Protriifcs, L v ITlcus XXV I. I65 38 enemies.And ye flail peril, among the hea- thens : and the land of your enemies, (hall 39 eat you up:And theythat are left of you, fhal pine away in their iniquitie, in your enemies lands : and al.b, in the iniquitie of their fa- 4o there, they (hall pi to -away with them. And if they (hall confe a their iniquitie, and the iniquitie of their fathers ; wita their tranf- greilion,which they tranf reffed again !i me: and alto, that they have walked with mee, contrarie. And that I al(o,have walkedwith rhem,contrarie;and have brought them,into the land of their enemies : if then, their un- circumcifed heart , be humbled ; and then, 42 they accept of their iniquitie. Then will I remember, my covenant with Jacob : and alto, my covenant, with Ifaak , and alto my covenant with Abraham , will I remember, 43 and I will remember the land.And the land, (hall be left of them, and (hall injoy her fab- baths,while it lieth-defolate, without them; and they, fllall accept of their iniquitie: be- caufe even for - becaufe , they delpifed my j ad gements;andtheir foules loathed my fia- 44 tutes. And yet for all thar,when they be in the land of their enemies ; I will not defpife them nor loath them, to confume them ; to breake my covenant, with them : for, I am 45 Jehovah their God. But I will remember unto the m,the covenant of their Anceftors: them whom I brought forth,out of the land of Egypt, before the eyes of the heathens; 46 to be unto them, a God; I Jehovah. There are tile Siatutes and the Judgements,and the Lawes; which Jehovah gave, betweene him and the fons of Mae! : in mount Sinai by the hand of Mofes. 41 (.4 nnotalions. I 'Doh] in Hebrew,Elilim; that is,Vanities,or things ofnouglit: in Greeke, things-made- with - bands. Of there , and the making of them fee the notes on Levit. i 9.4. and Exod. zo. 4. graven thing] which the Chaldee expoundeth, an image: fee Ex. 20..4. pilla,] orfame,. orfianding- image: which hath the name of fitting -up, or ffanaing; and fee - meth to have been usually of done; as laceb Cet up a ffone for api/lar,Gen.28.18. and 35.14. And pil- lars were Cet up either for civili monuments ; as was the pillar on Rachel: grave, Gen. 35.20. and A;4loms pillar,a Sam. i 8,18.or for religious mo- numents, as were Altars, Gen.3 5. 14. Efa.19. 19. there later are here forbidden,after that God had appointed the place and ordinances of his wor- fhip; an4 he fignitieth his hatred of them,in Den. 16.22, Yet were they ufed,nat onely by the hea- 1 thens, as in Egypt, Jer. 43..13. but by the idola- trous Ifraelites, I Kin.I4.23. 2 King.I 7.1 o. The Hebr. fay, Matfebab (the Pillar or Statue) which the Law fnrbiddeth,it a building (or edifice) by which all doe gather themfelves together -, though it be to ferve the LORD; becanfe filch wad the manner of Idolaters ; and who f reared, up a Pillar , is to be beaten. Maimony, treat. of Idolatrie , chap. 6. fe&. 6. And Sol. Iarchi on Dent. 16.20. faith ,.Matfebab (the Pillar) i1 a fl one to offer upon; though it be to (the God of) heaven. Jet] orput, lay; Hebrew, give. Whereby al- fo he mayforbid the fiifferance of Inch in their land;for el twhere they are willed to defiroy their pi &ores, Num.33.52 and giving is &een ufed for fur Bring, fee Gen.zo.6. flan ofimagerze] or, ffone efpiliure, or of figure, that is, anypillured or figured faze, or image offone : the ChaldeecallethkJ/one ofadoeation(or ofworfhip)upon or unto w hich they ufèd to bow downe. Of this word, viffures have their name, N1m33.52. Efa.2.16. The Hebrews underhand this of inch (tones as wherewith they ufed to pave their holy places and bow downe upon then to fervetheir Gods. The "lone ofima- gerieftoken of in the Law , although a men bow dorme bimfe/fe ,berenpon unto God, beittobe beaten : becaufi it was the manner of Idolaters, to lay a ffone be¡ore (the I- dolI) and to bowdowne upon it : the efiire they might not doe fo unto the L o R D; Mainstay, treat. or kJ/lassie, ch.6. felt. 6. inyour land] The Hebrews under- (land this Law , of (tones upon which they worms [hipped; doe by the land here, underhand all o- ther places fake the San&uarie,which was paved with f }one, upon which they bowed downe. In the Sanc`ivarie , it was lawful to bow down upon, the ffones; as itNwritten,IN YOUR LAND: in your landye may not bow dowse npon ffones , but ye may bow down upon the f ones w e, mirk the Son Etuayy is paved. And for this caefe all Lrael are wont to lay mates or foie pitch thing, in be Snagu¿ues which are paced with floe; to male a reparation between their facer and the fi nes, &e. Maimony ibidem, fe &.7. But this feemeth to favour of fuperftition for God forbiddeth not Leones fintply, but ffones ofimagerie, which were pi- &ured or graved with figures. unto it] or, upon it; for fo both the Hebr. and Chaldee may be en- glilhed ; but theeQr. tranflateth, unto it. And the Heb.Do&ors, underftanding it to be a prohibiti- on of bowing down upon any filch (tone, though unto the true Gód,do determine the pit 1fhment to be beating by the Magilirate : whereas, if they bowed upon it to an Idoli , they were frond to death(according to the Law in Deu.13.1 o.)Mai. treat. of Idolatrie c. 6.1.6 ,8. V.2.Sabbath] ih Chaldee,Sabbath dales: fee Lev. 19.3.30. reverence ]orfeare;fee Lev. a9.3o.where there Lawes were before given ; and are here rea petted, as generals implying all other religious duties, becaufe God would by promiiès and threatnings confirme his whole Law, and binde his people to the more carefull obedience. EMM Here beginneth the three and thirtieth Settion or Le&ure of the Law, after the Hebrews computation : fee Gen.6.9. Verf 3. 6Yalk1 in my fiatutes] This maketh men juifôefore God,Luke 1.6. and if the Law could give life,