear they are for eser. Maimony ibidem, íe&.4;5 Verf.3 5. waxen - poore] or brought low, as verf 25. and 39. hand failetbjor ;band ismozediwhichthe Greeke tranflateth, and be le weals (or impotent) in his hands by thee;1 hat is, unable to relieve him- idle. This phrafe is Here once applied to the band, in Deut.32.35. and oftenotherwhere to the foot, 33 34 35