The Law for L E v l T 1 c u s X XVI I. iandified things. 175 26 27 9 Ani if it be a beat, whereof they offer,an oblation, unto Jehovah : all that he giveth 10 of fuck, unto Jehovah, it finii be holy. Hee (hall not alter it, nor change it ; a good for a bad, or a bad for a good : and if changing he !hall change , beaft for beaft ; then it , and the exchange thereof, (halhbe holy. And if it be any uncleane beaft , whereof they doe not offer, an oblation , unto Jehovah : then he !hall prefent the beaft, before the Prieft. 1 a And the Prieft hhall eftimate it; whether it be goodor bad : according to thy eftimation 13 0 Priéft, fo fhallit be. And if redeeming he will redeeme it : then he (hall adde the fift part thereof, unto thy eftimation. And aman, when he (hall fanEtifie his 4 honk to be holy , unto Jehovah ; then the Prieft (hall eftimate it;whether it be good or bad : as the Prieft !hall eftimate it, fo (hall it Rand. And if he that fanátified it,wil redeem 15 his houle : then he (hall adde the fift pert,of the money ofthy eftimation, unto it, and it 'hall be his. 16 And ifa man !hall fanEtifie unto Jehovah, Tome part) of a field of his poflelfon ; then thy eftimation fhall bee, dtcording to the feed thereof: the feed ofan homer of barley, at fiftie fhekels of flyer. Ifhe fanEtifie his field, from the yeere ofJubile : according to is thy eftimation, it (hall nand'. And if he fin. Etifie, his field, after the Jubile: then the Prieft !hall reckon unto him the money, ac- cording to the yeeres that remaine;even-un- to the yeere of Jabile: and it (hall be abated 19 from thy eftimation. And if redeeming hee will redeeme the field,that fanftifed it: then he !hall adde the fift part , of the money of thy eftimation, unto it, and it (hall hand un- to him.And if hewill not redeeme the field; or ifhe have fold the field, to another man : it fhall not bee redeemed , any more. And a the field , when it goeth-out in the Jubile, (hail be holy tlntb Jehovah , as a field devo. ted:the poffeffon thereof, (halbe the Priefis. a 2 And if he fanEtifie unto Jehovah ; a field of his alone buying ; which is not of the field of 23 hispofleflion: Then the Priefi (hail reckon unto him,thetribute ofthy eftimation;even- unto the yeere of Jubile ; and he fhall give thine eftimation in that day ; an hóly thing, 24 unto Jehovah. In the yeere of Jubile, the geld (hail retorne, unto him of whom he bought it: unto him, to whom the polTflion 25 of the land (didbelong.) And all thineefti- marion, (hall be, according-to the (hekel of the fan£tuarie : twentie Gerahs, flail be the lI 2 e fhekel. But the frilling, which (hall be flit borne to Jehovah, of the beafts ; aman (hall not fanEtifie it : whether it be oxe or (beepe, it is Jehovahs. And if it be of an unclean beaft, then he (hall redeeme it according- to thine eftimation ; and !hall adde,a f ft pert of it,thereto: or ifit bee not redeemed, then it (hall be fold according-to thy eilimation. Notwithftanding, any devoted_thing,that a man (hall devote unto Jehovah, of all that he bath; Cif man and beaft, and of the field of his poffeffon ; (hail not be fold nor redeé- med : every devoted-thing , is holy of ho- lies , unto Jehovah. None devoted , which (hall be devoted, ofman,fhall be redeemed: but (hall Purely be put to death. And all the tithe of the land, of the feed of the land,of the fruit of the tree ; is Ieho- vahs : holinefle, unto Jehovah. And if a man redeeming will redeeme, ought of his tithe : he !hall adde thereto , the lift part thereof. And all the tithe of the herd,or of the flock; ofallthat paffeth, under the rod : the tenth, (hall be holy , duo Jehovah. He (hall not fearch, whether it be good or bad ; neither (hall he change it : and if changing he (hall change it : then both it,and the change there- of, (hall be holy,itfhall not be redeemed. Thefe are the commandements, which Jehovah commanded Mofes, for the Ions of lfrael : in the mountaine, 4Sinai. titnnotations. A Man] or, Any- one,man or woman, The Lord having given throughout this bocke, Lawes concerning neceffary duties appertaining to his fervice; concludeth it with this Law touching vowes and voluntary fei-vices, which his people Ihould honour him with of their owne accord; through the Working of his fpirit in them:wher. in he reguireth a conftant minde,that they fhould not alter their purpofes,or change their promifes made unto him. fiparate a vow] in Greeke, vow a vow: the word feparate, fìgniheth to exempt after a fingular manner from common tire. Iarctiì expoundeth itjéparate wi:b his mouth tand Ab.Ezra, feparàte and explain , A vow is a religions promiîe made unto the Lord, and for the moft part was made with prayer, and payed with thasCgiving; Num.z 1.2,3.PC66.13,s 4. And vows were either ofabftinence,fuch as are 1poken of in Num.3 o.and the voW of Nazarites,Num.6.orsthey were to give fomething to the Lord,as facrifices, Lev.7. r 6. or the value ofperfons, beatts,houfes or lands ; con- cerning which the Law is here given. The Hebr. fay , A vow is parted into two parts : the Jilt is that whereby a man ref rantetb h:rnfe[fe from lamfull th ngt ; as when be faith , fuch or fah fruits be unlawful! unto me,all there 3o. daies,orfor ever,&o.The z.ia that wiser- by be bindeth himfilfe to give an oblation , which be was PPP 4 nos 28 29 3o 31 32 33 34 2