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L E V I T I C U S XXVI, guilrined:: of conlcience for thane ; fearing where nofiareir Pfà1.53.6. So in Pro.28.1. The wicked flee, when noman purfeeth. Hereof there is a lively description in Iob I 5.20,21. &nandthe contrary in Piàlme 18 Verf,a 8atot hearken] or, mu obey; inChaldee, not receive my word: as verl.14. Here God, to (hew his long- fufferance,and the more to affeSt his people, challifeth by degrees,according to the meafire of their lianes, and prophefieth of their ftubborne- neil , whowould not amend with light punifh- ments; wherof he after complaineth thus,In vaine have I fmitten your children , they received no eorrefli- en: Ieremie 2.3o. fever times] a certaine number, for an uncertaine, meaning many times; fives: is a complete number , as is noted onGen. 33.3.Levit.4.6. 19 Verf.t9.tbeexcellencie] or, the pompe,pride ,haugh- tineffi of yourfireitgtb ; called elfewhere, the excel/en- cie(or pomp) of the Prong -ones; Ezek.7.24. This is inparticular,applied to their SanEtuarie and reli- gion, in Ezek.z4 21. Behold I mill pr fane mySan- (bearie, doe excellencie of your frength, the define of your ryes, andthe pitie ofyour foule. Though it int- plieth generally all other things,wherin ftrength and excellencie doe conffl : fee Ezek.3o.6.1 stand 33.28 will make] Hebr. will give your hea- vens, that is, as the Chaldee tranflateth , the ,ea- yens that are over you : and fo Mofes expoundeth it in Dams 8.23. aryron]theChalhec'explai- neth it, hardar yron, that they fhalnot gite -dorane rain; and the earth that is raideryou , ftrong as btu e, that itfhallyoeld no fruit.So in Datt.211.23. fave that there Mofes likeneth the heavens tobrate, and the earth toyron. This is contrary to the blelfng pro- ntifed in verfe 4. And the complement hereof is (hewed inIer.14.1,s. &c. where a dearth is menti- onedfor which Iudah mourned,' hergates langui- (hed, the cry of Ierufalem afcended; their Nobles feet their little ones for water, but they found none, they returned with the veffills empty t the ground was chap., for there mar no raine in the earth : the Hind ral- vedin the field, and forfeoke it; the wilde afès fnredup the mind,andtheir ryes fayled,beeaufe there mar nografé. 20 increafe] the increafe, or fruit exfpe- Eted;or which otherwife it (hold naturally yeeld; fo in GeneC4.1 2. And this is an effe& of the for- mer reftraining of raine, as Hag.1. s o.Deuter. t 1. 17. Theword increafe, is inGreeke tranflated fßo- rat, feed pone: and to Paul ufeth it in like fence, faying, hee that miniftreth feed' to the fewer, &c. multiply your feed- fowne; (that is, your increafe,) 2 the trees] the complement hereof isfhewed, in Ioel 1.12. The vine is dried up, and the fig tree languifbeth; the pomegranate -tree, the patine tree alfo and the apple -tree all the trees of the field are withered. their fuit] the fruit which naturally they (hould bring forth. So another Prophet faith;There (hall be no grapes en thevüie,nor ftgges on the fgeree; and the leafe fhall fade , and the things that I have given them , (hall pafz away from them, Ier.8,13. 41 Verre 21. mntrarie]Hebr.ineantrarietic,(which word in,is added in verve 27.) or, at al/-adv Stu, e, by chance. The Hebrew Keel, fignifieth botheoer tranetie, and chance or accident : the Greeke trani- lateth it conerary(or thwart)as oppoltug themfelves to God and his commandements:theGhaldeeex- poundeth it,ifye walke before me with hardnefe,(that is, f ubborneÿ. ) If we underftand it for chance. or adventure, the meaning is to walke carelefly, come upon it whatïvill;and to efteeme the punifhments not as from the hand of God for their fins, but to come by chance , as the Phililtines Paid, in 1 Sam.6,9.then we fhall know that it it not(the Loe Ds) hand that fmote to ; it was a chance that happened to ur. This latter the Hebrewesfollow ; for speaking of tribulations upon them, they lay, Ifinen cry not to the Lord,but fay,thit thingbappeneth to us according to the çseffomeof the world, and ¡bit 'tribulation it a chance that bath befallen ur ; then is this the way of cru- elty and occafxoneth them to cleave Hill unto their evil/ worker, and this tribulatioon,(hall adde other tribulations; as it it written (in Lev.26,27,28.) and (if) ye walke with me by chance , then I will wale withyeu m tetra. h (or beat) ofcbanee : as if be fhould fay, when tribulation eomineth ónyote , to the endyou might repent if you fay it is á chance , 1 will adde unto you the loot -wrath if that Miatom.l in Taaniotb,(or treat. off/um/Nation) ch.r.fe&.3. not willingtobear- ken] or, will not obey; which the Chaldee expoun- deth, will net maize, my word. An higher degree of ohftinacie is here forefeene and prophefied ofthis people;the complement whereofxthe Prophet be- waileth, laying, Oh Lord, thou loaffirkkeen them, but they have not grieved; thou haft- nmfeined them, but tbey have refifed to receive correliion : they havemade their faces harder then a Rock e a they have refuted to re- turne,Ieí:5.3. Verf.22. wilde beats] as God Pent Eerie ferpents, Num.21.6. Lions,2 King.17.25. Bearer, 2 King.2. 24: and threatneth other the like, Eta. 13.2t,22. Atad'fpiritually,thefe arewicked rulers , and ty- rants that kill and rpoile,, 4,5,b.Pfal.80.13, and falle Prophets that devoure foules,Mat.7.15. Rev.' 3.1,2. &c. So the Prophet ((peaking of their pnnifnments by Tyrants)lit ith,' A Lion eut of the forrefr faall flay them; a Wolfe of the evenings, (hallfpoile theist ;aLeopard, fball watch over their cities ;every one that gaeth out thence , in pieces, becaufe their tranfnfons are many, &c. Ierem.5,6. And of their Prophets he faith,0 Ifra- el, thy Prophets , ace like the Foxes in the defeerir ; Ezek. t 3.4.See alfa Icr.8.17. and 15.3. defolatc]or lye-msfe, becaufe there (bill be nonewalking in themEfa.33.8.Ezek. i 4,15. For this Ieremie la- mented , T be wager of Sion doe materne , becaufe none come to the flemne- feafls,Lans.a.4. Vert 2 3. by me] ór tá me,thát is,fo as to obey nee; the Chaldee faith, to my word. contrarie] or, f nbbonuly ; or,at all adventures,as verfe 21. Verte 24, contrarie] Hebrew in contrarietie Chaldee in hardnef ; the Greeke addeth with contrary wrath as in verl 28. G O D dea tech with men according to their wickedneffe- and with the froward, he fheweth hinafelfe wry, Pfal.a8.27. Verse 2 5. a fmord] the Chaldee explaineth Ppp it;