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rsss a......--egtP/6/deaiWV NUMBERS I. 5 (Tabernacle fetteth forward , the Levites Chah( take it downe ; and when the Taberna- cle is to be pitched, the Levites flua(( let it up: and the flranger that commeth nigh, 5z Chah( be put to death. And the Cons of Ifrael 1 fhall encampe,every man by his own campe, and every man by his ówne fiandard , 53 throughout their armies. But the Levites fhall encampe round about the Tabernacle of the Teflimonie ; that there be no fervent wrath, upon the congregation of the tonnes of Ifrael : and the Levites (hall keepe the charge of the Tabernacle of the Teflimony. 54 And the tonnes of Filet did fo: according to all that Jehovah commanded Mofes , fo did they. Annotations. N1 Vmbera]This name is given unto this book, 1 according to theGreeke title: becaufe the first chicle thing here the numbring of the tribes of If ore/. The Hebrews give it no other name then of the firf words, Vajedabber, that is, And (the L Ó RD) JpaIBe ; or Bemidbar , that is, In the wiklerne : tee the firf Annotations on Genefis and Exodus. And here beginneth the 34. Settion or Letture of the Law : whereof fee Genefis 6. 9. Verf. 1. Sinai] the mount whereon the Law had beene given, Exod. 19. by which monntaine Ifrael yet abode, until( the twentieth day of this Moncth, Numb. to. I t, 1 2. the Tent] or, Ta- bernacle of meeting; whither the people were to affemble at the times appointed, and whereGod met with them, as he promil'ed, Exod. 25.22. It is called al fo the Tabernacle of Teflimonie , verf. 43. and fo the Greeke tranflateth it here. the fhfl] Hebr. the one, underftanding day; as inMatth.z6, I 7. compared with Marke 14. z. fee the notes on Gen. 8.13. And ouch often put for fir$, as is noted on Gen., .5. And every first day of the mo- neth was a feat}, Numb. 28. II. &c. fecond nio- neth]which wee now call Aprils: foiiiTharytam Ionathan it is Paid, the firficf the moneth Dar (that is, Aprili) which it the fecundmoneth. In the Scrip- ture it is named Ziv, S King. 6.r. of the brightnef and beanie of the flowerswhich then doe fpring. But God had fpoken before untothen; in the first moneth, which is related after in Numb. 9.1. &c.' riftertheir cammingfirth] or, oftbeirdepsrting: fee theAnnotations on Exod. i 6.,. God- hiving gi ven them Lawes for his fervice, in Exodus and Leviticus; dotti now fettle their Church and Commonwealth in order. 2, Verf. z. the Jumme] Hebrew, the head; which Tome underfand for heads; that is,the Estlees: bitt theChaldee expoundeth it, the femme (or count) fee the notes on Exod. 30.12. This people was numbred by Mofees, three times ; in the first yeere after they came ont of Egypt,when every man gave a ranfome for his foule; wherby their redempti- on by Chrift was figured, Exo.3o.11,12. &c. and 38.25, 26. In the fccond yeere, when now they were to be let in order for their encamping about the Santtuarie, and journeying with it towards Canaan; whereof the 4. firft ehapters of this book doe treat. The third and lait mutterwas in the fortieth yeere(the Taft of their travell,)when all this generation being dead,their foes were num- bred,for to receive inheritance in the land ofpro- mite, a Figure oldie Kingdome ofHeaven. the forams of Ifrael] the twelves tribes , Gen. 49. 1, 2. 28. So all ftrangers are excluded from this üun,- bring.The Levites alto were numbred apart: ver. 49. &c. families] or hundreds, which next de- fcended of thofe twelve tribes; of which fami- lies, fee Numb. 26. 5. &c. bonfè] that is, as the Greeke tranllareth, haufes : and there were the next defcent of the fa-nülies aforefaid. See fof.7, 14., Aben Efra here noteth, that it is laid, the houfe of their fathers , becanfe the family of the mother to nit called a family. every male] whereby the females are excluded; at alfo all children, verf3. their poles] or, their skulls , that is , as the Greekc tranflaterh , their beads ; meaning the particular perfas : fo in Exod. 38.26. ' Verf.3, old] Hebr. fanne oftwentieyeeres; that is, 3 going in his twentieth yeere ; of which phrafe, fee the Annotations onGen.5:32.So all children and youths under 20. yeeres, were not in this ac- count. upward] Come of the Hebrewes limit the time, tonto fix. ieyeeres old: R. Menachem on Numb.s. but the Law íètteth no inch limitation. that god) forth] to W it, ulùally ; or is able to goe forth. So all that were unable for the warre, through old age fickneffe , or other infirmities, are not muttered here with If-eel. fhallmuffer]or ;Mall number; which in the Hebrew and Grceke, hail the naine of vifting. This numbring of Ifi ore! Ggnified Gods providence and care over titern, ! whichextendeth not onely to their perlons but to the very babel of their heads,which are all na ve. bred,Luke 12.7. And in that they are numbred or 1 muftred by there armies, it fheweth whereunto God' had called them, even to Tight the good fight offairb, j t Timothie 6. 12, By the word of Triuh, by the power ofGod, by the armour of Righreoufìf , on the right band and on the left, z Cor. 6.7. Therefore they were to follow the Lord & his Tabernacle, going before them to fight again(; the Canaa- rites: as in our fpirituall vcarfare,we are to fol- j low Chrift ; Rev., z. 7. & 19.11,-14.. And onely males or men of frength, are muttered : to teach what we ought all to be in Chrift; even f rang in the Lord, and in the power of his might : putting Cu the whole arrgottrof od, that we may he able to I) and a- gainf the miles ofthe Desill, &c. Eph, 6. t o, r 1 , r 2, i 3. So the Church in her travéll, bringeth forth a male or manchi /de, Rev. 12.5. Eú.66.7 8. Verf 4. a man of &cry Trite] Hebr. a man dmats of (or for) a Tribe. So there were twelve Pripees, befides Asfs and Aaron; fourteen in all : as in the Chrifian Church, there were twelve Apollies, A a a a 3 hefidcs 4