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166 EVITI CUS 1 i'r-e,(and were not weake through the flefh,Rom: g. 3.) verily juflice fhould have beene by the Law , Gal. 3. 21. bat when the conmtandement comnteth, Sinne ITV inch, and man dieth, Ront.7.9. There - fore by the workes of the Law,there (hall no flefh be jultified in Gods fight, Rom.3. zo. but the just (hall live by ffith,Gal.3. t I.and by faith this condi- tion here required , is fulfilled; as Enoch walked with God, Gen. 5.24. when hee pleafed him by faith,Hcb. t i.5,6.This then according to the let- ter is legall;and promifeth life tothem 'which do thefe things, Rom. I o. 5. but fpiritually leadeth unto Chrift, who is the end of the Lam , forjusliee to every one that beleeveth, Ga1.3.24. Rom.' 0.4. VerC4. your rained in Greeke, raine untoyon : he 4 maaneth the raine ofthe land, the firli raine,and the lat- ter rain, whereof tie Dents 1.14. Thefe none can give but God, Jer, 14.22. they figured fpirituall bleflings,bÿ the do&rine of the Gofpel of Chrift, Deut.32.2. Pfal.72.6. 2 Sant.23.4. their fiafon] that is,dne feafm; Its they make the earth fruitful]: and are of the Lords good treafure,which he opcneth unto risen, Deut.28.12. and fhould move theist to feare him, Jer. 5.24. her increafe] or, her fruit; which is an effeEt of the rain, through Gods blelling; for when the fbowersof bleffing come in their feafon, the tree of the field yeeldeth her fruit, and the earth her increafe, Ezek.36.26,27. And this is fpiritually applied to our earthly na- ture, made fruitful] unto God through the raine and dews of his graces , and fo it recciveth of him a biding, Pfal.67.7. & 85.12,13. Heb.6.7,8, Of the Hebrews, R. Menachem here faith, The land bade a myllica/l fgnifieatíon of the land that it on high. 5 Veri: 5. reach unto the vintage] or, to the grapr ga- thering: nseaning hereby Urge b:effings,witls abun- dance and varietie of fruits , continued one after anotlser.The like figurative promifes are given to the Church under the Gofpel Amos 9.13.faying, The plowman ¡hall overtak the reaper, and the treader of graper.him that fewetb feed. to the full] or,to fatiety: this fignifieth abundance from God , Joel 2.26. and contentatíon in men; as they that are never content, are faid, not to lt?ow fatietie, Efa. 56.11. and when God with - holdeth increafe, they eat, but not to fatietie, Hag.1.6, Thus God fed;them with Manna to the frill, Exod.16 8. and promifeth fo to feed the poore and meeke under Chrift,Pfa. 132. i 5. and 22. 27. The jirfi eatetb to the fatietie of his fide, Prov. 13.25. in confident faftie] or in kopefullfcnriiie, faf ely. The Hebrew. Betacbfsgnifieth I roil, hope , or confidence , A &. 2. 26. from Pfal, 16. which ought to be in God,Pfa.4o.5. whereupon followed' fafetie, through his defence, as the Greeke here tranfl,teth,ye ¡ball dwell in faf oie; and fo men are fecure and hold, without feare of di- ltuchance, Gen. 34.25. and in Pfal.78. 53. He led them with confident fatitle, and they dreaded not. This, as it is a bleffingwhich God only giveth, Pfalm. 4.9. fo it is promifed to the obedient, Prov. t.33, and is performed to fuch as are in the fheep -fold of Chrift, Ezek. 34. 2 5, 27, 28, 6 V. 6, peace] This, though generally it fignifieth all prolperitie,yet fometime it is fpecially oppo- XXVI. fed to the fword, Mati o. 4. and unto rvarre, Pfal. 1 20.7. whichfeenieth to be that which is inten- ded, as the former was againft famine. none ¡ball make you afraid]This God promifeth to ful- fill under Chrift, Jer. 30. 10. Ezek.34. 28. Mich. 4.4. eaufe the evill bec fus to ceafe] that is, as the Greeke tranflateth, Ímildeftry evi(lbeafls; tine being put for a multitude, or many ; and ceding being ufed for utter aboli(hing, as in Exo.t 2.15, Pfal.l i 9.verf r t 9. or at lout}, for repreffing their rage and furie: for in Lfrael, Lions, Beares, and the like, fometime deftroyed the inhabitants, 2 King.7.z5,26.and 2.24. Tisis promlfe is appli- ed alto to the Church under the Gofpel, Eze.34 25. So in Job 5. 23 . The truth. ofthefreldfdiallbeat peace with thee. The contrary followeth in ver.22. By the evill beaffs, R.Menaehem here nnderftandeth myftically vicious lofts, The powers of uncleanneffi, which flew from the amcleane Spirit ;that they fhall not prevai/e to pollute the land which is on high. So they feeme to call our nature regenerate,as the Apoftle calleth the Church, lerufalem which on high, Gal. 4.25. the [word] ufed ordinarily for warre, when it is fpoken of men ; but the Lordsfword, is explained to be the peflilenue, I Chro.2 i .I 2. which may fpecially be intended here; and fo God pro- mifeth bleflings oppofed to his feurefarejudge- ments,' which are, the fword (or war) the famine, the evill be eJi, and thepeflilence, mentioned in Ezek.14. 21.& Rev.6.8. Or,if we underhand this fwordfor warres; then under peace aforefaid, may the pro - mife be intplyed againft the fword f the Lord, the peflilence. Thefe bleffriggs, though they concerne this life, yet the end of them is to leade to life e- ternal l ; fo the Hebrews of old underftood them, as their later Do &ors (thoughwandring out of the way of life) doe witnelfe, laying: The holy bled (God) bath given us a Lam, which it the Tree of life; and rehofever Both all that is written therein, and knowetlr him with a perfell knowledge fhall thereby be made worthy of she IjII of tile Wor/dto tome, &o. And he bath promifed US in the Law, that if wee dais with joy and goodnef of foule , and exercifi our flves in the wifdome there fcontinually ; be will remove from ur , all things that may let us from doing it , as fxeknef, and narre, andfamine , and the like. And he will f,ppy>a with all good things', that may firengtben our hands to de the Law ; cu fatietie and peace , andflare offilver and gold; that we be not imployed all our chies, in the things which the body bath need of; but may be made fit to learne wifdome , and to doe the Commandements that we may be worthy of the life of the world to come. Maimony in treat. of Repentance, chap. 9. feEt. i. Thus they followed after the Law of righteoufneffe, but at- tained not to it; becaufe they fought-it not by faith in Chrift, but at it were by the worker of the Law; for they have Humbled at the fumbling forte, Romanes 9.31,32. Ver.S. five ofyou(hall purfue anbundred] This pro- ntife is itslarged in Jot: 23. 10, One man ofyou(hall purfue a thoeafand: and was notably performed in Davids Worthies, I Chro.i s.of whom,finie one lift up his Speare againft eight hundred, and flew three hundred at one time, z Satn.23,8.18. I Chro. II. 11.