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LBVITICLIS XXVI and it it a painifIn unto thetn: becaufe no holy thing veils out And that prig, falletb to be holy fur the maintenance of the Sanatearie. Mai- motyití Eráchin,.ch.4.f.19. But if it had beene re- dcnicd before by another, they had it free, as is noted on v.zó. Now whatPrielts (hould have the field, is thewed thus i When field goeth out to the Priefis in the labile, it fhall bee given to the Priefit that are in the Ward (orcourfiofmintflratim) wherein the Iubile fslleth. And if the bee:sting of theyeere of la- bile be on a Sabbatb , mien one ward goetbout, and alto- Cher commnb in : it /ball bee given to the ward that goeth out. Ibidemin Eracbin,ch:4.fe&.24.Of thefe wards or courfes,fee r Chron.24. 22 Veri:22. of his owne buying] not left him by in- heritance from his anceltors : and therefore was not his , but farmedby him for terme of yeeres, till the Iabile. of the field] that is, ofthe feldr, orlmd: for the word field is ufed for an whole country,Gen.a 4.7. 23 V.23.ehe tribute] or,tbe fumme, called by the Gr. andChaldee, the tribute of the valtethereof, fo much as he was to give as a tribute to the Lord,, accor- ding as the prieft valued it. And bee valued not the land , but the fruits or revenue, according to the number of yeers :for he that bought it ,bad no po wer to fataÚifie fave the fruit y which he bad in it , until! the Iubile, faith Chazkuni. This redemption of purchafed or farmed land , differed from the re- demption of inheritances aforefaid,thns;7heyfit it at a prim , looking bow much it way worth until! the labile; and who fa would, redeemed it. And ifbee that fantlified it did redeeme it bee added not the fifd part tbereofunto it, for the maintenance of the Sanlinary,'at in other efiimations and pricey (he did; v.19.) And when the labile commetb, it returneth to the firfl ow- ner that fold it, &c. Andit goeth net out to the Priefls, becaufe no man tas fanilifie a shing which is not hit owne, Maine. inEracbin, ch.4.C26. And we have beene taught in Lev. 25.that Ifraelites land could not be fold properly, but let out till the Labile their fales,were but !cafes for terme of yeeres. thine eftimstîm] the Greekeand Chaldee ex- pound it, the eflimation (or value) thereof. in that day] and in that place , when and where the thing is eftimated.Hereupon they fay, that if any man pleaded,this thing would be worth more af- ter Poch a time,or in fuch a place,whereas now'or here it is worth little , they harkned not unto him,bntfoldevary tbingin the placethereof, and in the time thereof, wbenfiever it was. Excepting landt,for they cryed the ale of them fixtie dayes together, morning and everting, and aflerwardfold:Joem. Maim. in Erachin, ch.3.fe &.i9,zo. an holy thing] or, eltimation of bolinefi. z Verf.24.thepo qim] or the inheritance of the 4 l urd;that is,the find owner; according to the law ¡Ill/V.25. And this though it had gone through many hands.lf (a ntan)`feód hi!field to toe firfd, attd the firfi fold it to the fennel andthe f coedto the third, though it were to a bunked one after another:in theyeere of labile, it j/all return to the fill owner;l, lo- bel,c. i t .0 t 5. So the Prielts had not this land at the labile, as they had the former, in verl i 1. V.25. all thine éflim.mon] Greek; every valuation: of the Santi:tay] Hebrew of antlity or bolvreff;' which the Grceke tranflateth hob Weights : as the Hebrew Slick/ properly fignifieth a weight : and in Ifrael , they ufed to pay their money by weight; as,l weighed him tbe money , feventem Pelee], of filver, etir c. and I weighed him the money in the ballantes : Ier; 32.9,10. - twentie Chi chi] The holy fhele was the weight of 3 20. barley COMM! ; ofpure filter. The Gerab called of the Hebrew Do &ors Megnah ) weighed fixteme barley cornes. Under the fecond Temple, they added to the Shekel , and made it the weight of a Selangh; which weighed 384. bar- ley grain! , as witneflòth»t. t . in fhékelo, ch. a.1 :2.3. See the annotations on and Exodus 30.13. But Ezekiel in the captivity pro- phehed to thofe that returned,and that fhould fee the City add Temple ofChrift, The fhekl fhall be twentie Gerahr, Ezek.45.1 2. that all corruption in the holy weights (hould be done away +and fpirï,; tually,the ancient truth in religion refforedí Ver.26.But the firfiling] the Greeke tranflateth, Andevery firflborne, (or firfihng,) which (hall be home among tlyheafis5 fhalllétbe Lords ; and none fballfan- tlify it. Becaufe the firftborne were already fanc- tified by the Law, Exod.i 3.2,12. andwere the Lords; therefore they could not by any man bee fan&ified or confecrated by vow, becaufe a man cannot fan &ifie that which is not his own. W hero upon the Hebrewes have thefe rules : Nyman nub fancy a thing which it not his owne. If be devote his fmne, or his daughter, or his fervant , or afield that he bath bought, [for no field was a mans owne, but by inheritance; ] loe they are not devoted: fir a man can- not fantl5 a thing, the body whereof is not bit owne. Neither cm a man fantlify a thing which is on: in bis crone power ; at if he have left in another mans hand a thing to keep¢ , ani be which hadit to keepe denyeth it ; the owner cannot fatitliify it. But if he deny it nut , it is in the owners power, &e. Maim. in Erachin, ehap.6: fe&.s1.22. So becaufe the Law in Levit.2539. &c. forbiddeth the Hebrewes to be fold for lèr- rants or llaves, a man could no otherwife devote or fan &ilie himlelfe, then to pay his valuation or price.And this the Hebrew canons allo do avet; He thatfantli letb hionfilfe , fantlifeth teething but his price; and he is bound to give theprice ofbimfelfe; and it it lawful! for him todoe (bit berftnef/i) audio eate, for loe he bath not fantiifiedhit body, at á fervant. Maim. ibidemfe &.zo. orfbeepe]or goat for that alfo is implyed inthe originali word,Exod.i 2.3,5. V.27.ofantmdeane beafl] the Greeke tranflaceth plurallfr,oftencleane beafli., Iardai expotmdeththis of filch uncleanebeatts as were fpoken of in v. 1 I. which a matt fan &ied unto the reparation of the fate ïivary. to thine eflimation] the Greeke and Chaldee tranflate , the efl imation (or value) thereof. So after,and ufttally in this chapter. Verf.28. devoted thing] in Hebrew C0erem, in Greeke Anathema: which word Luke ufeth in Greeke for the Os wherewiththe Temple was adorned, Luk.2 r.5. It meaneth things devoted, dedicated , and feparated from common tile to God, And often this Cberem is ufed for deltroy ing 181 2f 26 27 28