LßVITICUS X XV L Idolatry forbidden. i6; giveth them fur fervice, not for (Lame and contempt.. And 'et him no: much crie out againff bim , or fen' in- dignatim , but jp:ake,gentiy to him , and heare hi plea. For f it is exit. e f d in the road wsies off Job, fo which he commendetb himfèlfe. If I defpifed the cattle of my f rvant , or of my handmaid , when they contended with me : did not be thst m tie me in the wane ie , m Ike him ? a. Job 3 1.13,15. N;ttb:r fhould crueltie and had - neffe be fund , five among the idolatrous heathens : but the fed of Abraham our- upon whom the blefled GA bath poured eut the good things of his Law , and commanded them ffatutes and judgements which are righteiuc ; they Thal be merciful towards all. And f a- mongthe properties of the boy blefdGed, which we are commanded to imitate , be fait, , His tender mercies are over all his wer! , (Pfal.145. 9.) and who fo lhew:th mode , mereiefhal befhewedunto him, &c. Mrimmy, treat. of Servants, chap.9. felt. 8. 47 VerC 47. the ffranger] which the Chaldee cx- pounieth, the uncircumci fed r fo after. die attain] in Gr.doe finde, to weet,enough to buy a poore IC- rariito; that is, if he be rich and able : fo in v.26. and 49. the (fuck] or,the fiumpe, as this Weird is e sglifhed in Dan.-4. 15. that is, any of the linage or kin fired rent Lining. The Chaldee tranflateth, to the A.amite, (that is,to a paynim,or beathen)ofthe family of affranger (or Profilyte:) meaning one-that was of a Profelytes Rorke, but was not himfelfe a Proselyte, or of the faith of Ifrael. 48 Verl48. redeniption frail be to him] that is, her (hall have right to bi redeemed. his brethren] that is, hie kindred; as is after explained. 49 VerC 49. hisVncle] in Greekeand Chaldee, his fathers brother. his hand bath attained] to weet, wealth enough ; if he be able of himfelfe. -The He- brew canons fay, He that is feld to.a firanger, if his osan band attain net to red reme himfelfe; his kindred are to redeeme him ; and ene ttinfman before another ; as it is faid , his 4l nele ,or bis V nc!es fo ne, &e. And the Sync - drion are to wmpell his kinked to redeeme him , that he be not drowned (or fwalowed up) among the heathens. If his kindred redeeme him not , or his owns Mud cannot attain to it: every man of Ifrael is commanded tore- claim him. And whether hit kindred doe redeeme him, or my other man, be is togoe oat free, [and not to be a fervant to him that redeemed hint.] And he may borrow, for to redeeme himfelfe from an heathen , and he may redeem: by the ha f (or in part.) But be that is fo.'d to au Ifaelite, his kindred my not redeeme him, neither m y be borrow to redeeme himfelfe ; neither is re, deemed by the halts (or pars,) but if his hand be able to give *tordmg to the jeerer that remaine, be may give andgoe out, otherwife he goetbnet out. Maimoy in Ser- vants, chap. 2. feft.7. A praaife of this we finde in Nehemiah 5. 8: We; after our abilitie, have redee- med Our brethren the Jewes, which were fold unto the heathen: and will you even fellyour bret (wen ? orfhafl they be fold unto us ? 50 Ver.5 o.with him that bought him] This is a com- moneguitie ; whether be had fold himfelfe to an Ifrtoe- lte, or to an beath,n, or had been fa by the Mtgiffrates, he abated of bú redemption , and went out; Mainiony ibidem, chap. 2. re& 8. the money] Hebrew, the filler : this the Hebrews hold driftly, to be money, not moviel worth, as fruits, repls, or the like. Maimmy ibidem , chap. 2. fee. 8. dayes of I an hired fervant] chat is, a precife or Cet number of dayes , not morenor fewer. So this phrafe elfe- where noteth,as in Job 7.152. Is there not an appoin- ted -time to man upon earth ? and are 'whir ¿ayes like the dries of an hireling? &e. And in Efa. 16.14. In three yeeret,as theyeeres of an hireling:andin ECa.2I.16. yet a yeere, according to theyeeres (fan hireling: that is, pre - cifely, without longer day. Ver.5 2.according to hisyeeres] At,ifbebadfildbim- felfe fir an hundred (enemies,) and there remained unto the labile,Cram theyeere fbir fr/e,tenyeerer: he fhall rec- kon ten (crowns)for everyyeere that he bathfervedhim, and abate the price oftbem , and resume the reff in money ; Maim. in Servants, chap.2, feet.8. Ver. 53. As anhired f rvant of theyeere by the yeere] that is, as aleerlyhireling: fee verf. 50. before thine eyes] that is,thou (halt non fuller the ( Iranger to rule over him with rigour, and thou winke at it. But everylfraelite was bound to forbid him this ; and becaufe it was a (}ranger that dwelt in the land,the Magifirates of /Pact, might reffraine him from rigour. Ver.54.by tb fe]Greek,by there things(or means:) that is, neither by others,nor by himtèlfe, before the Jubile. of labile] Greek,ofRemiffton :which was a yeere of full difcharge of all fervants from the hands of ail other matters , that they might be the Lords, and ferre him onely. Which thing Ghrif bath fulfilled for us in truth,who dying in the last Jubile, the- acceptable yeere of the Lord; bath Cet us free from all finfull fervitude; that fin (hould reign no more in our mortali bodies, nor wee obey it in the lu(ts thereof; but prefent our felves unto God, as thofe that are alive from the dead; and our members as inftrumenrs of righte- oufneffe unto God, Rom.6. 1 r,r 2,t 3. Joh.8. 3f. 36. Heb. IAMAAMAAMMAAMAAAyiM CHAP.XXVI. 1, God f rbidding Idolatry, commanded true Religion. g, Promifeth blef nigs to them that l Crepe bis commande- menta. 14,7 hreataxtb curfes to thefe that breaks them. a1, And at their fiubbortmefe increafeth, f fhall his plagues. 4o, He promifeth to remember his covenant at fall, towards them that repent. E Ihall not make unto you, idols; nei- ther (hall ye reare up unto you, a gra- ven thing, or a pillar, neither (hall ye fer, any hone of imagerie, in your land ; to bow downe your felves unto it : for I Jeho- vah, am your God. Ye (hall keepe,my Sab- baths ; and reverence, my SanCtuarie: I am Jehovah. IF ye fhall walke,in my natures : and keep, my commandements ;and do them.Then I will 52 53 54 t 3 4