4 Tile numbers NUMBERS I. of the Tribes. muflered of him , by the number of the nawes,according to their polles;every male, from twentie yeeres old,and upward; every 23 one, that went forth with the armie. Thofe that were muttered of them, of the Tribe of Simeon , were nine and fiftie thoufand , and three hundred. 24 Of the fonnes of Gad ; by their generati- ons according to their families , according to the houfe of their fathers : by the number of the names, from twentie yeeres old, and up- ward ; every one, that went forth with the 25 armie. Thofe that were muttered of them,of the Tribe of Gad, were five and fortie thou. fand, and fix hundred, and fiftie. 6 Of the fonnes ofJudah; by their generati- ons according to their families, according to the houfe of their fathers : by the number of the names, from twentie yeeres old,and up - ward ; every one , that went forth with the 27 armie. Thofe that were muttered of them,of the Tribe of Judah, were foure and feventie thoufand, and fix hundred. 2 8 Ofthe fonnes of Iffachar; by their genera- tions according to their families,according to the houfe of their fathers: by the number of the names, from twentie yeeres old, and upward; every one, that went forth with the 99 armie. Thofe that were muttered of them,of the Tribe of Iffachar, were foure and fiftie thoufand, and foure hundred. 30 Of the fonnes of Zabuton;by their genera- tions according to their families,according to the houfe oftheir fathers : by the number of the names,fromtwentie yeeres old,and up- ward ; every one, that went forth with the 31 armie. Thofe that were muttered ofthem,of the Tribe of Zabulon, were (even and fiftie thoufand, and foure hundred. 32 Of the fonnes of Jofeph, of the fonnes of Ephraim; by their generations according to their families,according to the houfe of their fathers : by the number of the names, from twentie yeeres old, and upward; every one, 33 that went forth with the armie. Thofe that were muttered of them, of the Tribe of E- phraim , were fortie thoufand , and five hundred. 34 Of the formes of Manaffes; by their gene- rations, according to their families,accarding to the houfe oftheir fathers : by the number of their names,fromtwentie yeeresold,and upward; everyone,that went forth with the 3 5 a rmie, Thofe that were muttered of them,of the Tribe of Manaffes, were two and thirtie thoufand, and two hundred. Ofth fonnes ofBenjaniin; by their gene rations according to their families, according to the houfe of their fathers : by the number of the names , from twentie yeeres old, and upward; every one,that went forth with the armie. Thofe that were muttered of them, of the Tribe of Benjamin , were five and thirtie thoufand, and foure thoufand. Of the fonnes of Dan; by their generati. ons according to their families according to the houfe oftheir fathers, by the number of the names, from twentie yeeres old, and up- ward ; every one , that went forth with the armie. Thofe that were muttered ofthem,of the Tribe of Dan, were two,and fixtiethou- fand, and feven hundred. Of the fonnes of Afer ; by their general ons according to their families, according to the houfe of their fathers : by the number of the names, from twentieyeeres Old, and up- ward ; ,every one , that went forth with the armie. Thofe that were muttered ofthem,of the Tribe of Afer, were one and fortie thou- fand, and five hundred. The fonnes of Naphtali; by their genera- tions according to their familics,according to the houfe oftheir fathers: by the number of the names, from twentie yeeres old, and up- ward 3. every one, that went forth with the armie. Thofe that were muflered of them,of 43 the Tribe of Naphtali, were three and fiftie thoufand, and foure hundred. Thefe are thofe that were muttered, which Mofes muftered,and Aaron,and the Princes of Ifrael; twelve men : each one was,for the houfe of his fathers. And they were,all thole that were muflered át the fons of Ifrael, ac- cording to the houfe of their fathers : from twenrie yeeres old, and upward; every one, thatwent forth with the armie, in Ifrael. E- ven all that were muffered,were fix hundred thoufand, and three thoufand, and five hun- dred, and fiftie. But the Levites , according 47 to the Tribe of their fathers , were not mu- ttered among them. For Jehovah had fpoken unto Mofes, lay- ing; Onely the Tribe of Levi,thou (halt not mutter; neither take the femme of them, among the fonnes of Ifrael. But thou, ap- point the Levites over the Tabernacle of the Teftinaonie, and over all the vef- fels thereof, and over all things that belong to it : they fhall beare the Tabernacle , and all the veffels thereof; and they than minifter unto ir: and frail encampe round about the Tabernacle. And when, the Tabernacle 37 38 39 40 4t 42 44 45 46 48 49 50 51