Ainsworth - BS1225 A54 1639

!6± Blefsings prorniíed, LEVIT. X XV!. Plagues iñrealned. I will give you rains, in their feafon, and the land fhal l give her increaCe; and the trees 5 of the field, (ball give their fruit. And your threhing, (hall teach unto the vintage ; and the vintage, fl all reach unto the rowing- time : and ye (hall eat yourbread,to the full; and dwell in confident - fafetie, in your land. 6 And I will'give peace, in the land ; and yee ¡hall lye -downe , and none fha11 make yon a- fraid: and I will caufe the evill bea(tto ceafe, out of the land;and the fword,Challnot paffe 7 through your land. And yee !ball purfue, your enemies : and they (hall fall before 8 you, by the (word. And five of you, (ball purfue an hundred ; and an hundred of you, !ball purfue, ten- thouland : and your ene- mies (ball fall, before you, by the 4-word. y And I will have- refpc61 unto yon,and make you fruitfüll; and multiply you: and e(ta- to blifb my covenant with you. And ye (hall eat old flare, very-old ; and bring -forth the r r old, becaufe of the new. And I will let my Tabernacle, amongft you: and my foule, r z Rill no: lothe you. And I will walk, among you ; and will be to you, a God : and you, r 3! (Call be to me, a people. I am Jehovah your God , which brought you forth , out of the land of Egyp., from being fervants to them: and I have broken the (haves of your yoke, and made you goe-upright. 14 But if ye will not hearken, unto mee: and will not doe , all theft commandements. r 5 And if ye (hall defpiCe my flanges ; and if your foule lothe my judgements : fo that yee doe not, all my commandements ; that 16 yee bteake, my covenant. I alfo will doe this unto you ; I will even appoint over you, fudden- terrour, the confumption, and the burning-ague ; that confume the cies, and pine-away the foule: and ye !hall low your feed, in vaine; and your enemies,. (ball 17 eat it. And I will let my face, againft you; and ye (hail be fmitten, before your ene- mies : and they that hate you, (hall rule over you : and yee (ball fee when none purlueth you. And ifyetfor thefe, yee will not heathen unto mee : then I will adde to chafliCc you, 19 fr:ven times for you fins. And I will bteake, the excellencie of your power : and I will make your heavens as yron; and your earth, 20 as braffe. And your lrength (hall. be (pent in vaine : and your land (hall not give, her increare ; and the trees of theland, (hall not give their fruk. 2/ And if yee walke with me, contrarie; and 18 be not willing to hearken unto me : then I will adde plagues upon you ; feven times, according to your fins. And I will fend a- mong you, wilde beafls of the field, which flail rob you of your children; and cut -off your cattell , and make you few : and your wales, (hail be defolate. And if by thefe, ye will not be chaftifed, by me : but will walke with me, contrarie. Then will I a1Co, walke with you, contrarie: and even I , will plague you ; feven times, for your finnes. And will bring uponyou, a fword ; that fha/I avenge, the vengeance of the covenant ; and ye (hall be gathered, into your cities :. and I will fend the pelli. fence, among you; and yee fhali be given, into the hand of the enemie. When I fha /1 bteake unto you, the ftaffe of bread ; then ten women (hall bake your bread , in the oven ; and they (hall return your bread, by weight , and yee (hall eat , and not be fatisfied. And if for this, ye will not hearken unto mee: but will walke with mee, contrarie. Then I will walke with you, in wrath con. trarie ; and I, even I will chaftife you ; fe- ven times, for your finnes. And yee (hall eat, the fefh of your fons : and the lefh of your daughters, (hall yee eat. And I will defiroy your high places ; and cut-dowse your Sunne - images: and caft your carkaf- les, upon the carkaffes of your filthy idols : and my foule (hall lothe you. And I will make your cities, a waft; anti will make -de- folate,your Sanétuaties: and I will notfinel, the finell of your reft..And I,will make the land dofolate: and your enemies, which dwell therein, (hall be aflonifhed at it. And you, will I fcatter, amongthe heathens; and will draw out a fee ord , after you: and your land, (hall be deflate; and your cities, !hall be a waft. Then, !hall the land injoy, her Sabbaths; all the daies th.t it lieth -defo- late ; and you, in your enemies land : then, (,all the land refh , and injoy her Sabbaths. All the daies that it lieth- defolate , iN(lall eel: for that it relied not, in your Sabbaths, when ye dwelt upon it. And they that are left of you, I will even bring a foftneffe,into their heart, in the land ofthei r enemies: and the found ofa driven leafe,fhal purfue them; and they (ball flee as fleeing from a fword, and (hall fall, when none purlueth.And they (hall fall,every man upon his brother, as be- fore a fword,when none purfueth : and yee Gall not have, power -to -(and ; before your enemies 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37