70 LEVITI CUS XXT1: it;them that kiUwith the fword: fee beforconverfd: tengeaneeof the cotenant] meaning the cove- nant between God and his people,which was the Law;as theChaldee expoundethit; anditfbaU a- venge onion , the vengeance for that ye have tranfgref fedagainfl the word: ef the Law. 'So in Ier.5o.28. he mentioneth the vengeannce of the Lords Temple, that is, the punishment of the Babylonians, for rob- bing and burning his Temple. ye fhall be gathered] to weet,fór feare of the fword,the Greek tranflateth ,yeeffhhaUfleeintoyotercities. the pe- flilen e]in Greeke and Chaldee, death ; fee the an- notations on Exo.5.3. It implieth the cutting off, by death,of man andbeafl,as E4ek. r 4. t 9,2 I. a 6 Verf.26. breaks untoyou the Pie of bread] that is, take froni you the bread , which is the (tall ( or fedtentation) of life. So the Greeke tranflateth, when IThal afiúyou with panto) of bread. Foras to brealte bread, nieaneth to communicate food, Aft. 2.46. fo to break the ffaffe f bread, nwaneth on the contrary, to take away food, and to punish with penury and famine, Pfal.to5.t6.Ezck.4.r6.and 5. r 6.and 14.13. Bread is called a ff.rffe (or flay ) becaufe it upholdetb the heart of man, Pfal.1 04.15. then ten] Hebr.andren,that is,many: Co ten of- ten fignifieth many, as Gen.31.7.Zach.8.23. lob. 19.3. by weight] a ligne of fcarcitie and want; Revel.6.5 6. Soit is raid , I nth breake the Halte of breadin Ierufakm, and they fhall eat bread by weight, andwith care, and they fhall drinks water by meafitre , and with aflanifhment: that thy may want bread and water , and be aflonied one with another, and confirme awayfor their inkpoitie,Ezek.. }. t 6,17, not be fa- titfted],r,not have enoughr,either for the fmall quan- titie , or for want of Gods bidding on that they eat : fo in Hof..4., o.Mic.6. r 4. This is oppofed to the former ble(l'ing,in v.5 And under it 1piritn- all famine is implied, as it is laid, I sr; Ufeedafa- mine in the land ;. not a fambe of bread , nor a thi, fl far water, bat of hearing the words of the Lord: and they' pall wander from fia to fia, andfrom the North even to the Eaff th y fbohl nun to and fro, to feèig the word of the Lord, and _Pall notfinele it, Amos 8. I 1 12. 27 Verl27.not hearken] or,not oby; in Chaldee, not rectite my Word, as in verte 21. contrante] Heb. in contrarions; or,by chance: Cee the noteson v.21. Verf.28.in wrathcontrary]Heb.inwrath(mr heat) 8 ofantra) iesic (or of all adz entures,) which the Chal- dee tranflateth, in flrengtb (or vehem ncic) ofanger : the Greeke, in contrary (or thwart) wrath. And the word wrath here added, fheweth the increafe of Gods judgements,as of the peoples Suries. ere:: I]This addition was,left they fhould impute their chaftifements, to any other then God, (as the heathens did to Chance, 1 Sam.6.9.) and to note the certainty and inevitableneffe of their af- fliEtions. 29 Verf.29. theflesh afyour fanner] in Greeke, the flejhes;and fo the word is ufed plurally in B,ev., 9. o 8.This threatning is repeated and inlarged in Deuterononsie 28.53.-57. mentioned allo inE- zek.5.1o. fulfilled in Iehorams layes, 2 King.6. 2 g.and lamented in Ieremies,who faith,The hands of the pittifuU women, haze fidden their twre children: they were their meat , in the deft ruflimtof the daughter óf mypeople; Lam 4.1o. Verf 3o. wì11 deflroy your high placer] in Greeke, willmake- defolateyourp,Uars. In hi h- places ,they ufed to affemble for worlhipand sacrifice. zi Chr. 1.3.1 King.3.4. efpecially the Idolater2rreeted and ufed such, Ier.32.35.Ezek.16.16. 2 Cliro,, i, r 5.and 33. 3. though all the Prophets foretold their deftruftion, as doth Mofes;Hof..t o.8. Amos 7.9.Ezek.6.3,4,6. And by high - places underhand buildings ere&ed;as of lofiah it is Paid, be burnt an high plate, andflampt it fmai to powder : 2 King.23. 15. Sun - imager] called in Hebrew, Chamma- nim, ofChammab, the Sumte, which Idolaters were wont to worfhip, 2 Chron.23.5. and the Kings of Iudah gave borfes to the Sun, and cbarrets,2 King.23. I I. and thefe Same-images, they ufed to Cet on high, above the Altar, 2 Chronicles 34.4. And God here threatneth their ruine, as alit) in Ezek. 6.4.6. The Greeke here tranflateth them wooden - images made with bands ; but in Efa.27.0.idolr. cuff your earka s] or lay ; Hebr. giveyour earkeie, that they Ihall not have feemely buriall,or be tu f- fered to ref} in their graves ; as inEzek. he faith , I will eaff downeyour flame men before your filthy idols; and I willgive the carkges of the fame. of Israel, byre their filthy idols and will flatter your barns , rowel about your altars. And in lerem.8. t,2. At that time faith the Lard, they shah bring out the bones of the Kings of Iudah , and the bones of his Prin- ces, and the boner of the Paieefts, and the bones f the Prophets , and the bones of the inhabitants of lerufakm out of their graves : and they fhall Barad them before the Sun , and the Morne, and all the hall of beavett, érc. they fhall not be gathered, nor be buried; they (bail be for douug, upon the fave of the earth. This judgement Iofiah fulfilled inpart, when he burnt the bones of the Frills upon the altars ; z Chro.34.5 z King.z 3.20. But fpecially it was accomplilhed bythe heathens that deftroyed them;Pfa.79.i,z,3. filthy iabls]or dmngbil -gods , fo called in contempt Gilbetisn, Ex- cements or Doung ; 'the Grand Chaldee, here and often,tranflate them idols. my fule]inChaldee, my Wordrbail loath (or abbarre)yort.This is oppofed unto the promife,in verse 11. and it is manifefted byGods judgments on this pcopleas theProphet complaineth, Hatbtby Ale loathed Sion l Why hail thou fmitten u., and there is nohealingfar url &c. Ierem.14.19. Verf.3r.a. wee] or ady- place, adefert: (o in 31 verse ;3. This s as fulfilled even on Iernfalem it felfe, Neherk2.17. So that not onely their idols and idolatrous monuments, but their common wealth , andmolt religious places were ruinate. And tb by another Prophet he faith,I will make le- rufa'em heapes, a denne f Dragons ; and 'will malt the cities of ludab a defolation, without an inhabitant, Ier. 9.11. your Sanfluaries] or, as the Greek tranf- lateth,yortr bolt'- places: filch as were the Taberna- cle, (called a Sanfluarie, Exodus z 5.8.) and the Temple, a Chronicles 22.19. assd each of eisem, for the fundry roomths in them , (as the court - yard, holyand molt holy place) was called pin- Sally, Sanfluates,Pfa1.i3.t7.and 74.7.Ier.5 i.5.