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LrVITICUS XXVI. 173 in the land of Egypt ; and fhall worfhip Iehovab, in the ''b' at Ierufalem. eatyou up] in Chaldee, eonfumeynst: that is,ye (hall dye in the land of your captiivitie. 39 Vert :39.pine -away] in Chaldee , melt away: to pine in iniquitie, is to confume and perifh in the punifhment for iniquitie: whereupon'this people complained, If our tranfgrefont and our fvmesbe up- on us. , and we pine-away in them ; how fhould we then live ? Ezek 33 .10.See alto Ezek.24.2 3.It may like- wife imply the beginning of grace in them that are left, (the remnant according to the eleliion of grace, Romans 1.5.) who by their chaftifements are brought to alight and forrow fortheir fins: as in Ezek.36.3 t. ye (hall lotheyonr felvesin your own fight, for your iniquities. of their fathers]the Chaldee expoundeth it , in the fins of their evillfathers, which they retain in their hands,they( hall melt -away withtbem. 40 VerI4o. Andthey fhalij that is , And if theyfhall confeffe: as the word Ifis underftood in Exo.4.23. Mal. t.2.and 3.8. Such a confeffion Daniel made, in Dan,9.3,4,5, &c. and Nehemiah,Neh.1.4,5,6, 7. &c. and 9.1,2,29i30. when with falling and prayer they confeffed their owne and their fore- fathers lines. And from hence the Hebrewes doe gather,. that they fhould humble themfelvcs and fait certaine daies in the yeer, for the calami- ties that have befallen their forefathers ; ( inch dayes as are fpoken of in Zach.7.3.5. and 8.1 9. & other the like;)wherin they fhir up their hearts unto repentance,by memorial; of their own evill deeds, 8t the deeds of their fathers,which caufed thofe diftreffes to come upó them.Moreover they fay, Who fo feeth the cities of bulahin their defulation, faith,Thy holy titles are a wilderneffe[as in Efa.64. r o] and rendeth hit clothes. Ifbe fee lerufalem in her defilati- on , he faith, Ierufaem is a wildernef f'e &e. If-be fee the Saniruarie ekfslate , he faith, Our holy and our beau- tiful/ bolts, d?'c. [as inEfa.64.r1.] and rendetb his /clothes. He rendeth them with his hand , all the clothes that are upon him, untill he be naked down to theheart. And he never foweth up chofe j rent places more.Bntall their falls (they fay)fhai I ceafè in the dayes ofChrifl : and not faoney, but theyJima I be turned to agood day (or feftie itie,) and to dayes ofjry and mirth; ar it is written (in Zach.8. t 9.) Thu, faith the Lord of hafts ; the fall of the fourth(moneth) and the fsf} fthefft, and the /aftofthe feventh, and the fall of thetenth, (hall bete the hors/eat inlay joy andgladneffe, and chearefuii folemne- falls: thirefore love the truth and peace. Maim.tom. t in T aaniotb, chap.5. feet. t. 16:19. Thus are the unbeleevers left to ntourne and pine away in their iniquities, & they fait not at all untothe Lord,but as he cried & they would not heare ; fo they cry and he will not heart : be- esufethey have refufedChrist who is our Peace; and whole glory dwelt amongft us,full of grace and truth,Zach.7.5.13.E h.z.t4.loh.t.t1.14. againft me] in Chaldee, againfi my word. con- trary]Heor. in anrtrarietie: Chaldee, ßt hardnef, ({iubbornely)as verf.z I.27. 45 Verf4t. unei ecumeifldheart] which the Chaldee expoundethgrof (orfoolifb) heart; and Targum Ionathan,their proud heart. It nteanetl, alto anun- beleeving and difobedient heart, which refilled the Spirit of God ; according to that Paying, Tee fife necltd and uncircumcifed in.heart , and earej ye eke always reftft the holy Ghoft : Aí1.7.51. This he fpeaketh , becaufe the true circumcifion is in the heart,and in the fpirit, Romans 2.29. whereup- on the Prophet complaineth, all the lsottfe of If ael, are uncircume fdin heart Ierem.9.26,what uncir- cumcifion is , fee Geneer7. be bumbled] or, be ahot'n; which the Greeke tranflateth, be afbamed;the Cháldee,be broken. It isappofed un- to pride , z Chron. 32.26. lob. 40. t 2. and im- plieth their repentance, and turning to the Lord, as in z Chronicles 3o.t t.Whereupon God faith, Ifmypeople, upon whom my name is called, fhall hum- ble themfelves, andpray, analfeei my face , andturne from their wickdwa}es: then will I heare from heaven, and willforgive their fnne, &e. z Chronicles 7.14. accept oftbeir iniquitie] that is, of the puni,b- ment of their iniquitie; as iniquity and finse , is often ufed for puuifhment, Genelîs 19 15. Leviticus 2o. 17.19 20. and to accept of that , is willingly to beare it,and contentedly to injoy it (theword before ufed in verfe 34. where the land fhould info) her Sabbaths ) or pay for the fame. This phrafe is tiled in Efay40.2. where lerulalemis comforted, becaufe be iniquitie it accepted of, (or payed,) when flse bath receivedofthe Lords hand, double for all her Proms. Verf.4z.T hen will I] Hebr. And will remem- ,st2 ber.This remembrance ofGod,fignifieth his perfor -' manceof the thing promifed;ashe fait h, I;ore! remembred my covenant, &c. and I will bringyon out f om under the burdens of the Evptian r , ere. Exod 6. 5,6. So our remembring of Gods precepts , is ex- pounded fie to doe them, Pral.t03.58. And under this prontift,Godsmercy towards them is inlpli- ed;as Mofes elfewhere faith, For Iehovah thy God, is a mercifull God, be will not forfalt thee , neither de- fdraay thee, nor forget the covenant fthy fathers , which he fware unto them,Dcut.4.31. And David : And be remembred fir them his covenant : and repented, accor- ding ro the multitude of his merries.Pfal. 1 06.45. my covenant with Ial,ob] the Greeketranflateth, the covenant of laugh, &c. the Chaldee , my covenant that was with Ia/gb, &o. The remembring of this cove= nano with their anceftors, meaneth the accSplifh- nlent of the racious promifes made in refpe& of Chrift unto forgivenefle offinns,and Sanftificati on of the Spirit. Therefore when Chrift the borne affalvation was railed up in the houfeof David, God is Paid to doe mcrcie with our fathers , and to re- member his holy covenant , the oath which be forare to our father Abraham. &c. Luke 1.69.72,73, 75. The like grace is promifed in Ezekiel 16.6o. &c. So whiles Daniel was confefhing his fsnne,and the finne of his people Ifrael,the Angel Gabriel came and told him et the comming of Chu-lit, to fiuifh the tranfgreffton, and to Peale up finnes , and to make atonement for iniquitie , and to bring in everlafting righteoufiteffe : Daniel 9.20.-24. For the Lordwill not caff-off f r ever : but though bee castle grief¢, yet will be have compaffion, according to the multitude of his mercies : Lamentation 3.31.32. Ppp 3 The