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NUMBt RS 11. I1 which lob defcrio.dt by theêe names,in Job 23.8, 9. So R.SoL I webi noteth on thi ; place, ji..ermit or lefre, iif the Safi q. farter, and the Nrejl it called be- binde. the captame] or, the Prince, Ruler; as in Nuns. t, 16. lò after in this chapter. bath) the father of our Lord Chrift after the flefh, Luke 3. he,as he was molt in number of all the Tribes, Nuns.1.27. fo as a Linn whom none durit rois up, Gen. 49.8,9. he is the chiefeltandard- bearer and chiefecaptaine of all the captaines of Ifrael; cam- ping in the firft place; as did Myer and Aaron the chiefeft of the Levites, in the tame quarter be- tween Iudab and the Sanftuary,Num.3.38. Alf," when they marched , Indu& went torensolt, Nuits. 10. r 4.And after Iofuabs death,Iudah went firlt up to fightagainft the Canaanites,Judg.1.1,2. Ha fi- gured Chrilt the Lion of the T rzbe of ludah,who alto isMicbael,that with kit ,luge!, flghteth againit the Dragon, and goeth before his heavenly armies; B.ev.5.5. & 12.7. & 19.11,14. ,Verf. 5. *char] and with him Zabulon , verf.7. both yougcr brothers to 7ssdah, that they might the more willingly be under his regiment : all of them fonnes of Leah the free woman, placed in this firft quarter. 7 Verf.7. The Tribe ofZabulon] underhand from v..5. (hall encamp next : fo the Greeke explaineth it. And they that eneampe next &c. Soin ver(. 14, 22 29. 9 Verf. 9. an hundred thoufand, &c.] the greateft number of Warriers, by many, were in this firft quarter,where Iudabwas flandard-bearer; almoft thirty thonfand moe than in any other quarter. The next in number to him, w:4 the !alt fqua- dron, where Dan beare the ftandaid: Co they that went foremoft,and came hindmoft, had the grea- telt armies,for the more fafetie of the Sanftuarie (which marched in the middeft)and of all Ifrael. The number ofevery one, may be viewed thus : 1. In the campe of ludab, 186400. Eaft. 2. In the campe of Reuben 15145o. South. 3. In the campe of Ephraim, s 0810o. Weft. 4. In the campe of Dan, 157600. North. fit forward ftrf/] or, march and journey firft, when the hotu removeth,Num. s c.14. as they en- camped in the fird place ,Eafiward, before the doore of Gods Tabernacle. o V.1 o. Southward] the order proceedeth from Eaft to South, and fo to the Weft and North; ac- cording to the courfe of the San, and climates of the world. And this fecond place is given to Reu- ben, becaufe he was the firft borne, thotivh he loft his finlibirth- right, Gen,49. which kid; and Io- feph had !&tired between them i and he is put dowue to the fecond place. Ver.t z. Simeon] next brother to Reuben, and of the fame mother : with whom is joyned Gadthe firft -borne of that mothers staid Zilpha , (v. t 4.) both for to keepe them the more eafily in fubje- ftion, and to oonri(h brotherly. love. Verf.I 4. Reguel] in Greek Raguel : he was be- fore called Deguel, Num. I. 14. becaufe thefe He- brew letters are like another,and often chan- ged; as is noted en Gen.4.s8. Verf. 16. fecond] in the fecond place: fee Num. so. 18. Verf. 17. Tent of the congregation] its Greeke, the Tens of the Teflimonie; the Sanetuarie of God : which was to let forward in the midfl of the camper, both to (hew Gods pretence among them;and the honour again that they fhould doe unto hinrAs it is written of the Church,Godir in the midit of bee, thefhall not be moved, Pfal. 64.5. See alto Song 3.7, 8. The manner and order of carying the Taber- nacle, is (hewed in Num. s o. 17. &c. the campe] the order of the Levites camping, is Ihewed in Nuns.3. their marching in Num. so. Verf. 18. Ephraim] hçe the yonger brothér , is ftaniard- bearer before his elder, Mauas : as la- /Zb prophelied his fuperioritie, Gen.4 . 1 4,-20. feea -ward] that is, as the Chaldee expounds it, Wefiward: fee the notes on Gen. 12.8. Vert 20. Manafs] and next him Benjamin, ver. 22. fo all Rachel, formes encamped together, on. the Weit quarter of theSan&uarie. Verf. 24. an hundred thoufand, &c.] this was the fmallelt number of all the armies;almolt80.thou- fand.fewer than in the Itandard of ludab, ver. 9. Verf. 25. Dan] Hee was the firft borne of the handmaids children,and Ialtobr fife fon,Gen.3o.6. and by prophetic he was to judge hit people as the o- ther Tribes,Gen.49.16. fo God here appointeth him the Itandard ; and he bath the greateft num- ber of Warriers, faving Iudah. V. 27. Ater]the yongeft fon of the other hand- maid Zilpha; yet let next unto Dan, as is noted on Num. 1.15. with whom Napbtali Dan, brother is joyned, ver.29. fo the threehandmaidschildren, were in the Northerne and hindmolt quarter: that inGods ordering of the Tribes,his wifdom might appeare. Wee may behold the order of the Lords armies, as they encamped, thy*: E.IIIDAIiy 12 14 i6 17 18 20 24 25 27