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1;,8 13 14 15 LE.VITICUS XXVI. Caudle flick's , Revel. 2. 1. For his people are his Temple wherein Ile dwelled), as it is written, Te, a; e the T emple of the lizirg Gad, as God barb find, I will dwell in ¡bon, and walk in them, 2 Coe. 6.16. For Gods walking, was in his Tabernacle, z Sara. 7. 6. See alto Rev.7. t 5. and 21.3. Under this eter- nall life was a1fo prontiíèd in heaven ; whither Chrift went to prepare aplace for us, and will come againe to receive us unto himfclfe ; that where he is, there we may be alto, Joh. 14.2, 3. a Gad] or , fir a God: that is, as the Greene tranflateth, your God: of which bled ling, fee the Annotations on Gen. 17.7. Ver. t 3. from being fervanis to tbem]under whom, all fin full fervitude was alfofignified;from which the Church is redeemed by Chrift, as from Sin, Joh.8.34,36. from Satan,Heb.z.I4,15. and from bondage to nun, in things concerning God, as it is Paid , Te are bought with a price,be not ye the fervents ofmen, s Cor. 7. 23. Haves of your yoke] or, barres, ofyouryo1s : meaning the bondage of Egypt, and offen which they were intangled with there, Ezek. zo. 7, 8. For though bonds andyolßo lignifie civili bondage, as in Jer.27 2,3,6,7. 2 Chron., o. 4. yet the wicked is alto holden in the cords of hit fin, Pro.5.22. And of this, the Church complaineth, The yke of mr tref as, is bound!), his band ; they are wreathed, they are come -up upon my necke, Lam. 5. 14. And from this, Chritt hath freed us , as it was promifed, hisyok_ (flsall be removed) from off thy woke , and the yoke /.hail be d flroyed, becaufe ofthe Oile, (that is, for Chrifts fake:) Ela.1.0.27. So in Ezek. 34.24.27. Jer.2.2o. Coutrariwife, for their fing, God threatneth them with ayoltpfiron, Dem. z8. 48. The Hebrew Mot, isproperlyafaffe,Numb. 13. 23, and fo is ufed for the Raves or barres of yokes, and foryoke; themfelves, as in jar. 27. 3. where it is joyned with bo dt,wherwiththe llaves of the yoke are tyed. madeyougee upright] or, with upright -flange; not ftooping, as under the yoke : fo the Chaldee faith, I!edicts firth into free- dome , and theGreeke Iledyou with boldnef . This alto figured our redemption by Chrift, whereby the Churches flature is made Upright and tall, lime the Palme trees, Song 7.7. which grace, when /frail reje&ted, God bower - down. their backe awway, Ro- nsasses 11. 10. Verf s 4. vat hearken to me] that is, as the Greeke faith, not obey me; and the Chaldee , not word. So in verle 18. Here followcth many woe threatnings ,, whereby God prophtfied of their falling from him, and his judgments upon them, till they Mould be reftored by grace, verf 44,45 So in Dent. 28. Vcrf. 15. de:#.4] or, eontemptuoufly rejeil, as If- rael did, z King.17.15. Jer.6.19.Ezek.5.6.and. 20. 13.24. lotáe] or abhorre , as after (in verf 43.) he telletll they would doe ; forwhich he repayed them according, as the Prophet faith; Rath thy Ingle, loathed Sion ? why hao thou fmitten us, and there is, no healing fir us ? Jer. s 4.19. all my Commande- ments]with this ago they are charged, in Jer.3z. 23. whatfoezer thou eommatdef them to doe,they have not done. breake] or ,mak- frul/rate,asGen.s7.14.and this God forerelletla Mafs that Ifrael would doe, i Deu.3I.16,2o.& complaiueth to leremy,that they had done it, Jens 1 so. & other Prophets charge them with thelike,Efa.24.5.Eze. t 6.5 9.To break the covenant,is expended by the Apolile,nar eon - tenuing in it, Heb. 8. 9. from Jer. 31.32. as on the contrary, to confirme it , is to aamimte in doing all things commanded,Deut.27.26.with Ver. r 6. appoint] or, conoitute, give - charge, as that which fhould have authoritie over them, (hewing the power of Gods judgement. Compare Paalm. x09.6. fudden- terrour] fpeedy plagues which (hall confume in hafte : tee performance whereof is (hewed in Pfal. 78.33. he confinmeth their date, with fndden- terrour. So in Jens 5.8. Zeph.t.18. oanfumption] or , fbaking -ague; in Greeke, feeabbed nef/e : fo in Dcut. 28. 22. and elfwhere the word is not ufed. the burning -ague] or fever : the Greeke here tranflateth it,rhe Iaundife; but better in Deut.28. 22. the fezer, or ague : which hath the name originally of burning. This difeatè,Chrik cured , on filch as were ready to dye therewith,. Lukc 4.3 8, 3 9. Joh. 4. 47, 52. that eonfume] or make, fsile ; in Chaldee, that darken the yes : this is referred to all the former difealés; and the Greek interpreteth it by a word that Isgnifieth conf- using heat. Of this confirming of the eyes , Davidcomplaineth in the perfon of ChM}, Pfal. 69. 4. pine -away] make langu, with forrow,care,painc and hunger; as in Jer.3 s. 25. filling is oppofed to the piningfootle: the Greek tranflateth, make your faule to melt away. The word is applied alto to the langirifhing of the eyes Pfàl. 88.1o. but hcrc,and in Deut.28.65. to the pining or languifhing- forrow of thefou/e, meaning of the whole man, or life; is the Chaldee here tranfla- teth it, the breathing-out of the pule. enemiesfhall eat is] The like is threatned in Deut. 28. 33, 5r. and by other Prophets; as,Lre I will bring a Nation enyou from farre, d-c. and they fball eat up thine Inane and thy bread, which thyfannei and thy dau?hters f eodd eat : they fhall eat up thy .flocks, and ¡Fire herds ; obey .0a1 eat up thy vines , and thy fig -trees , Jerem. 5. 17. The contrarie is promised in Chrift, They fbaU not plant , and another eat, der. they fball not labour in vaine, Efa.65.2 z,23. And the Lord bath fworne, Surely I Via no more gize thy corn , to be mat for shine enemies, Efa. 62.8. Vero-1 7. fit my face] Hebr. give my face, which the Chaldee tranflateth, mire anger: fù face is tried for anger, Levit. 20. 5, 6. Pfal. 21.10. fmitten] that is, as the Chaldee expoundeth, broken; in Gr. yefball fall beftryour enemies. Contrary to the bief- ltng in verf. 7,8. and Deut.28.7. This judgement was executed, Judg. 2. 14. 1 Sam.4.2. and often. rule ozeryou] in Greeke, perfecuteynu. This was verified, P181.106.4i. T.ey that hated than, ruled overthemp and in Nehem. 9. 28. After thyhadreft, they returned to doe evil)) brforethee: 'therefore thou /ef- teo them in the hand of their enemies, fo that they bad elx dominion over them. But when God fheweth mercic tolfrael, he promifeth, They"hall rule ozer their opprefours, Efa. 14.2. none purfire;b] This (hewer)' great fcarfulreffe of heart; through guilti- 16 17