i 18+ LEVITICLIS XXVII. Lord fatttihed to himfelfe ` befides their ufe for his honour , the luftentation of his minif cr,and the poor;had'allò a further fignification of Gods etc& people , whom he f naifieth and refervcth unto himfclfc for falvation, as the tithes and firft fruits of his creatures,Efay 6.13.Jer,2: 3. Jant. I. 1 18.Heb.1a.23.Rev.14.4. 33 Vcrf.33. Fie fhallnot fearcio] the Grecke tranfla_ teth, Thou flints not change them , agood far a bad , or ': a badfora good. the change thereof] that is, the beatl put in the place thereof not be redeemed] under this, the Hebrcwes underhand alto a pro - hiritior, to fell it,if it were unblemilhed:as Mai- monyinBeeootb,eh.6.f.5. &c. faith, Ittrunlawfrallto fell the titheleaf! if it be perfi ff (without blemifh:) for it it foid, It fhall not bee redeemed. Wee have Keene taught that this it alfo a prohibition to AL.. And it feemeth unto me, that he that felleth his tithe , "doth no- thing, [hit fate it of no free :3 neither fhall the huger receive it. By the dcllrine of our Scribes , it is unlow- ftellto fen the blemifhed tithe, yea though it bee Elaine. Bet ifablemìfbed tithe beat! le Haim, is lawfullto fell the fat,fynecees, skin or bones thereof; and they have ! the Lord, Acl f rhiddcn nothing to lee fold but the flefb we,. The tithes in Ifracl being thus fan&ificd by the com- mandement ofGod,unto his honour,themainte- nance of his Miniliers , and rcleife of his poore people;it taught them, and tcacheth us, to hind r the Lord with our fubfiance, Prov.3.9. acknow- ledging him to bee the author of all our increafe and llore, Deut.8.13; 18. Hof.2,8. to honour his minitlers, and to communicate unto them than good things t Tim.5.17,18.Galat.6.6, that they which low unto usfpirituan things, feould reape our carnall things, r Cor.9. t t. and to give aimes of fuch things as wee have, that all things stay bee clean unto us , Luk.1 1.41. yea even to fell that we have and give acmes; to provide our (elves bagges which waxe not old, a treafure in the heavens thatfaileth not, Luk.12.3 3. And as we beleevethat the purpofe of God towards us, in his eleflion ofgrace,ftandeth firme,and unchangeable;and he loveth us unto the end, Rom,9,11.Ioh.i3.1.10 aught our love againe unto him and his to becon - Iiant for ever : and with purpofe ofbeart, we fhould ceave untof .11.23, HsB.7. 11.12. If perfee ion -mere by the Leviticall "PriefÈhood, (for under it the people received the Law : )-what further need vat there,that another Prisf#Jhould rif e,afier the or- der of Melchifed ek,and not be called after the order of Aaron ? Par the Priefi- hood being changed,tbere is made of neceflitie a change alfo of the Lab. H E 11.8. 1.2. We have fuch an high rPtiefl,Toho it Jet on the right hand ofthe throne ofthe Maje- i fuie in the heavens : a Minif er of the Holies , and ofthe true Tabernacle, 'which the I Lord pit cbed,and not mau. HEB.9.aft. (7rih was once offred,to beare the (inner ofmany r and unto them that loolcefor him, (hall be appeare the fecond time 'without S inne,unto Jalvation. ANNO-