ctrhe ftt,nnie of the oo/e of NUMBER s. His fourth Booke of MOSES fheweth the numbers and order of the Tribes of Ifrael, as they camped about Gods San&uarie, and jour- neyed thorow the wilderneffe; with the many troubles, rebellions, punifhments,favours, deliverances,conquefl:s,&c. in their Travels, during the time of almofi 39. yeeres. With additions and explanations of fun - drie Laves given of God for their fantification,and preparation to the in- heritance of the land of Canaan. More particularly. THe numbring of the Tribes of If. rael, except the Lorites. Chap.i. T be order of the Tribes, when they en- camped and journeyed. 2 The numbers, order, charges of the Prie1is and Levites. 3 and 4 Lames for the fanEiiifying of the campe, for Jealoufie, Nasarites , and bleßing of the people. 5 and 6 The Princes oblations at the dedication of the Tabernacle and A!tar. 7 The confecration of the Le-rites to their miniferies. 8 The ¡Pafeorer in the wilderneffe. The cloud that guided the people. 9 Silber trumpets, with their ufes. The campe arifeth and retteth forward. to Thepeople murmur, and lug for f efh: are fed , and punifhed. Serentie Elders are joyned with Mofes. 11 2'larie reurmureth againfi ,14ofcs, and is flricken with Leprofie. 12 Twelve men are fens to fJie the land of Canaan. 13 They bring up an aril report of the land: the people_ murmur and rebell ,and are condemned to die in the wildernef e. 14 Lanes how to facrifrce in Canaan. 15 The rebellions, and punifhments ofKo- rah, D athan , íl biram, and the Congre- gation of Ifrael. dfarons rod flourifheth , for a fagne to confirme the Le'viticall Priefihood. 17 The Trie fis and Le-vites charges; with their portions for their libelyhood. ch.18 The making and ufe of the water ofpu. rification. 19 Marie dieth. The people murmur for water,and hale itfrom the lock: -where Mofes and Aaron offend. Aaron dieth.zo Ifrael conquer fome Canaanites,murmur are bitten of ierieferpents,but healed by a brafen Serpent.Their conquefi orer Sibon and 0g, kings ofehe Imorites. at Baalam is hired of the Moabites to curie Ifrael, but God turneth his curie into a bleßing. 22, 23, 24. Ifrael joyneth to Baal -peor, and is plagued. 25 The lafi numbring of the Israelites, that fhould pofc(fe the land. 26 4law for women to inherit. Jofua is ap pointedfùcce for to Mofes. 27 'the Oblations on Sabbaths and at fo- lemne feafls, z8 and 29 The law concerning tvowes. 30 Ifrael orercometh the Midianites. 31 Reuben, Cjad,and halte Manaf es,hare' their inheritance aßigned in the land of Sihon and 0g. 32 The 42 journies of Ifrael in the oil derne f fe. 33 The bounds of the land of Canaan, and of diriding it by lot. 34 The 48 cities of the LeritesInd cities of refuge for unwilling manflayers. 35 A law for mariage in their own Tribes, left inheritancesfhould be remored. 36