LUMBERS 1. ' 5.2. where the Greeke (which the holy Chap el- dard- bearer in thé foremoftquarter as they cam- , 7 loweth in Mat. 2.6.) tranflateth , s,!u Rulers , or ped about the Tabernacle , Num. 2.3. His ltan- Govertours. .. dard (Lion -like, Gen.49.9.) marched in the firft 18 Vert 18. the fond month] called Ziv, with us p1ace,s they joiriicyedtowards the land ofpro- ApriLi, as is noted on veri t. So this alfcmbling, mife,Num. t o.13,14. He had halfe the firft was at the new Moone, (which lip ified a renew- right, that of bins the chicle ruler lhould cone, ing or change of the peoples ftate and order) and and our Lord Chrilt hitnfèlfe concerning the on the fame day that God fpake unto Mofes out flefh, 1 Chron.5.2. Heb.7.14. Here he path van- of theTabernacle, verf.l. they declared their Ge- ant men of war, nape than double the number of nealogiet] of what Tribe and family every man Benjamin or Manaf ees; alntolt twelve ehouCand came : or tbey weregenealogized, that is, were mu- moe than the greateft Tribe. ftered by Mofee and the Princes, according to Dan the handmaids km bath the next number their Genealogic and pedigree. So the Greeke to the moti, for Rachel: fake; for Iakabs bleifiugi tranflateth , they were vijited or im,fe'ed. their Gen.49.I6. and for his place in the canape, to be pollen] in Greeke, their heads, as in yerC2. So after ftandard- bearer to the rere -ward ; which was the in verf. 20, 22 &c. greateft quarter next Iudal's, Nnnu3. 9,31. & 1 o. 19 Verf. t9. of Sinai] where the Lawes,Judgements 25. that the foremoft ltandard , and tile llindmolt and Statutes were given to Ifrael; there alto was might have the greateft number of Ward zrs.And their order Cet for encamping about Gods San- whereas at the firft, Dan had but one ion, Gen.46. & carie, and marching with it towards Canaan. 23. (and fo one family, Num. 26.42 ) when Bur Ani this aIlo is to diftinguilh it from the Cecond jamin had ten, Gen. 46.2 t. now God tí) difpofèd muttering which was in the plaines of Moab, that Dan (hould be one of greateft in number, when all this generation was dead Numbers and Benjamin one of the le li.Fot,GedistheI'rdae: 26. 3, 63, 64. be patteth donnre ore and fttetb up another, PCI. 75.7. 20 VerC 2o. by their generations] in Greeke, aces:- The barren bath borne feven ; and fbe that had many ding to their kindred,. : fo after in verf. 22, 24. &c. children is waxedfeeble, 1 Sam. 2.5. that went fifth] or , that goeth firth with Simeon the fecond Patriarch is the third in the boll ; that is, was able to got forth to warm. number of Warriers,at this time,but before they So after. came into Canaan , hisTribe was diminilhed, tor 24. Verf,24. Gad] he is Cet in Ilse third place , (in their fin, exceedingly :,but being now 59300. it Levites roomth, who was numbred apart, e.47.) was at the latter mufter, but 22200. men,Numb. becauCe Gad was joyned with Reuben and Simeon, 26. 14. fo that/7dofes biding the Tribes, mencio. on the South quarter df t he holt, Numb. 2. 10, neth not his name at all , Dent. 33. -14. All the other Tribes are multred in the or- Reuben, Ifraels firft borne, as he loft his dignitie der before Ca downe , verf. 5, -15. for defiling his fathers bed, Gen.49. 3ì4. fo here, 25 Ver.25: and fftie].Gad the handmaids fonne,is his increaCe is none of the greatck, but fix of his the only of all theTribes, whofe number endeth brethren have moe than he. with fifty: all the other arc by thoufands, and end Ephraim, as he was blefed before his elder bro- with hundreds ; which (hewed Gods admirable diet Mana f s, Gen. 48.2o. fo here he is increafed providence and blelhng in multiplying them all- by thoufands more than Manafs,and more than ter filch a fort , that no odde or, broken number the whole Tribe ofBenjamimand his bleling con- was among all the Tribes; (as when Moles blefTed tinueth above his brother,Deut.33.17. yet Satan. Iafeph, he mentioned the ten thoufands of Ephraim, to hinder this had flaine by the Phililtimes of and the thalami,. of Manaffes, Deuteron. 33. 1 7.) Garb, the Cons of Ephraim, whiles they dwelt in whereas in other numbrings, we (hall finde few Egypt, for which their father Ephraim mourned but broken numbers as in the firft borne of pact, many daies,s Chro.7.2o,21,22. Ands they tra- Num.3.43. and in thole that returned out of Ba- velled in the wilderneffe,hispofteritie was bylon, Ezra 2.1, 42. Nehem. 7.6, - -45. Here we niched eight thoufand, Num.26.37. may behold the number of every Tribe,begining Benjamin; as bee was the yongefi of all the Pa- at the greate(l,and foin order to the leap, thus; triarchs, fo here his number is one of the leant; t. Judah 74600, (though at the firft, his children were moe than 2. Dan 62700. any of his brethren, Gen.46.2s.) Afterwards in 3. Simeon 5930o. Canaan, his Tribe was almoit rooted out, )ug. 4. Zabulon 57400. 2o.that he hath not without caisle this attribute, 5. Ilfachar 54400. Benjamin the little,Pfal.68.18. 6. Naphtali 53400. Manals hath the laft place in this count, that 7. Reuben 46500. Ial(nbr prophefie might have effe&, hisyonger brother 8. Gad 45650. (Ephraim) fhall be greater than be, Gen.48.19, But 9. ACer 4t 5oo. '.ìod blelfed this Tribe in their travel( thorow to. Ephraim 40500. the wildernefs; that at the next mutter they were 11. Benjamin 354Ó0. increafed above twentie thoufand moe than at 12. Manalfes 32200 this time; whereas Ephraim Isis brother was no blab hath the greateft number, for he was to be increafed at all, but dictinilhed , Numb. 26.34; celebrated of his brethren,Geu.49.8,he was flan- 37. Thus the blelftngs of God were ditiribu- ted