32 NUMBER S I L The Tribes ordered. ted among theTribes, for their number, and for their order, according as in wifdome hee faw meet. He increafeth the Nations, anddeflrnyeth them: bee ieilargeeb the Nations, and flraighteneth them, Job i z. 23. Verf 32. of kepi)] he, as his blelf ng was to be like a fruitful! vine, Gen, 49.22. fo ofhim by his two fonnes, here aremoe warriers than any tribe had, Paving Iudah. And his two tonnes, Ephraim and Manalih,are not families but tribes,as ifthey had been Iakobs owne, according to his adoption of them,Gen.48,5.Thus le faph bath a double por- tion, the firil birthright, 1 Chron.5. 1,2. 42 Verf:42. The fonmes ofNapbtali] Of all the other it is faid, Of thefonnes, and fo the Greeke tranfla- teth this heré. Some of the Hebrewes (as Baal batt:rim upon this place) give a reafon, which appeareth not in Aloft,. thatOf Naphtali trey bee fáith T HE S O N N ES, besauf Naphtalies Tribe had moe daughters than tonnes : and therefore in Naph- talies bluing, (Gen. 49. 21.) be It re fimbled to a fe- male, ato Hinde let loop :Therefore alfà in Numb.z 6, it is written of them all THE SO NN E S : betaue the men were dead, (Nam. 26. 4,65.) but the women multiplied. 44 Verf44. each one war] Heb r. one man, fr the bonfe efbirfathers , were they; which the Greeke expiai neth thus, one man for one Tribe, according to the Tribe of-their fathers houfes were th0. 46 Ver. 46. fixe hundred thoufand,&c.] a marvellous increafe of feventy Conies which came into Ecypt, Gen. 46.27. that fo many thoufands of able men (betides women and children) fhould in fo few yeeres be multiplied , even as the flarres f heaven, Deu.i o.z2.and this was the reward offaith,Heb. 11.11,, 2.Baalam looking uporì them with admi- ration, laid, Who can count the dull ofJakob, and the number ofthe fourth part ofIli;ael ? Nun,.2310. And filch is the increafe cfthe fpirituall feed ofChrift promifed to be that the Church (hall fay in her limps which hereof have their Th e i- monie]' that is, the Tables of the Law, kept in an Arks, within the Tabernacle, Exod. 31. )8. th y (hall Beare] according as God appointed their burdens,Nun1.4.25,31,36.and to help them for fonte things, fix wagons were allowed them, Num. 7.7, 8,9. round about the Tabernacle] and next unto the Tabernacle, betwixt the camps of Ifrael and it : whereof fee chap. z. and 3. Verf.5 i. fetteth forward] being carried after the cloud,when God removed it from place to place, Num. Io. / 1 , - 1 7 - 2 I . the flranger] any If raelite or other, that is not of the Tribe of Levi. So for the worke of the Prieffhood, both Ifrae- lites and Levites art counted firangers, fave the feed of Aaron only, Num. 16.40. put to death] either by men, or by the hand of God, as was Vzzah,for putting his hand to the Arke,s Chro- nicles 13. 1 o. So in T hargim Ienathan it is ex- pounded, he fhall be'kl/ed with fire flamingout from be fire the Lord. Verf. 52. by his owne campe] the Greeke tranfla- teth, zs hi, owne order ; which is defcribed in ch. 2. by his envre flandard] in Greeke , according to hie owne Regiment: fee Num. 2. 2. Verf. 53. no fervent wrath] nopunilbment from God, as was in Vzzahs cafe, a Chro. 13. the charge] or, the eufiodie; the watch and ward , and doe the workes appointed of God : fee Num.3.7, 8. &c. and 18. 3. This debarring of thepeople from thework of the Sanituary,and committing it to the Levites charge, (hewed the feparation of all mankinde from God; and their uuworthi- nelfe to conic here unto him or his holy things, untill they be called and failftified of God there- unto. Which being not effeeced by the Law, or rudiments thereof, (for the Mount where the Law was given, might not be touched, Heb. 12. 18.) is now performed unto us by Chrill, who bath wafhedus from our fins, in his owne blood, and hub heart, Who barb begotten me theft ? Eta. 49.21. For made us Kings and Priefls unto God , and hit Father, by twelve Apoffles,and feventie Difciples,Chri(ìs Rev.1. 5,6. fo that we have libertie to enter into the kingdonie began to be preached: and that ins- Holieff ,4y the blood oflefue,Heb.lo.19. mortali feed of the Word, foone begat many ten tborsfndsoflews ,A`ct.zt.zo. and many moe ofclle 441AllI tl,fltt l ki Gentiles, even innumerable, Rev. 7.9. And here allo we may obfervé, that whereas the yeere be- fore,when all theTribes were firlf nunibred from zo. yeeres old and upward, their famine was 603550. men, Exod.3o.14. & 38.26. nowin the feéond`ycere when they are agaiue numbred,and t1AiTribe of Levi not reckoned with them, there are found the fame jpfl number of 603550, fo there were fo many yongmen of nineteen yeeres old, as now fupplieel thewant of the Levites, put apart for the Lords fervice : that Ii-ael might fee they (hotdd lofe nothing by whatloever was im- ployed in the fcrvice of God. 4 9 Verf.49. Onely] or, But the Tribe; it is an excep- tion, which the Greeke tranflateth thus ; See, the Tribe ofLevi thou fhalt ?Mt mullet : to wit , among the other llraelites, but apart by tbemfelves, Nuns. 3. 15. &c. 50, Verf. 50. appoint] oreonflitute, give charge asBi- CHAP. II. 1, The order of the Triles pitching about the Ta- bernacle. 3, On the Eatí fide, Iudah, Macho and Zabulon. so, On the South fide, Reuben, Simms and Gad. 17, The Tabernacle in the middeft of the campé. 18, On the Well fide , Ephraim , Manes, asid Benjamin. 25, On the North fide, Dan, Alen and Naphtali. , N D Jehovah fpajce unto Mofes and unto Aaron, faying ; The Eons of If- rael (hall encampe, every man by his (tandard, with the enfgnes,accerding to the houle of their fathers : over ágainft,tound a- bout the Tent of the congregation,lhal they encampe. And they that encampe o m f 51 52 53 t a 3