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L.E VIT ICUS XXVII. Vowes. TheThargum called Ionathans, expoundeth this verfe thns ; T hen will .1 remember in merde, the cove- nant which I covenanted with Ie1 ob at Bethel, ( Gen. 35.) and the covenant which i~ covenanted with I- faai¿,in mount Morijah, (Gcn.22,) and alfothecove- nant which I covenanted with Abraham , beteveem the peeces (of the (acrifices Gen.15.) Whereas other- where the covenant is ufually mentioned once, a id from Abraham downeward to Ifaak, and fo to Iakob,as is to be feene in Exod.2.24.and6.3,4 here God mentioneth his covenant thrice for more confirmation , and beginning with laltob, goeth upward to Abraham(the father of the faith- full , ) fo leading them by degrees to his firft and molt ancient prontifes; and in them to Chrift, whole Gofpel was preached to Abraham ; and filch as be Chrift',:, are Abrahams feed, and heyres accor- ding to the promife, Gal.3.8. 29. the land] which (hall again be inhabited and tilled; as it is writ- ten, In the day that I fball bave cleanfedyou from all poet iniquities, I will aka saufe yon to dwell in the cities and the wallies fhall be builded, and the defolate landfhall bee tilled, whereas it lay defolate in the fight of all that paf- fedby, &e. Ezek. 36, 33, 34. So another Prophet frith , 0 Lord thou haft been favourable to thy land, thou hafl returned the captivity of Jaktob; and, our land fbaigive ber fruit, &c.Pfal.85.2.13.And theft pro - miles have alto their accomplifhnlent in Chrift; who pronouncedthis biding to the meeke, that they fhall inherit the land ; Matth.5.5.But that earth- ly laud,whereinthey and their fathers fojourned, was a figure of abetter cquntrie, that is, an heavenly. Heb.t 1.9.-16. 43 Verl43andfbal linjoy]asinVerle34.TheGreek tranflateth , then fhall the land accept her fabbathes. becaufi even for becau fee] the realm is doubled, for the more vehemencie;and to implytheir often and manifold fsnnes, in the breaking of his cove - nant.Thc like phrafc is in Ezek.13 1o. Vert 44. in the land of their enemies] call out thi- ther for t heir fins, and fo unworthy of grace, be- 44 to be reputed as enemies themfelves. This come sendeth the Merck and free grace of God in Chrift, for robot see:rua enemies, we were reconciled to Gockby the death ofhis Some : Rom.5.1 o. to confunrethem.] This promife,was partly fulfilled at their retorne out of Babylon, as is remembred in Nehent.9.31. Reverthelef for thy great mercies fake, thou didfl not utterly etnfume them, nor f rfals them.Bnt chiefly thecomplement hereof,is by the Gofpel,as the ApoRle fheweth in Rom.11.26.28, 29. Like promifes are made in Deuter429 -31. Ezeka4.2 z.23 , lam Jehovah] or, Ileht- vah, am their God: which on his part, figg- nifieth his -pówer , goodne(te, and readineffe to rave them ; and for them it is a figne of blef- fing; for bleffèdis that peop.e, whof Gad it lehovab. Pfai.t44.15.and 33.12: 4 $ T to than exfiord u eath, the ennastwwhich Imadewitb their ancient fathers. The Greeke tranf- lateth it, their firff covenant , when I brought them frrtbfromtbe land ofEgypt. Which deliverance, be- inza figure ola better by Chrift ; God, when he would affitre them of his grace,if they turne unto him by faith, mentioned, that covenant and re- demption. For though the covenant of the Gol- pel, be another then that which he made with them ,when he brought them out of Egypt, as the ApoRle fheweth by testimonie of the Prophets, Heb.8.8: t 3.from Icr.3 s.yet the covenant or law then given,was a Sehoolemafter unto Chriff,Gal.3.,4 and Chrifi is ehe and of the lawfor rigb;eoufnef to ezey one that beleevetb; R on,.10.4. And thus Mofesen. deth the curios of the Law, due to tranfgreffors ; with promife of grace to the remnantofthe Iews (according to the ekE//on of grace, Rom' ,.5.)which in the latter dayes (hall conic againe unto him ; whom he is able to graffe in again, and fo will, if tlìey bide not in unbeliefe; for as touching the eletlim. they are beloved for the Father: fakes , Romans ti. 23.28e ttzs CHAP. XXVII. ALarat forvos-es, whereby menfintIfiie the eftima- tionof perfn:: Inhofe value if fit , betweenetweney and frxty yeeres old; 5, between five, and twenty yeeres old; 6, between a maned, andfveyeere. old; 7, from ftxtie yeeres old and upward. 8, Of the peore masa e. fhimati<n, 9, Of fanilifying, heap,' 14, and houl:, 16, and fields of a man: ptJJeffwn, 22, or funds of his osmte buying. 26, The Lordslrfflings may not be fan - úifted by men. 28, No devoted thing may be redeemed, 30, The tithe ofthe land it holy , and the owners may no redeeme it ,.but by adding a pjt part. 32, The titheof beats may not be changed or redeemed. A Nd Jehovah fpake,unto Mofes , fay- z ing. Speake unto the fonnes of Ifrael, and fay unto them ; A man, when he (hall feparate a vow ; by thy eftimation, of foules to Jehovah. Then thy eftimation 3 ¡hall be,of the male; from twenty yeers old, and unto ¡ìxcie yeeres old:even thy eftimati- on (hall be,fifty fhekelsoffiilver, by the she - kel ofthe Sandtuarie, And ifit be a female : then thy eftimation (hall be, thirty fhekels. , And if (it be) from five yeeres old, and unto 5 twenty yeeres old; then thy eftimation (hall be,of the male, twenty fhekels : and for the female,ten fhekels.And if (it be)from a mo- 6 neth old, and unto five yeeres old ; then thy eftimation ¡hall be,of the male five (tickets of filver : and for the female, thy eftimation !ball be, three fhekels of !liver. And ifit be from fixt :cyeeres old ane above, ifa male ; theu theye:iimation (hall be, fifteen fhekels: and fora female, ten fhekels. And if he be g poorer, then thy eftimation; then he (hall prefenr him,before the Prieft;and the Prieft, (hall eftimate him : according to that which the hand of him that vowed can attaine,fhall the Prieft eftimate him. And 2 7