.rEVITICLIS X VI. unto him,the book of the Prophet Efaim; which when bee had opened and read hee doted the book , and gave it again to the Mntifer, and heef te down¢, and taught the people,'Luke 4.16.17.-20. and in the Synagoguesufitally on the Sabbaths, there was the reading of the Law and Prophets , and preaching afterwards : A&s &c. And for the,' Scheole,the name is ufed in Mt.' 9.where Paul ha- ving difputed and perfwaded the things concer- ningthe kingdome of God, for the (pace of three mo- neths;in the Synagogue: when divers were hardned, and beleeved not, but fpake evill of that way be- fore the multitude ; bee departed from them , and fe- parated the Difciples, d using daib in the Schlott of one 7yramtus, (which the Syriak explaineth thus, bec feparated the Difeiples from them, and fpake daily with thon , in the Scbook of a man vvhofi name vvat7uran- nus : and the Arabick likewife faith, bee inputted them daily , iii the boufe of a man named Tyranvus:) and Ibis continued bj thefeace of twoyeares, Alite 19. 8.9.10. They are reported to have had ofold,a- bove foure hundred Schooles and Synagogues in Jerufalem; and there was a place in the Temple where our Lord Jeftts was found , when he was twelve yeares of age, fitting in the mid( of the Do- tiers both bearing them, and asking them que(ions : Luk.2.46.And that there were Synagogues in je- realm betides the Temple, appeareth by Patds words unto Felix, They neither found me in the Tem- plc dit etting with any man, nor rayfing up the people,nei= then in the Synagogues, nor in tbeCitie, (fpeaking of Jerufalem:) Att.24.12. I will not finell] that is, as the Chaldee openeth it , I will rest accept with favour :and fo,the phrafe is ufed in 1 Sam.26.19: If the Lord have furred thee up again( mee,kt bum fmell an offering: and in Amos 5.21. I will not finell,inyour folemreafmblies; that is, not accept withfavour the oh- lation of your f!enureafemblie, as the Chaldee there interprets it. Compare Gen.8.2I .This judgment is oppofed to that biding in ver. 12. brill wafke amtngyou. the finell of your ref] that is, ofyour fa- erifices ofr fi, and fo the Greeke tranilateth it, the fine!! (or favour) of your facri ices : and the Chaldee, the d ingafyourcongregation. So the word fre-afring ( or fecrifrce) elfewhere expreffed,is here to be un- derftooddSee Levit. t.9.and 2.12. 3 Verf..32. the lane!] in Greeke,your land. Soin E- _ 2 zek.33.28,29. itt'!!! lay the land mafi deflate, and the Pompe of ber frengtb fhall ceafe , and the mattntaines of Ifrael than be deflate, that none Thall paf through. And tiey(hall know that I am Ieltovah, when Ihave laid the land roof defolat e, beeaufe'o f all their abhomina- tions which they havecommitted. The fulfilling here- of is (hewed by the Prophets, Efa.iq,8.even the mountain of Sion was defolate, the Foxea walked up- on it, Lam.5.18. V.33 flatter] orfan,that is, fcatter as chaffe.Of 33 this they còmplaine in P144.1 z. Thou bat fanned of among the nations. And ici Zach.7.14. I fèattered tkm with a whirlewinde among all the nations , whom thy knew not : thus the land war deflateafterthem,&e. This is oppofed to that blef ing in v.5.Te al dwell in confident fafetie in your land. a froord that is, as theChaldee explaineth it, them that killwith the pod. The like is threatned in Ier.9.16,and in E- zek.12.14,15. and 5z. This is contrarie to that biding in y .6. the fword fhall not paf through your land. V.34. injoy] accept, as v.42.or, pay, aceomplifb her Sabbaths: meaning her feeventbyeerer, which the Chatdeé calleth releafes, (or remiffons) whereof fee Lev.z 5.2.Deut.15 130 the word is. ufed for pay ing or accomplifhing, as in Iob.t4.6.till br acro,N ph fb sir ah Hireling, bit day ; though there alto it may meané,a contented - acceptation, and injoying of that which was defired. V.3 .it(ball ref]or,it ffhhallkeepfabbath;both from thepeople, the unworthy inhabitants ; and from their tillage therof,as the law required,Lev.25.4, Which being a precept figuring the fan&imonie of the church,was not kept , whiles they defiled the land by their iniquities ' as Lev.' 8 :27.Where, fore whiles the land lay defolate, it Ihonld as it werebe well pleated, and contentedly injoy the reft which God would give ir, from their finning upon it. This was fulfilled, when they were 70. yeers captives in Babylotyas appeareth by 2 Chr. 36.22. where it is faid,Irutill the land bad enjoyed her Sabbaths: at long ar fbe lay defolate , fee kept Sabbath, to fie fihl fventieyeers. relied not inyour fabbatbt] This [heweth, that it was not the outward relt and in- termilfiou of the land, which God chiefly inten- ded by that law,Lev.2 5.(for thofe Refts,the land injoyed,) but the reltirig front finne, by the pea- pie that dwelt thereon : even as the Sabbath day, was alfoa figne of their fanttification. Seethe notes on Levit.25.4. Verl:3 6.a fofznefe]or tender'nef, that is, afailings or farefubteffe, and as the Chaldee tranflateth it, a breaking or difcourage nem. So fofrnefe , is ufed for faitneffe or want of courage in Deut.2o.3.Efa.7.4. 2 Chron. r 3.7. a driven leafe] or a told leafi. which theGreeke tranflate th caried,meaning with the winde:and as in Tbargum Ionatben it is explai- nnd , a leaf that is ploeckedfom the tree. This judge- ment in lob 15.21,22.is opened thus , Afooundof flares is in his caret; in peace the defroyer will came upon him; be beleevetb not to resume out of darlejef ; and he is waited fir ftbe froord : &e. as f eeing from afroordyiebr.thefiight of a froord; which the Greeke explaineth as thy that flee frmnbattel; and the Chaldee, at a flight from before them that kill with the fword. So Solomon faith, The ivikeed f eetb, when no m.mpurfuetb,Prov.28.t. Verf37, fball fad] or, tumble-down, through weakneffepsr through hafte as they flee they (hall fall oneori'another. bfre a fworejChaldee, before them that le with fwore4 power- w-pmel Heb. fmrdtnQ or uprigbtnef .; contrary to the blef- fing in verfe t 3 The Greeke tranflateth,ye fhaU trot be able to with(andyour enemies. Verf.38.fha/l perifb, ems. e.] or, fhall be loH. The ful- filling hereof is (hewed in Ier.5 o.6. My people bath Beene perifhing.(orlof) fheepe, their fheepheardt have caufed them togoe afire, &c. Unto this curfe of the Law, the promifeof grace under the Gofpellis oppofed in Efa.27.13.Theyfhall come which are pert- fling in the land of Aftyria , and the Outcaf r in A 35 36 37 38