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\IL NUMBERS 11. 1: Lu D A H Iftachar and Zabulon : in whofe Camps were 1.864.00 Warriours. Mofes, Aaron, and the Pries. 4. b A N, Afer, and Naphtali : in whofe Camps were 157600 Warriours. Js(orth. Levites of Merari. The Court ofG o, D s Levines o San¿tuar. Kohath. Levites of Gerfhón. 2. REUBEN, Si- meon and Gad : in whole Camps were 151450 Warriours., South. . E P H R A I M, Manafles , and Benjamin : Camps were 10810o Warriours. in whole The San &varie and the Court -yard about it, were in a long fquare, twice fo long as they were broad; as their defcription in Ex.26.&27. (hew - eth. But in what forme the campe of Ifael was, the Scripture expreffeth not, fave that it was round about theTabernacle Num.2.z. It is like- ly therefore to be in a fquare; and fo many thou- fand tents as Ifraelhad, could not be pitched in a little robmth. Iofephue (in Antiq. lud.l.3. e i I.) faith, that between every Tribe, in the foute quarters,there was a diftant fpace,and like a mart or faire, to buy and fell in their boothes, with Artificers in their [hops, as if it had been a Citie. lonatbai in his Thargum on Nuns. z. 3. faith, The campe of Ifrael was twelve miles long, and twelve miles broad. Unto tisis torme of the Church in the wil- derneffe, the Scriptures after have reference,both in the name , calling the beloved Citie, the campe cf the S,rints, Rev. 20.9. (as in 2 Chron.31. 2. the Temple isealled aire Camps of the LORD:) alto for the manner of htuation, the heavenly Jernfalem is f m fquare, the length as large at the bredih, Revel. 21. 16. which forme was likewife [hewed in v ilion to Ezcltiel, Ezek. 48.20. and is the molt firme and fetled,againit all troubles.And as here, Gods Sanetuarie is walled about with the twelve Tribes of ¡frac!: fo the new Jerufalem hath a wall with twelve gates , and names written thereon,of the twelve Tribes of the formes ofIfrael : and the wall bath twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve Apoilles of the Lambe, Rev. 21. 12,14. As here there were three Tribes on every quarter; fo Jerufalem hath three gates on the Raft , three era the North, three on the South, and three on theWefi, Rev. 21.13. Ezek48.3 t, 34. As thefe twelve Tribes, (the walls of Gods Tabernacle)badtheir fathers naines graven on twelve fimdry precious Bones, Exod. 28. fo the felendations of the wall of the hea- venly citie, is of the like bones, Rev. 21.19, 20. As here betweene the San&uarie and the Tribes of Ifrael, were forme companies of Levites, to watch and ward the holy place : fo betweene hods Throne, and the foure and twenty Elders compaffing it , there are foure Living creatures full of eyes, glorifying God night and day; after whom, the twentie Loure Elders fall downe and worlhip God, Revel. 4.6,:Io. Finally, as into this campe of the Lord in thewilderneffe, no un cleave pèrfons night enter, but were (hut out, Nuns.). 2, 3,4. fo into the new Jerufalem, there may in no wife enter any thing that a4 filetb , é, r. Rev. 21.27. And the earthly Jernfalem (called the