IO d.EV ITICAS XXVII. Jilin ;uihed from a field of:it owne buying: the told which commeth to a man by inheritance, chat is called the fieldofbiapofefon(or tenement)ltith "Hainan) in Erachin, chap.4.fè &. t. t'e the feed there, f]that is,the feed which is enough to lbw the field. Not according se the worth of (the field ) for whether thefield wet good or bad, the ranfame of the :olinefe thereof was alike. an Homer] the name of a meafure, whichcontained ten Ephahs or bu- fhels , Ezek.45. it. The Greeke and Chaldee, . tranflate it aCor,and that was onewith the Homer, Ezek.45.14.Ofit there is mention in King.4.22. where King Solomon daily bread for his houle, was thirtie Cori , of fineflowre, and threefeore Conoof meale, that is, three hundred Ephahs or bufhels of flowre,and fixe hundred of meale. The Hebrewes likewife explain it thus. The Homer it aCor : and that is twoLetheleg [which Letheb. is mentioned in Hof.3.2.] and the Lethek itfifteen Seal's [or peeks, whereòf fee Gen. 18,6.] So the Homer isfouoidto be tbirtie Seal's which are ten Ephahs, every three Scabs an Ephah. Maim. in &.¢.By this we may underhand that Iudgment threatned in Efay 5.5o. the feed of an Homer, fall yeeld an Ephab; where ten bufhels are Towne, one bufhell fball bee reaped. at fiftie fekels]that is,Ihall be efleem- ed as 5o fhekels,Eor 49.yeeres,to weet,frons nubi- le to Iubile, and fo the Hebrewes explaine it, E- voy place which it fit to have an Homer of barley fewne therein, &e. the eflimation there f is fiftyfheke s fir al the yeeres of the labile; but the labile yeere is name of the number. And whether he fantlifie the heft field tharitin all Ifrael, or the werflof all ;tbeefiima- s/aa is the fame. Maimony iu Eraehin This eflimation God let fora field meet to be fown;ofwhich the Hebrewes fay fstrther,that /fit were full of trees, though he expreffed them not, yet he betbfantlifed the trees alit. If hefanilifea field which it not fit to be fowne; they redeeme it according to the worth of it : and fo if be faniiify the trees one) ; they are redeemed by the worth of them : Ibidem chap.4. fe&. 15.16. 17 Verfa y. to thy eflimation] inGreeke and Chat. dee, to the eflimation thereof; meaning the fiftie fhe- kels before mentioned. 18 Verfx8.abated] ordiminifed from thyelimation, which the Greeke and Chaldee expound, from the of imation (or value) thereof As, if a man fan &ifie the field of his pofféifon, when there remaine eight yecres to the lubile, betides the yeere of Iubile, which is none of the reckoning, who fo will redeeme it , waft give for the feed of every Homer of harley,cight thekels,and eight halfGe- ralxs (which the Rabbines call Pondions.) And if the owners will redeeme it, they mule give ten thekcls,and ten halfeGerahs, for they mufiadde a fift part,v.19. Thus the Hebrewes open it, in Era - hin,eh.4.f..5.And Iarehi (onLev.27.)faith: Aplace (tobefownewith)anHmerfbarley, isat5o.fle- (elr, fi the feripture determineth, when a mud eana- meth to redeeme it from the beginning of a Iubile. (which was every fiftieth yeere :) but if he carne to redeeme it in the midi of a labile, be gave according to the recknzing , afbekel and an 'wife (/crab for ayeere, he- -m7 caufe there is no fantiiif ing , but acrordiosgto the count oftbeyeeres ofthe labile , fir /fit le redeemed, it it well: /fnot, the 7reafarer felleth itfor this price to another, and it remaineth in the hand of the buyer until the la- bile, as all otherfieldd that arefold, &e. Of thole fates till theIubilee,feeLev.25. yeeret that remain] he faith notyeere, butyeeres : whereupon they fay, f there remain but a yeere , be may not give a Peke! to redeeme ie, it it not redeemed by abatingof money , but twoyeeres or more before the labile. Mainstay in Era - chin, chap.4.fe &.7. Verf. x g. that fanllifed it] The Hebrewes fay, if either he himfelfe, or his wife, or any fbit beyres, will redeeme it , they are to addethe fift part thereto: Maimany in Ersebin, ch.4.f.5. The reafon why the owners were to pay more then other men , when they redeemed their lâd, feemeth to be in miflike of their lightneffe, (as before is noted, ) forthat they would vow thing to God, and fo Toone change their mindes, as to get it againe into their owne hand : for all rafhneffe and levitie in voees is blamed,Ecde.5.2.4,5. frail fland unto him] that is,be his,and fo continue allured: theGreeke tranflateth , fhallbe tohim. Ifhe that fan/lifed it, bath redeemed it , before the labile come, then it retm- neth to the owner : and the efiimatian which he hatbgi- ven, failed: to the maintenance of the Samivary, at is m+ forefeid. Likewife f the fin of him that fans ified it, bath redeemed it it returneth to his father at the labi- le. But if his dangbter, or fume other of his kfnme, ora firanger bath rederredir: then if be that fanblifed it, redeeme it again out of their band, it retsrrneth roan for ever : but if he redeeme it not out oftheir hand, but the Iubile come, whiles it is ender the band of the daughter, or other of the kinred, or of the lranger; then it goeth out ar a fantlified thing and never resue- seth to the owner thereof but isapofeffìotafor the Priefo: v.2 t. And the Pricfr neednot gize the price of it,be- taufe it is already redeemed, and the efrimation u recei- ved of another; but it returneth to the Priefts, á if they weretheottvters. Provided, that it be an Ifraelites; but if a Priel or Lecite fantiifed it, be may redeeme it at any time, though after the Iubi.é is gone over it,Lev. 25.32.- Erachinc.4.f.20,2t. V. 20. or if he have fold] Hebrew, and if, &e. but (as Chazkuni here obferveth) there is many an And inflcad ofOr.T hefe Hebrewes (as Sol. larch/ on this place)underfiand this He haze fld,to be meant not of the owner ( who having fan&ified it, could not then fell it,)but of the 7reafterer which in the San &nary hath the difpofing of fuck fin &ified things. V.2 t. when itgoetb out] out of the band of him that bought it of the Treafurer; Of other fields that gee out of the bands of thole oboe bought them, at the labile: faith Sol. 'larch i. br /y] Hebrew holinefe; that is, an holy field:Co in v.23. afield devoted] He- brew, a field of devoticn, or of iparation, as the Greek tranflatcth it,a fiparated land;fee after on v.28. the Prief s] but, as the 14ébrewes write, not with- out payingfor it to the Lord, to whom it was vowed.He that fantlifeth a fieldThis p>leffm, and the labile corm , and he bah not redeemed it , bat it fill re- mainsb fantlifed; the Prieffs eke give the price of it, and 19 20 2I