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LEVI TICUS XXVII. fhekel oftbe SanEltearie] or, fbekel ofSanEfity , that is, the boy fhekèl: which after in V.25. is faid to be 20. Gerahs (orpence.) Shekel is the Hebrew name, in the Chaldee it is called Sbelangh: the (ticket of the San&uarie weighed 320.grainesof barley , and was ofpure fìlver; Maim. in Erachin, c. s.ñ¢. But after in (a"five they added thereto, and made it a Selangb, s Maim. there afflrmeth) which Selangb weigh- ed three hundred eigbtie and foure barley grains : fee the Annotations on Gen. 20. 16. Verf. 4. tbirtie fbake /s]That was the value of the 4 fervantf laine ,Exod.zt.32. the value of our Savi - our, fold to be (lame, Zach. r 1. r 2,r 3. Mat.z7.9. The e(}imation of the females, is little more then the halfe,and for fome,the juft half of the males; becaufe the woman by nature is the weaker veld, r Pet.3.7. and inferiour to the man, as being for- med after him, a Tim.z.13. created of him, and . for him, r Cor. 51.8.9.and was firft in the trans grefon,aTim.2.t4. but now in Chrift Jefus,tbere is not male and fmale,but all are me in him,Ga1.3.28. 5 V.5. from five yeeres old] Hebr. from a forme offve Jeerer. Sol. Iambi here noteth; Not that he which voweth fhould be a child , for in a child, words there is nothing : but (he meaneth) agreat perfan, that fball fay , the eflimation of this child of fiveyeeresold, be up- on me. ten fbekels] the even halfe of the let rate for the male. 6 Verf. 6. a month old] Hebrew, finite ofa month under this age, there was no valuation at all,as is before noted. So in Num.' 8.16. all the firft born were to be redeemed fromthe age of a moneth:and fo was thepraaife,wher, the firft borne were firft numbred,and the Levites taken in their ftead;eve- rie one was valued at five floekelr, Num. 3. 40,- 47. As the firftling of the beaft was from the eight day and forward, offerable to the Lord, and not before, Exod.22. 30. Lev.22. 27. for in that time it was fan&ified by the Sabbath that went over. it.' So for mankind, and the firft borne, the Lord appointeth a moneth of daies;inwhich fpace,the Newmoon wentalto over icwhich was a folemn feaft in Ifrael ; and another ligne of fanetification and renovation of nature: which figure is accom- pli(hed in Chrift, Numb.28.11.Pfal.8t.4.Efa.66. 23. Ezek.46.3. Col. 2.16.17.And as there was no value for filch as were under a month, fo from the words, male and female, fpoken of every one that was valued , the Hebrewes fay, He that is ther male nor female, and he that is both male andfe male; there is no valuation offueb: becaufe_the Law fettethno eflimation , but for the manifili male,or manif 11 female. An heathen may be eflimated, but be bimfe f eflimateth not : as if an heathen fay, my eflimation be upon me : or the eflimation of an Ifraelite be upon me ; he faith no- thing. But if an Ifraelite fay, the eflimationofthis hea- then be upon me ; he is to give according to the yeeres of him that it efiimated. And fo he that eflimateth one that is dumbe and deafe, or a fook; it bound, and muff give according to his yeeres. A fervant is efiimated, and eflimatetb as other Ifraelites; and if he will redeeme, and bave wherewith; he is togive the eflimation which he bath vowed Whether a mats eflimateth one that is faire , and healthful l, or eflimateth one that is ill favou- red, or ficke, though he that is eflimated,be fir icken with boiles, or blind, or maimed, or bath any blem, he is to give according to his yeerer, m is determined by the Lawn. Pricer , are 'rot ar eflimations; for, he that faith, my price be upon me, or the pricè offlub an one be upon me , though that fucb an one be a Child of aday old, or of neither fixes , or of both fixer (mak and female) or an heathen; he is togive whatfoever he is worth, one pmie, era thoufand, &e. Maim. in Eradain, c. r. f.5,-9. three fbekels] This is the loweft of all the rates Cet by God, as fifty was the higheft. And by the He- brew canons, Ifa man fry, A valuation be upon me, and exprefth not whole valuation, but a valuation ab- lolmely : be ie to give the le: 4i valuation, which it three fhekeh; Maim. in Erachin, ch.2. f.20. Verf..7.lxtieyeeres old and above] In there valua- rions, the Lord divideth mans life into 4. parts, beginning with manhood , or strength of age, which is the belt of our yeeres ; then defcending to youth, & from youth to childhood; & ending with old age, the rate whereof, is lithe then of yonth,and more then ofchildhood.But from' 6o. yeeres and upward,there is no difference of valu- ation for the daies ofour yeeres , in themare bbreefeore yeeraer ten,& :f by realm offlrigtb they befaurfeoreyeer.s, yet is their firength, labour andforrow : far it it foone cut er,and we fiy away,Pfa.9o.10. The Apollowriting to Fathers,Yong men,and Children; alctibeth to Fathers, knowledge of him that is Font the beginning, unto Yong men, ftrength, and abiding of the word of God in them, and overcomming of the wicked one; unto children, knowledgeof the Father , 1 Joh. 2. 13.14. ten lodes] which were two parts of three, for the fee rate of the man ; fo that in her age , the camesiecreft to the valise ofa niale. And larchi here noteth an ancient Proverbe amonglI them ; An old man in the houfe is a Captain in the houfe : an old woman in the houfe, is atreafure in the houfe, and a good fgne in the bowie. Ofall there valua- tions, the Hebrews fay thus ; The eftimatiotes that are fit according to the yeeres, they are the yeeres of htm that is eflimated (or valued) and not theyeeresof him that efiimatetb. As ifone of 'Tomtit yeeres of age, faith, tome of fixtiejeerer, thy efiimation be uponme : he u to give the a limation of one of f:xtiejeerer ofage,and fo all m then the like; Mains. inErachin, ch.'. fe&.si Verf. 8. poorer then thy efilmatitn] that is, if bee whichmaketh a vow,or eltimateth,be poore,t hat hee cannot give that which bee bath vowed. The Greeke and Chaldee change the person, laying, poorer then hit valuation. he Thall prefent him] or, fball make him fland : that is, he which vowed,thall prefent either hirnfelfe, or any other whole valu- ation hee bath taken upon him. Hereupon they have thefè rules ; He that faith, my efiimation be upon me, and dieth before he fland in judgement, his !wires are not bound co give it : fir it is written, Then he fhall prefent him beffe the Priefi , ere. If he hazeflood in judgement , and then dyeth his beires are to git a it. And fo he that faith , Such a mans efiimatien be upon me, and he dyeth'that eflimateth, and be that was efiiá mated, after that he who war eflimated, bath flood in judgement: the heires are hound to pits it. If he that is afiimsted, dyeth bofire he fiand its juf ement, al- though