182 LEVITICUS XXVII. ing a thing utterly asaccurfed, Exo.22.2o, Dent. 7.2. and 20.17. and for fnrfiting or cenfrfcaion of gòods,Ezra 1 o.8. Here and in Num,i $.and other where it is put for devoted things, whòlly given unto God. There is alto a difference betweene the eftimation forementioned, and the devoted things, as the Hebrewes obfcrve: that the effimati- ens are determined (or fit) by the Law, but the devo- ted things are not. Maim. in Erachin,c.t.f.23. Like - wife of devoted things (they fay) fonte were the Lords,fortnc the Prlefts,Numn 8.14. He that faith, This be a devoted thing to the maintenance of the fan - Haáry or devoted unto God; tic. it falleth to the main- tenonee of the Santluary : but if be faith, Devoted ab- folutely, then it is the Priefts for abfolute devoted things are for the Priefts, Nunib.18.r 4. i'Vhat differ the devoted things of the prieftt , from the devoted things if God? Gods devoted things are boy, and may be redeemed by the worth of than , and the price falleth to the maintenance of the Santivary, and the goods themreeives gee out for common (or prophane) things. But the things devoted for the priefis , may-never be re- deemed, but are given to the Prieft an beavetoffriug. And of the thing devoted for the Priefis, he faith (in Levit.27,28.) I T SHALL NOT B u SOLD, NOR R a o u a M E D: not fold to another,nor redee- med by the owners. Maim. in Eracbin, ch.6. fe&. n,4. Howbeit , this difference appeareth not by the Law of God, which fpcaketh of all devote things in generali. of all that he bath] Hereupon they fay , Aman may devote of his herd, and of hit flocke, and of his fervants that are Canaanite:, and ofthe field of his poffon : but not devote all his beafle, or all bit firvams, or all hit fields ,. or all the move- able goods that he bath; for it is written OF ALL THAT Ha HATH. But ifhedoedevote all his gaods; loe they are devoted; whether he have devolted them fir the priefts, or for the maintenance f the San- iheary. Andwho fodevotethor fanlisofetball bis goods, they take all that be bath, even to thePhylatieriei that are on hit head, &c. Maim. in Erachin.c.6.f.2.3. And againe, Let a,man nezer fanliifre or devote all his goods : for he that fo cloth, tranf reffeth again'} the meaning of this Scripture, which faith, O F A L L THAT Ha HATH; and not, All that he bath. Neither ie this piece, but folly ; for loe he wafteth all his fulftance, when be ha :h need of the creatures, tire. Of the f erifires which a mania bound to bring , loe the Law fparetb his goods, and faith :bat be fhall bring ac- cording to the tribute f his hand, Deut.i6.10. how much mire in things which a man is not bound unto but in refpeti of history ; that he ft ould not vow , but at is meet for him, at it is written (inDent.;6,17.)E- very man according to the gift of bis band; according to the blcfng of the Loup thy God, which' be batb. gizen thee. Maim. in Eraehin,ch.8,fe&.13. ofa man] as of his flaves,w hit h were his to fel,cr give, Or devote, as his beafts; becaufe they were his owne. And this Sol.Iarchi here expoundeth it,as if bee devote his men- frvams or women- fervants that are Canaanite:. holy of holies ] Hebrew, burner ofbtlimffis,t hat is,moflholy, nteaninginrefpe &of him that devoted them; bitt the Priefts which in- joyed them,ufed them as their common goods;as the Hebrewes fay, At the time when he devntetb de- voted things far the Priefis, fo long as they are in the owners bottle , loe they are holy in all ref etis, Levit.27. 28. when he bath given them to the Prieft, then :beyare as common things in all refpetis; as it it raid Num.' 8, 14. Eve,y thing devoted in ad ,'hall be thine-Maim. in Erachin,ch,6.fe &.5. Verf.29.None devoted fball] or , Any devoted thing frail not, Some underftand this of beafts, devoted ky men : but it feemeth rather to be fpoken of men, as in the former verfe,) which were devotedun- to death. Which was not only done by God,as when he devoted Iericho, Iof..6. r y. & the Amale- kites,Deut.25. 19.; Sym 15.3.and other the like ; but by men,as in fpeciall vowes, Num.21.2,3. or when they were adjudged to death for fin, Exod. 22.20. And to this latter, the Hebrewes do ap- ply this law, Eying ; Who fo bath his judgement de- creed by she Magifiratesof *ad, that he is to be killed for his trenareffion committed; if another doe eftitimte him , or 'bathe efiimatetbhintfei, or faith My price be upon me, or another faith, the price oftbitmanbee upon me; be is not bound (togive) anything; fortbu u as a dead man; and there is no valuation or price of the dead. And ofthrs it it faid (in Levit.27.29.) Nont devoted which 'hall be devoted of man, (ball be redee- med: at if be fhould fay, there it no redemption for him, but at a deadman. Maim.in Erachin,ch.1.1.13. The like expofition is given by Sol. larchi, Chato. kuuni, and others. fhall be redeemed] A devote. ;Dent was more then a fimple vow, whereof there might be redemption, but things devotedhad no redemption. And as all vowes were to tend unto the honour of God, and ftrengthninggof mens faith, with manifeftatiòn of their th'ankfulneffe fo the not redeeming of any thing devoted by vow; nor of other Tingle vowes, without a ntul& on hint that vowed and afterward would redeem ,it,was to teach men conllancy in all good purpo- Les and words.For ifa man had but fworne to his neighbour, though it were to his owne hinde- rance,he might not change;Pfa1.15.4. how much leffe might he change his folemne promife unto the Lord: who recompenfeth abundantly all worldly loffes,with heavenly bleffings ; and often addeth earthly to then: alto: Mar. t o.29.3o.Pro- verbes 3.9,1o. V.30..411 the tithe] There are two forts of tithe 'in theLaw:the lint which ( afterthe payment of the firlt fruits)was given to the Levites,Num.rS. 21. the fecond which (after the payment of the former tithe) was feparated and carted up to te- rufalen',and there eaten by the owners, Dent.; 2. 6,7.1 t.and 14.22,23. which fecond tithe every third yeere, was given to the poore, Dent 14.26 29. The Hebrewes underftand this Law, not of the firlt tithe, but of the fecond, thus they write: afier that they have feparated the great heave- offring, theyfeparateeneof ten out of that which isleft: and this is called the fir's tithe ; andof it is ioltn in Num.' 8. And obit tithe is fir the Levites both males and f- males, Num.18.20,21. The firft tithe may lawfully he eaten of (common) Ifracites, anda man may ease thereofin his unrleamuf e , fir there is no holiee& in it at all. 29 30