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LE VIT ICUS XXVI 1, 179 Firftling, for though it be his dim whiles he is a- live, yet it is not his due fromthe beginning, for the beginning of it is in the honk of Iliac!. But the owners that change the Milling all the while it is in their houfe, they make a change. And fo a a Pried that changeth a Firftling which is borne of his owne,(not a Firftling which he path recei- ved of an Iiraelite) that is a change. The high Priefts Ram, (Lev. 16.) maketh a change, but his Bullocke maketh no change; though it be one of, his owne : becaufe his brethren the Priefts have their atonement by it , and fo are partners in it. Fowles, and Meat- offrings, make no change; for the Law fpeaketh but of beads. He that fan &ifi - eth a bead that hath a fixed- blemifh,it maketh no change ; but he that fan&ifieth a bead that bath a tranfitorie blemifh , or Can &ifieth a perfe& beaft, and afterward a fixed blemifh commeth upon it; this maketh a change. Whether a man change a perfe& bead for a blemithed,or a blentithed for a perfe&,or change an oxe fora lheep,cr a Iheep for an Oxe,or a Iheep for a goat, 4r goat for Iheep,or stales for females,or females for males,orchatige one for an hundred,or anhundred for one, either at onte,or one after another: this is a change,and he is to be beaten, according to the number of beads which he bath changed. Change is, when the owner of an oblation faith of a beaft of the common beads which are his , This {hall be for that; or, This Thall be the exchange of that ; This Ihall be for that Sin- offring or for that Burnt - offring; (having thus faid) it is a change. The Law for the offring of exchanges is thus; The ex- change of a. Burnt- offring (hall be offered for a Burnt - offring; and if the exchange of it be a fe- male,it Ihall feed,till fore blemifhfall on it,then it is fold,and a Burnt- offring is bought with the price of it. The exchange of a Sin- offring, is to die ; of a Trefpas- offring, is to feed till it beble- niifhed, and the price they make a voluntary-of- fring. The exchange of Peace- pffrings, is as the Peace- offrings in all refpe &s, &c.Theexchange of the firftling,is the Prielts;and the exchange of the tithe bead, is the owners, &c. Maim. in 7emurah, c.r.1.3,9, 14. and c. 2. CI. and c.3,1. &c. I I Verf. a t .unclean broil] This may be taken gene- rally for all unclean beads which men did vow, except the dogge, the price whereof might not be brought into the houfeot the Lord, fir argi row, Deut.z 3. r 8. Bust the Hebrewes underhand it alfo cf oxen, fheepe or goats, upon which are blemi- shes whereby-they are becomeuncleane for the Altar. He that fanCiifietica perfel!beat fir the Altar, and there fall a blemifh upon it , whereby it is difabled : loe this is of imated and redeemed. And ofthis it is fail (in Levit. 27. 11.) AND IF ANY tINC LEANS Be A ST, gee, and be it to bring with the prier thereof another oblation lib¢, it; Maim. in Eraehin, ch. 5. C i r . But that other uncleane beads might ed allo, they grant, ibid. C 17. prefntt the beast] or, mare it land, as verf 8. Whofoever faniIifetb a beat, either deane or uncleane, either of the holy things for (Gods) houfe , or hob for the Altar, whereupon a bl - m fb it fable, or which is perfe£l and meet to be ofFred: it is necefary that it be ?relented in the lodgement Hall, Lev. 27. ra. 7ierefore ifthe hall dye ,beforeitbeefli- mated and redeemed ; they redeeme it not after it is dead, but fire bury it. But if he fantlifie aflame , or a dead beat for the reparation of the Santluarie; be that it re- deemed an other mutable goods ; Maimony in Eracbin, chap. 3. fe &. 12. Verf, r 244 eflimation 0 Prief ] The Greeke here changeth the perfon , laying , As the Friel} valueth it; likewifethe Chaldee, According to the of imatioof the Priefl. This rate or value which the Pried, teto was (as Sol.Iarchi here noteth)for any other man that woxld come to buy it. But ifthe owner mould redeem it, the Scripture layette more upon him , to acute the lift part: and fo f r him that fan£íifetb his houfe pr his field, or that would redeeme hit feeoud tithel the owners are to adde a fifi part , but not any other man. Verf. i 3. If redeeming he will redeeme it] that is, will at all reckeme it;as repenting of his vow which he hath made , and will not have the bead fold, that the price thereof may be given to the Lord, but referve it for his owne ufe. the ff part] and the fftpart which is added, loe it is at the bob thing it felfe, and there is one Law fur them (both.) Maimony in Erachin, chap.7.fe &.2. For abiding or purloyning holy things, the Law otherwhere commandeth a fift part to be added betides the principali as a mil& upon the offender for his fault, Levit.5.16. and 6. 4, 5. and 22.14. fo in this cafe of vowes, when bee that vowethwill not ftand to his pro" mile the Lord layeth on him this penaltie for his inconitancie and lightneffe of ntinde: that men might learne to be faithful! and liable mite ded , in all things pertasning tinto him and his fervice,though they proceeded at find from their owne voluntarie will. unto thy efimation]unto the value which thou the Pried haft let the bead at, by the eltimation; or, unto the moneywhicli thou haft valued it at; as in veri: i 5, 19. So the owner was to give fo much as any other man; and a fift part more. Ver. 14. his boufe] fo by proportion,any other of his moveable goods. He that fanliferh hit heifer or his unclean beafl , or any other of his moveables ; they are to le valued according to that they are worth, be they good or bad and if he that fan.£lified them, he or bis wife , or his beire will redeeme them he is to adhe a fifi part, 6-c. whether it bean houfe in a walledeitie , or an houfe in a village , it may be redeemed aiwaies ; Mai- mony in Eraehirt,c.5.1,3. To fautlife an houfe, was by vow, as if a man faid,This houle be holy unto the Lord,or any like words. f (hall it land] fo (hall the value he, neithecleffe nor more. Onely the owner, if he will redeeme it,muft give the fift part more then the value, ver. t 5. Ver. 15. the money] Hebrew, the piker of thy eft= matins, which the Greeke explaineth, the filter if the price and the Chaldee the f aver jibe of imation there f, fo in ver. 19. From this word Silver, the Hebrews fay , Santlif edthings might not be redeemed with lands, sr with fervano or with bills (ofwriting) but either with mcusey,or other moveables that are lilt¢ mu' to money. Maimony inErachi,;,chap.7.fe &.r, Verf. 16.fe!dofhispofèffion] which in v. 22. is diftln" I2 13 24 Iz