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LEVITICUS .XXIV. I61 foot, the moving or Gliding whereof, is allb a de- tay, or filling into evil]. ffrengthen him] or, take! old on Trim , and Co confirme his wecke hands; that is as the Greeke tranflateth , bc/pe or relieve him.' So God is faid to ffrengthen, or bold the right hand ofCyrtta, when he inabled him to fob - due ijations, EGà.45.I. fo of Chrift, in Eft. 42.6. and of his people when he hclpeth them againft their enemies, Efa.41. 12,13. According to this law, is that in Deut. t 5. 7,8,1 o. where God com- m.tndeth to open the hand, to lend and to give unto the poore : and it is reckoned for one of the fins of Sodome, that (nee flrengthesednot tI,e hand of the poore and, needy, Etch. 16. 49, even the ffranger] that is,though he be a flranger,and none ofthine owne nation : or, as the Greeke tranilateth, thou fhalt he/pe him at a granger and fjourner. Whereby God may intend the naturali Ifraelites , which were but flrangers and fjourners with hint,verle 23. which is alto the Itate of all the Saints on earth, t Pet. z. I1. that he may] or, and he Jhall live : fo the Gr. faith, and thy brother fhal live with thee. By living is meant the recovering of him - Celle out of his tuilerie, as elfewhere, life is oppo- fed to fìcknefe, ruine, andother mifcries, Efa. 38.9.Neh.4.2.I Chro.t I.S.Gen.45.27. Therforc God commandeth to let the poore man have fuf- ficientfir his need, Dent. 15. 8. Ike the Annotations there. Hereby a1Co was figured, that fach as are poore iu fpirit, ought to be comforted: and fuch as are impoverifhed by fin, fhould be fought after for their recovery, by admonition, exhortation, prayer, &c. that lift may be given them, t Thel. 5.14.1 Joh.5.16, Jana. 5. 16,2o. 36 Ver. 36. biting- ufitrie] of this, fee what is noted on Ex. 22.25. increafe] or multiplication, oserplut; that is, when one taketh more then he lent. So in Ezek.18.8. 13,17. Spirituali ufury and exa&ion (which under this law is alto forbidden)is when the law is urged upon the contcience of repen- amt flutters, more then is meet ; whereby his life with God(which is by faith in Chrift) is impea- ched : or when the rudiments of the Law(which 'Chrift hall freed his people front) are laid as a yoke upon their neckes , and burthen upon their confciences ; both which are hinderances of that true life and jóy , which God by theGofpel and fpirit of his Son,miniftrcth unto his Saints, Mat. 18.28,-33. Gal.2.14; 2I. & 4.9,10,1 I. & 5.1,2. &c. A&s 15.1.10,1 1. El1.9,8, Verf. 3 9. waxen pore] in Greeke, be bumbled, or, 39 brought low; as ver. 25. be fold] for extremte po- vertie, debt, or theft; as 2 King.4. 1. Exod. 22.3, See the notes on Ex.21.2. not ferre thy Celle] in Greeke, he fhall not ferve thee. ofa firvant] of a r (lave, or bondmm, as to compel! him to doe bate and Ilavi(h wakes. The Hebrews fay, It it un/aw- !Ell fir an. If-aelite , when Ì7e buyeth any Hebrew fêrvant to make him f ere ìn things vile ; which are proper for fir- ' vents (òr flaier) to doe; at to early his z ef'ls aft r him to the bath or to untie his Pis &e. Lev.2 5.49. Which íi to be under-fiord of an Hebrew f rvant , becauf hisfault is cafe donne by lib /Tale : Sit an If ad'e which is not fald,it I it lawfrdl to it his minioerie at a fervant ; for he hç dot/a not fro!, work but willingly, andof hi, orane mind. Mai - mony, tom.4 treat. of SKrvants,ch.t. fe&.y. This law Solomon kept,as it is laid, but of the fu of-Iliac' did Solomon maip no fervant : but they were men of trar,and hit frvants, and his Prines,atd hit Captains, &c. I King. 9.22. Verf.. 40. as a f joarner] i s Greeke, or aJojourner: meaning that he Ihould be oled kindly , reverent- ly, and as a brother , verf. 46. The Hebrew canons fay Every Hebrew fervant or handmaid, their mailer io bound to make them equal! to 17imfelfe. in meat, in drinke, in clothing and in dwelling; as it is find (in Deut. 15. 16.) besaufe he it well with thee; f that thou maift not Bate white bread, and he ease brown bread; or thou drink oldwine , and bee drinknew; orthouJleepeona featherbed, and befleepeonpaw, &e. Hereupon they fay who f buj'eth an Hebrew fervant , buyeth him felti a maffer, &e. Ncvertbele, it it necefary that the fervant behave himf f with afervants behaviour , in thole fir- vices which he loth unto him. Maim. in Servants- , chap. 1. left. 9. yeere of labile] which was the yeere of libertie for all manner of Hebrew fer- vants : therefore ,No Hebrew maid, or Hebrew man- f r want was in of (in Ifiael) but at the time when the Irtbile war in ref : whether it were a fervant that Pa bimfdfe, or that was fldby the Synedrion. Maimony in Servants, chap.t. le&. to. Verf41. got-out from with thee] theGreeke faith, hefhall goe out toremi/fiun (into liberty.) For what canfe,or after what fort foevee he bath bcen fold, the Jnhile releafed hint : which was a figure of the tine of grace, wherby nowChrift !lath treed us from the lèrvitude of fin and Satan, Joh.8.32, 36. Rom,6. 14. 18. The Hebrew Doors fay, He whom the Synedrion fold, fortedfxyeeres, (Exo.21.20 from the day of his file; and in the beginning of his fezenth yeere, he went out a free man. If'the yeere rf Re cafe (Dea.15. t ,) fdl within chafe fixyeerec, yet he did frz'e therein : butt ifthryeere of Iubile fell in diem , though be were fold but ayee"e before the Iubile he nob out free, (Lev .z5.4o,4t.) Amonmay fill himfi'lfè for moethen fixyeeres ; ifhe fill bimfelfe f r 1 o or 2 o.yeeres , and the Iubile fallout thought within a yeere , he goeth out at the labile. If a man have f ld himf f or been f ld by the Synedrion, and he runs awry : be it hotrod to makeup the fix yeerer ; but if the Iubile fall, begoethout free. If he have beetle ficke, either by a continued fekneffèyeere after yeere, or lone file by fits;if the whole time (ofhis fick nef) be !e, fe then fiureyeeres, they are res/Z,med among the fix (jeererfervice:) but if he have beenfoureyeeres ficke, be is bound to makegood all the dales ofhis fckneffè; at it i, written, (Lev. 25. 40.) As an hireling, as 'a fà- journer: if the lubilefall, hegoerbout. Maim. in Ser- vants, ch.2. tae &:2,3,4,5, his fin! with him] that is, his children (as the Greeke tranflateth)whether foils or daughters. In Exod. 21.3. there is the like,for his wife. And by the parable in Matt 8. 25 ,it feemeth that in *admen might be fold for debt, they,their wives,and their children,and all that they had : and in 2 King. 4. t. the creditour would take the children bondmen, for their fa- thers debt. Howbeit the Hebrew Doors under - ltand there otherwife, flying; Every Hoban, (ir- vattt , his msfler is bound to finde his tbife mean , 6e. Ooo 3 a!l 40