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.... l..eEVITICüS XX V. and ft he h bound to find bis fins and i e itghters meat. Of him whom the Synedrionfold , it is faid (in Exod. 21.3.) if be were the husband of a reife, then hie ;rift ¡ball gee otee wilt km. If thou tlïinkeil that when he wat bought , bee wile became a fervant ; it is not fo : but to teach that hi maffer wad boumd to give her food. And of him that fold bimfelfe, it it laid (in Levit. 25. 41.) he andhhfms with him. And ofbim that was f ld to an heathen , it is f id (in Levit. 25. 54) he and bis funs with him. Whether they were the wife and children which he had at the time whom he roar fold; or wife and childrenwhich he had after he was-fad , fo that be took ber with his mailers confetti ; but if he took her without his confirm , his mailer it not bound to find her meat; Though his mailer be bound to find his wife and children meat , yet bath be nothing of the labours of their hands, but the wives labours are ber butbands : and wllatfoever hdue from a husband to hiswife, it due to her,frafmueb Of be is an Hebrew fervant. Maimsny, treat, of Ser- vants, chap.;. íè&.1,2. 42 Vcrf. 42. my fervants] their redemption from Pharaoh , figured the redemption from Satan by Chrilt; and their freedom , that of which it is faid , Te are bought with a price , be hot the fervants of men, 1 Cor. 7.23. and now being madefree from firme, and made, f rvants to God; ye haveyour frail unto boli- nefjè, and tbe end everlaflinglifi',Rom.6.z2. the fate of'a fervant] that is, not after the manner that fer- vants(or flaves)are fold in the market,publikely; but privately, and by way of honour ; Maimony in Ser- vants, chap. 1. fe&. 5. Ver.43.witb rigtmr]as the Egyptians ruled over 3 Ifrael, Exod.1.13. The Hebrewsdefcribe it thus: What h rigorous fervi e ? It it ferrice which is not de- termined, and fervice whereofehere is no need: but (the maiers) purpofeh to make him workl ,. and onely that he fhould not ceafe. Hereupon our wife men have faid, that (the ntaoer) thou/d not fay t nti him Digge under the vines twill I come; for loe be giveth him no deter- mined flint : but he is to fay unto him digge till fueb an Inure , or unto filch a place. And lei he may-not fay to him , Dig this place , when there is no need to doe it , 6-c. Maimony in Servants, chap. 1. fe&. 6. But this ri- gour, fereenef or crueltie here forbidden,extendeth further, even to all overmuch labour, above that which is meet and they are able; as the Greeke here tranflatetit, Thou(halt not rank; Rim (or afliíi, torment him) with laborer: beating, if their worke be not done, Exod. 1. 14. and 5.7, 8,14. and tin-coning with hard words, Ephef. 6. 9. and the like. fe.os th God] and thereby abflaine from this evill : fee verf. 17. Verf44. ofsheheathensl as the Hebrew fervants 44 let at libertie by the Jubile, figured Gods cleft, let free by Chrift : fo the heathens brought into fitbjc&ion and bondage , may figure the repro - bates,whons Chrift and his people (hall rule with an yron rod, Pfa.2.9. Rev.2.26,27.Or,being un- derltood of filch fervants as were bought and brought unto the faith of God,and were circnm- cifed,(as in Gen.!7.27.)it might foref sadow the converfion of the heathens,& bringing them into the perpetuall fervice of Chrilt and his Church; Zfa.5 6. 3. 6,7. & 60.3,7,10,12. Compare that promife made by the prophet , The Lordwill have merde on Jacob, and will yet chufe Ifrael, and fit them in their awne land; and theflrarogers fhal/ be j yned with them, and they all cleave to the houfee ofJacob. Andtbe peoples fball tale them, and bring them to theirplace : and she bottle of Ifrael (hall pofffe them in the land of the Lard, for fervants and handmaids ; and tbey frail take them captives , lvhofe captives they were ; and they fhall rule ever their opprefrs, Efa. 14. 1,s. Vert: 45. of the fjourners] or, of the firanger- inhabitants ;meaning fuch as were in the land, but not joyned to the Church of If ael; as the Chal- dee paraphraft here calleth them uncireenerifedfa journers , thefe fojourners are oppofed to the hea- thens out of the land round about them, verf..44. that ace fojourne] or , that are firangers : in Greeke , that are among you. of their family] in Chaldee, of their feed. And this might be , if the mother onely were a ftranger. An Ifiaelite, that lyeth with a Canaanitijb bondwoman, for at muh at fbe it a bondwoman, be begettetb a Canaanite in every refßeti ; and he is fold and bought , and made to ferve for ever, as other bondmen. Alaimo'' in Servants, chap. 9. fe&. 1. which accordeth with that law in Exod. 21.4. Verf. 46. at an inheritance for your feennec ] the Greeke tranflateth,you fbail divide (or impart) them uutoyour children. There words,poflion and inheri- tance, applyed thus to fervants ; meane their 11th - jeftion under their matters; according to which phrafe,God is laid to inherit in all natiom,Pfa.82.8. and Chrift, to have the heathens &c. for his inhe- ritance and gofffion , Pfal. 2. 8. And in faying, for yourfans, hee implieth a prohibition to fell them to ftrangers, efpecially if the fervant were turned to the faith; and by the Hebrew canons, hee that fold his fervants to the heathens , the fervent went out free , and his mailer was compelled to redeeme him out ofthe'heathens hand. Meimony in Servants, c.8. fe&. 1. for ever] they and their children after them, are bondmen;untill they be made free. They were free by Gods Law, if their matter had maimed them, as Exo. 21.26,27. and by the Hebrew canons, their frecdome might be bought by themfelves , or their friends ; Maimmy in Servants, chap. 5. feet. z. ferve your felves] or, bring them into fervitude of them ae fervants. not nth over him] in Chaldee, not ferne your (elves with him : in Greeke, nos rae/tE (or of ill) him wish labours; as verf43. But might they then rule over the heathens with rigour ? The Hebrewes ay, It is lawful to make a Canaanitiflo fervant ferve with ri- gour : but nourish /landing this right , it le the prepertie of mereie , and way of wifedome that a thanfhottld be compaffionate, and follow js Rice andnotmakehisyoke heavie upen his fervant, nor fiEi him. And to give leim meat and drinke f all fires. The firli wife men, reed to give their fervants of all meat which they did eat them laves ; and they gave their beaf s and tbeir fir- wt., meat , before they themflzes did eat. Loebefaith, (in Pfalnte 123. 2.) .0 the a} es of fervants , unto the hand of their mailers, ilt /pyes rfa mayden, un- to the hand of leer mioreg : Alfa they tied not a fer- vans, cmttentptuau fly, by hand,ar by words : the Scripture Ovals 45 46