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ZAwilmss._.. 31 32 L1iVITICUB XXVíL all. Andwherefecer any hl'ineY iiil'kenof tither , or rkbmptirnr of them , it is not ( meant ) but ofthe fècond tithe. Ad they count the fir r1 titb:J ai rammm things, becaufitXfaid(in Numb. i8.27.) And this heave -of- frìng fball bee reckond untoyou, as thmuh it were the corneof the threfbing -fore , &e. N the carne -Hoare and wine prey are common things, fir the firß tithe, Maim.tom.3.treat.ofTithes, chap. t 5.1,2. of the tree] chat is, of all trees whole fruit was mans íneat: and all manner herbes : Luk.' 1.42. The Hebrewes fay, Al meat of mm which it kept, whofe growth (or nonrifhment) isbut of th; ground oweth an heave-of ing. And wee are commanded to feparate thereof, the firß fruits for the Priefl ; Dent.' 8.4. As corm and win andoik (mentionedin Deut.'8.4. ) are mans meat, and grow out of the earth , and have owners, m it is faid THY G o R N s ; f q/l that it like innto them , oweth an heave- offring, and f the tithes. Vet- dies , though they be not mans meat, forafmueb a they Cate them is yeeres offamine , they owe an heave -of ring andtithe,,&c. Garden feeds tbhlteb are not eaten , N Rape feede, Radifh feed. Onionfeed and the li1«,are free from the hedveofrings, and from tithes, becaufe they are not mans meat: but the feeds of the greene-herbe, owe them. Herbes, though they be nuns meat , owe not the tithes, fave by the dolirnte of the Scribes, &o. Maim .tom.3.inTrumotbeh.2.G1,2,3,6. What'foever isfree from the firl tithe , it free from the fotond, gaol from the tithe" of the poore : and what fever oweth the firfl, oweth both the other. Maim. treat. of thefecund tithe,ch.t.fe &.'2. holine ee] in Greek, an holy Thing. Therefore the fecond tithemight not be eaten,fave before the Lord, in the place which he fhouldchoofe: Dent.' 2.5,6,7.17. neither might it-be eaten by any unclean, Deut.26.1 z.14. But the firft tithe, andthe tenth of it, (which was gi- ven to the Prieles) might be eaten in everyplace, Numb 18.35, VerC3 t.wiU redeeme J to weer, for Icinsfelfe and his owne private ufe : for if he dwelt far from the placewhich God had chofen, he might turne his tithe fruitsintomomy and goc up therewith,Deu. 14.23,24, 5. fo if they were undeane, they were to be redcemed;but the fife partwas added by filch as would redeeme their own tithe for their own Life. So the Hebrew do &ors fay, He that rcdeemeth his tithe far himfe f , whether it be bu owne, or faine to him by inheritance, &c. mug acide the fife part thereto : il'itbewertbfoure, bemuß givefive Levit.27.31.If behave redeèmèd hit tithe fruits ; and added a lift part ; and would againe redeeme that redemption for bimfelfe the fecune time, he iu to acide a fecond fife part fir the principal only , and not aelde afife part fir the fift part. Butall tithe which he redeemed, not ofhit owne, be ad- deth no a ffi part part. Maimony treat,, of the Scooted titbe,ch.5.feft. Verf.3 2. the herd or of the poke] The Hebrewes underfemd this law of theft onely, Laying; We are commanded to feparate one of ten of aH clean beans which are borne moo men every yeere: and this com- mandement it not in ufe but for the herd and the Hooke onely,Levie.27.32. fhetithe beaßittobe payed ofcom- neon things i but net of things fanlïi fied : and it it due, both within ti/b land , aid without the land. All are bound to give the tithe beaß; Prig, Leviter, and lfra- elites. And the Law f r the tithe beaß is; that it be P- ledin the court (of the Saniluarie,) and the blood fprinh,- lid (on the altar,) and the fat burn,d; and the reff of the .léfh iaeaten by the owners in Ierufalem , as the other height holy thingi , aril the Priefl s have nothing thereof but it it all for the owners., of the Pa f ballariib. And if it be a blemifhed beafl whether a blentifh bath befalee it (after,) or that be feparated it at full with a blerinfb thereon; then it is to be eaten in any place: Maim tom,,Beearoth (er treat.of t'irßborne,)ch.6.fett. i ,2,304. By payment of the tenth Beaft unto the Lord,the people acktiowledged their fubj eft ion and thank - fulne fe unto him ; for the giving pf tithes was a figue of fubje &ion, as the Apoflle fheweth in He- brewesy. And as the giving of the 1: irflbi rue, was a thankfull acknowledgment that the begin- ning ofalpropagation & increafe was from God, without whofe Wettings all creatures are barren and fruitleffe,Gen. i.lo the giving of the tenthes ; was a like acknowledgement , that his bleffing madethem plenteous in the fruit of their cattell, and other fùbftance, tleut.28.r 1. Gen.34 .8,9. Pfal. r 44.13. for ten is often ufed to lignifie many ; as is noted on Gen.31.7, and Levit.26,26. And God it is that promifed,Iwii/faw the boll: oflfrael and the houfi of Judah , with the feed of man, andwith the feedof beaß, ier.31.27. that paffetb tinder the rod] this theweth the manner oftithingnot to beat the will of man , but as the beats of their owne accord went out of the folde or bawne.The Hebrewes declare it thus ; Whofo bath ten lambs, and feparateth one of them for a tithe , or Kato an bun= dred, andfeparateth ten for tithe ; theft arena tithe but thus be mull die: He is ,to gather all hit Jambes , or all bit calvesmto the fold; and make thereto a little doore; fo that two may not got out at ante, And 'their dams; muf (land witben:; anda they biete or bellow and the Yong Mies' heart their voice, they gm out of the fold to meet them; Nit is faid, THAT PASSSTH VN- Dirt fio Ron , (Lev.i7.37.) itmuflp feofit fe f , and tat' be caried out by bit. hand. And as they come out of the fold .one after another , he legions eh and caaueth them weh.a rod , one two, three feiere, ('c. and the tenth that commctb out, whether it be male or female , perf it or blemifhed; he ma; kerb it with a red mark:, and faith, this u the tithe. He math notga- the all his beans which are borne to bum, into me fold together, but every foclgibyit fey. 7heymay net tithe of the for the bullock, nor of the bohbckt fir the fbeepe but they may tithe of the fheepe for th'egoats , and' oftbegoats fortheflkeepe; for(7fon)the flecke, comprehen- deth them both. Thep-nay not tithe thcmtbat are borne this yeere, from them that are borne in another yeere; even Of they may not tithe of tlefeedof the land, of the new fir the old, oroftbeold for the rem. All that are borne in the f rfi of Tifri (September) nntill the 29. of Elul (Auguft) are alike, and they may tithe f the one for the other. If five lambs be borne the 29. day if Au- (uß, andßve the ßrß (September, they are not alike or matebes.) If a limb bringforth ayorg within her yeere, then floe: and her yang are at into the fold toge= thee to be tithed. Maim in secoratb, e1í.7.C.i. 5. The tithes (as alfb the F hit fruits)in Itrael,which the Lord. 183