6 MuMtE>ts 1. bcfxdes Paul and Barnaba. bead] 'that is, chiefe, or Ruler. 5 Verf. 5. Of Reuben] underhand, from the o. verfe ,Of thefonnes of Reuben : and fo the Greeke explaineth it., Of thole of Reuben. Elizur] in Greek Elifiur. As the Patriarchs had their names fignificant in their owne tongue, given them up- on fpeciall occafion , and applied Come of them to fpirituall ufe , as is to be feene in Gen. 2 9.32. &c.. and 30.6. &c. and 49.8. &c. fo their poferity had names of good notation and ufe; though the fpeciall occafions are not noted. As Eliz er figni- fieth s The Raek(Chri(t) is my God: and his father Shodeur,.The light of the Almigbtie. 6 Ver.6. Of Simeon] Gr.Ofthef of Simeon; that is, of his Ions: and fo the reifwhich follow. She - lumiel] in Greeke, Salamiel fon of Sourifadai. By in- terpretation, Shebemiel fignifieth, God is my re- compenfe; and Z urifhaddai, The Almigbtie is my Rack. 7 Ver.7. Muffin] fo the Greeks ttriteth him,here and in Mat. 1.4. in Hebrew Nachfhon : by inter- pretation, Experiment ; and Amninadab, My peo- ple is noble. 8 Verl.S, Nethaneel] i.e.ThegiftofGod: in Greek, 'Natbanael; and fo the name is written in Joh. 1. 46, 47. 9 Verf 9. Zabulon] Hebrew, Zebulun. Eliab] byinterpretation, My God is the Father. Helonj or Chelon; inGreeke, Cha/ha : hee bath his name of flrengtb. Io Verf. to. Ammibud] Hebr. Gnammihoed, written in Gr. Semiaud; and fo in Nunt.7.48. the Hebrew letter Gnajin,being founded like S.after the Chat - dee manner: as Begnor, Numb. 22. 5. is Bop. in 2 Pet.2. 15. Ammtbud fignifieth, My people halt the Glorie, and Eltfhama t My God bath heard. Gamaliel] fo the Greeke pronounceth him, here, and in A&.. 5. 34. in Hebrew, Gambol; that is, God is my reward. Pedahzur] in Greeke Phadafour; by interpretation, The Rocke (Chrilt) red emeth. Verf,' x. Abidn] that is, My Father is the ledge. Gtdetni] in Greeke Gadasati,T he cutter dowse, a warlike name. 12 VerC 12. Ahiezer] or, Achiezer, The Brothers helpe. Ammifhaddai] in Greeke, Amifadai ; The people of the A/mightie. 3 Verf. 13 Pagiel] in GreektPhagaiel: by inter- pretation, God bath met me. The fame word is ap- plied to Chrifs intercetfion, in Efa. 53.12. 14 Verf. 14. Eljafapb] that is , God hath added: it bath afhnitie with Iofephs name. Deguel ] in Greeke, Dagouel; afterward he is named Reguel, Num. 2. /4: Deguelfignifieth, Know God., as Re- peel, The friendof God. 15 Verf. 15. Naphtali] in Greeke.Nephtbaleim; and fo his name is written in Màt.4.15. Hère the or- der of the Tribes, as the Princeswere chofen out of them, may be viewed' thus : 2. Simeon 2. Sn 3. Judah Sonnes of Leah. 4. Iffachar ; 5. Zabulon 6. Ephraim 7. Manages >. Of Rachel. 8. Benjamin 9. Dan, The x. fon of Billa,Rachels maid. 1 o. Afer, T he 2. fin of Zilpba Leabr maid. r 1. Gad, Tño' . Con of Zips. 12. Naphtali, T he 2. fon of Billa. Reuben is fish, for being Ifraels firft borne, Gen. 46.8. Then, Simeon, his next brother. Levi is o- ntitted: becaufe that Tribe was to be numbted by it fells, not with'the other,Num r .47.49. yet of that Tribe was Mofees and Aaron, chiefs num- berers of the people , verfe 3. //dab, *char and Zabulon, were Leahs next fonnes in order, recko- ned here, as in Exod. r .2,3. and in their precious bones, Exod. 28. Iofiph Rachels firft borne, hsth the firft birth - right, that is, a double portion, fo of him are two Tribes, s Chr.5.I,2.Gen.48.5,6, Ephraim the yonger fonne of Iafepb, i, fct before his elder brother Manaf e , according to Ia- kobs difpoftion, in Genet. 48. 19, 20. andGod made him ftandard- bearer, Num.2.18. and tholes with B.njamin the freewomans children, are fet before all the handmaids funs, as being the molt noble. Dan is the firft of all the bondwomeus feed, both in birth, Gen. 30.6. and in the high Priefs Ephod, Ex.28. and is one of the ftandard- bearers , Numb. 2.25. Afeer, the fecond fonneof Zi/pha, is (contrary to the ufuall order in Exo.1. & 28.) named next to Dan, Bilhabs fonne ; for he was next to his ftandard in pitching about the Tabernacle , Num. 2. A, 27. Gad, as hee was the firft born of Leabs handmaid, fo was he preferred to the higher place , being now joy nod unto the ftandard of Reuben, Numb.2. to -54. St) Naphtali remaineth for the tart- place, as he was the lab of the Tribes that camped about the Tabernacle, Numb. 2.29. Thus Gods wifdomeappeareth in . naming the Tribes, according to the prefent oc- occafion of their ineployments : that all things might be ordered in peace; for hee is not the au- thor ofconfiefron, but of peace ; a in all Churches of the Saints, Cor. 14.33. Verf. 16. the called] or, the renowmed; that is, bates men ; Inch as weremen of renowne forage and wifdom, and called to confult about natters of bate : fee Numb.' 6.2. Sol. ¡ arcbi (on Numb.7. 2.) faith , T hefe were the officers Ozer them in Egypt which bad beone beatenfor them, Exod. 5.14. Princes] or Rulers. Nafi,a Prince,Captalne or Ru- ler, julo nansed of lifting up, or eafing the bur- dens of the peopleby their government,as Num. I t. 17. Exod. 18. 22. or of being lifted up, s nd preferred above the people. beads] or Captaincy of thoufands, in Greeke, Chi/iambs. of the tboufandr] that is, of the bands or companies, which confifed every one of a thoufand men: for fo the Tribes were divided into thoufands,hun- dreds, fifties, and tens, with captaines overthent, Etto ;'8.21,25: Whereupon futha company and their generation, is called a rhoufand,as in Judg.6. 15. My thoufand is poore in Manaf,el, , where the Chaldee tranfateth ir, my family. So Betb/eem a towns, is called one of the tbotefande ofle dab, Mic. 5.2.