9 IO II LsvITicus XXVI, I I.I I. Three men brake through the host of the Phili(tines,l Chron.11.18.Of the Gadites,there were men that had faces like the faces of Lyons, andwere as swift as the Roes of the mountains, r Chron. i z. S. And David hineCelfe celehrateth this mercie, I purfued mine enemies,and overtooke them: and corned not, till I had confirmed them, Pfal. 18. 3 8. 2 Sam.2z.38. See alfoDeut:32.3o. Vert. 9. I wttl haze refpe(Ì] or turne we face , in Greek; I will looke uponyou and blefêyote: and the Chaldee expoundeth it , I will have r led bymy, word, to doe good untoyou: For this grace David pray- ed, Pl I.25.16.anxi 69.17. and when God delive- red Ifrael from their enemies, it is faid , he had re- fbetl two them, beeaef ofbit covenant, &e. 2 King. 13. 23. The contrary hereto, is the hiding of Gods face, Deut. 32.2o. fruitful!] or, to inn-cafe; as he had done before in Egypt, Exod.r.y. This bleffing is acknowledged, in Nehem. 9.23. Their children thou muliplkf, as the flared. ofheaven: and pronii- fed to be againe under Christ ; I will bring (my Iheepe:) again to their fold!, and they fha!l be fruitfull, and increafe, Jer. 23. 3. eflabbf s my covenam] that is, faithfully keeps, and continue to doe the things which I have proniifed : fee the notes on Gen. 6. 18. Verf. s o. very -old] in Greeks, oldsfold things: this refpeEteth the increafe of their land, as the former did of their bodies. See Levit.25. 22. becaufe of] or, as the Gr. traníateth , from the face of the new: they shpuld bring forth the old, for want of roonith to lay up the new. This fruit - fulnes of the land, figured the many graces wher- withGod would inrich the hearts of his people: as in v. 4. For however God perfwadeth his peon ple,by promife of outward bleffings, to keepe his Law ; yet the end of the commandement is love , out ofa pure heart, and ofa good confeience, and of aith unfaignd e Tim. r. 5. and fisch as for wordly benefits re- ceive the word of the Lord,Whcn tribulation or per. fecution arifeth becaufe ofthe word, by and by: they are of. fended, Mat.,3.21. The Hebrews fay, All love that dependetb on a thing, when the thing ceafeth, the love cea- fetb. He that fervetb the bled God, -to the end that bio riches may be multiplied, or his life referzed; hie fervice it not perft/; a Satan faid(in Job 1.9,1 o.) Dath Job feeare God for nought ? Haft t ou not made an hedge about him "? &c. He that ferveth God becaufe of bodily things, on which his fervice dependeth; it fhall not be confirmed unto fight , in the light of the living. For when thole things ceafe, for which he frveth, hit love will ceafe. And there it no eating and drinking in the flareof death, whither thou goeft. But he that le' meth God out of Mire love , bit love floall be ise lifeeverlafliug, andfhal! not depart fir ever, and his rewardthat loved, God, fliall be eternal. R. Elias in Refhitb choehmah, treat. of Love, ch.2. fol. 77. See alfo the Annota- tions on Exod. zo. 6. Verf. . s . fit my tabernade]Hebr. give, that is, let and flablifh it; for both thefe waits, is giving ex- pounded by the holyGhoit,as 1 King. s o.9.com- pared with z Chron. 9.2. and 2 Sam.y. 24, with t Chron. 17.22. Gods tabernacle was a f,gne of his dwelling in favour amonglt then, Rev. 21.3. 167 See the Annotations on Exo.2 5.8.The.chiefe fig- nification was concerning Chri9c, who Ihould dwell in the Tabernacle of our Heil: ; by whom God built againe the Tabernacle of David, which was fallen downs, Aft. t 5.16. and in him God mw reconciling the world unto himflfe , 2 Cor 5 18, and under this figure eternal! life in heaven was implied ;-For ive tow, that ifour earthly haute of this Tabernacle were difölved, we haze a building of God, an bouf not made. midi bands , nernall it the heavensa z Cor.5.I. And that the Ifraelites had of old,the true underffauding of there promifes, that they belonged to the daies of Christ, and the end of them was eternal! life in heaven ; it appeareth by the footsteps which yet remaine in their later Doftors, though they have quenched the light of grace,in labouring to have it by the works of the Law. For they fay, For this éaúfe, bave alllfrael, their Prophets and their Wife men defred the daies of Chrifl, that they might have ref from the Kingdoms, which will not firer them to fludy be the I-aw, &c. that they might be worthy of the life of the world to come. For in theft daies, Knowledge and wifedame and truthfhall be multiplied; at it is written, for the earth fhall befill of the knowledge of the L o it n; (Efa. a 1. 9.) it it alfo written , And they fhall teach no more every man his neighbour, &c. ()en 31. 34.) againe it is fetid, And I will takaway the fibnybeárt out atyour flefb, (Ezek. 36.. 28:) For that King which 'hall ftattdup,'ofthe feed of David, /hall be more wife then Solomon, &c. and there he fag leare all the people, and teado them the way of the Lord; and all the heathens foal come to heare him, (Mich. 4. s, 2.) And the end of all the re- ward; and latergoodnefé which is without ceafing and diminishing, that it the lift òfo aworldtocome. But the Lies ofabrîfl are of this world, and the world gaetb after the wonted manner, five that the ktngdeme fhall be reflored to Ifrael , Maimony treat. of Repentance, chap. 9. left. z. Thus they fpeake miffing the right way, by going about to efablifh their+ orine righteoufief , Rom. 1o.3. and mistakingChrists kingdonie, which though it be in thisworld, yet is it not of the fame, joh.18.36. my fuse fhall not latbeyou] or , not abhorre , not e sfi you away so vilo and lothfome. Man is by nature lothfome through fin ; as it is Paid , Thou mill eat -out into the open field, to the lathing of toy foule (or per fan,) in the day that those waft borne, Ezek. 16.5. But through the grace of God in Chrill, our bloods are washed away , and we areadorned with the gifts of his fpirit, Ezek. 6. 8, 9, so. So this promife concerneth (itch as keepe the covenant of God, that they shall not lothfonsely be reje6ted: For my fink, the Chaldee tran(lateth,my:wet/bail not lotheyou. So inverf.3e; Aben Ezra expiaineth it thusAnd I will let myTa. bernacle amongflyou, andyefhall not fiare that ezerye fhall come into mom: fir my glory refrdetb with you, and it is not at the fore of mate , whof foule loathed) to dwell in one place. Ver. s z. I will walke amongyon] the Chaldee pa.. raphrafi th, I will caufr my divine majetlie todwell a= mongyau; that majefiie is Christ,who by his fpirit is with his Church all dales unto the worlds end,Mart 2$.20. who walke,' in the midi of the fivers golden Candle- 12