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176 LfiVITICUS XXVIL not (othrrife) bound to give : at when bee faith, upon price of nub a mans hand be upon me : they fat him how much be is worth with his hand; and how mucb hee it worth without bit hand; is if hee werefold being whole, andwere worth fifie ; and without hit hand bee were worthbut fortie; be it bound topay unto the Sanatory, tin.: and fo all other oflike fort. He that faith the price of my head , or of my liver be upon me, &e. i, to give bit whole price. Stit' be fay, theprice of tbeone hag of me be upon me ; hair to give the price of his whole perfon. MaimonyinEracbin , chap. adèftion.r.4, to le- hovab]the Chaldee faith,b fre the Lord; and Thar- gum Ianathan, to the name ofthe Lord. Thefe valu- a tions-were to be paid as all other vowes, accor- ding to that law in Deut.2 3.2 i .23. And for Life of them, it appeareth by z King. r 2.4,5.tiiatthey were imployed about the reparation of God San - &uarie: fo the Hebrewes fay,that all valuations and prices were frmp/y for the reparation of the houfe (of God) and were laid up in a chamber prepared in the Saniluariefor things hallowed to the repairing ofthe bottfi. Maimin Erachin, chap.r.fe&. r o. Verf3.Thentbye imation] inChaldee, Then bu animation (or value:) but the Greeke, without no ting any perfon,trauflateth, And (or Then) the va- lue (ball be of the male, &e. oftbe male] of every male, without refpe& of perfon ; for there rates here let ofOod, might not be changed., It is cone- manded to judge the judgements of the of imations (or values) fo se is expprened in the Law. And whether manfay, My vaba be upon me ; or fay,, This mans va- lue be upon me; or fuel a mans value be upon me; be is to give the valuation according to the yeeres of him that is valued, and that is the rate determinedly the Law; not lefe, nor more. Prìefls and Levites, doe Ornate and are eflirnated, au other Ifaelites. Maimony, in E- rachin, chaps. foe &.z.1 5. twentie Jerre: old] Hebr. fon ne of emend&yeeres ; which phrale figni- fieth the entry into the twentieth yeer and fo for - ward;as is noted on Gen.5.z z.But the Hebrewes expound their eftimations , from the yeeres frill ended,or complete: for thus they write : He that faith, My eflimation be uponme, or fire ham ones eflima- sion (or value) be upon me; giveth the eflimation accor- ding to the yeeres oft/se eflimated, and that is the pre- eye rate which is 'in the law, not leg nor more. Ifbe that it eflimated be thirtie layer old or leg , there it no effi- mation of him : and be that faitlo , the eflimatimofthis (childe) be uponme, it ie at if hehadPaid, theeflimatim oftbis vegll be upon me and he it not bound to (give) any thing. From one and tbirtie riles old, until[ he be five jeerer old complete, the efiimation of the male ei five fbekels and of thefemale, three fbekels. From hie entry into t' be furfi day of the fa jeere, untillhce bath accomplifbedtnsentie yeeres , the eflimation of dumb it twenty fhekels, andy- the female , tetmefhekels. From his entry into the ( fief[ )' day of the one and twentieth yeere, until! be bath accomplifhed fxtieyeeres; the efli- mation f themale is fifty flake /r, and of the female rlriry ty fhekels. And from bit entry into the (fill) dayoftbe one and fxtietbyeere, until! the day fbit death though be live very manyyeeres ; the eflimatienof the male is if erne fhekels , and of Ike female tin fbekels. All theft' yeses , from time to time , (are) from the day that any is borne.Maimony in Erachin,chap. i.feft.z.4. flel¿el me be it to bring . Burnt - aging, or a Peace-offring, &c. Msimony, tont.3.treat.of Vowes , chap.t.le &. 1,2. by thy eflimation] or, of thy animation, that is a vow et the valuation (or taxe) of the foules (the perfons)of man,woman orchilde,to give un- to the Lord the money that any perfon is to be valued at. So that eflimation here meaneth the money ofeffimation as is expreffed in verfe r 5.and as the Greeke verfion here explaineth it , a vow fir the price (or value) of his Janie to the Lord. So larchiex- poundeth it , to give the eflimation (or value) of his fade : And Abets Ezra more plainely' thus ; to fay, If God doe fo unte me, I will redonne my foule, according to my value , or the value of my fanne, or the value of my beafl. And of this the fcripture fpeaketh in z King.; 24. where Iehoafh giving order to the Priefts about the receiving & difpofngof thehollowed things, mentionethe- very mans titony f the foules of his eflimation. And here the Lawbeing given to all Ifrael, the fpeech feenieth to be direfted to every man, tleyeflimation: or,as Comte thinke, to the Prieft.But that which is fpoken to the'Prieft in verfe I2. was about fuch things as God had let no value of, as he had done of all foules or-perfons, which the Prieft might not alter.The Greekand Chaldee omit thisword thy,as redundant,though it be continued through out the chapter: and may diftingguifhthe Ifrae- lites, from other peoples, whore vowesof this kinde were of no force ;as theHebrew canons alto Phew thus.An heathen may be animated (or valued, to weet, by an Ifraelite,), but he bimfelfeeflitnatetb not, As, if'an heathen fay, myofimation (or value) be up- en me; or, the eflimatien of this Ifraelite be upon me, (that is,I vow to give the value of this Ifraelite,) he faith-notbing.But if an Ifraelite fay, The eftima- tion ,of this heathen be upon me,or the eflinyation of fuch an heathen be upon me;he is to give accor- ding to the yeers ofthe heathen that is eftimated. Maimony tom.3. in Erachin (or treat of Eflimete and devote things,) chap. r.feft.6. There is alto a difference to be noted between efiimation or value here fpoken of, the rate wherof is determined St let by the Lordi and thepriceof men , as offlaves that were fold, for fo much as a mancould get,or they were worth. Whereof fee more on verfe 6. offoules)that is,ofperfoons. Soules,are often put for perfino as is noted our Gen./ 2.5. So that the eftimation was to be of the whole man, not of a lint orpart:touching which the Hebrewes have thele rules.He that faith, 'the value of triune hand, or the value ofmine eye, or of my foot be upon me; faith no- thing at all. He rho faith the value of mine bears ar of my liver be upon me ; or the value of fuch a mans heart or liver be upon me ; be gives the value of hit whole (per- fon ;) and fnfor every member, which ¡fit le taken away from a living creature, it dyeth; if be fay the value of it be upon me, heir eo give the value of the whole: If he fay, ba/fe my value be upon me ; he giveth bag that he io value at : if he fay, the value of hag of me, be up- on me : he giveth his whole vabre ; becaufe it it itnpoJf- h/e that halfeof him fboeeld be taken away and be alive. He that faith, the price of myhand be upon tin, or the 3